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finnc finnc
Posts: 362
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6 years ago
A warehouse showed a stock balance of 644 units of HT-125 headphones on January 1. The warehouse shipped these amounts during the month: 125 units on January 13, 98 units on January 20, and 240 units on January 22. They received a shipment of 450 units on January 15. What was the stock record balance of headphones on January 31?

Q. 2

A sporting goods distributor received 24 basketballs  14.25 on Tuesday, 11 basketballs  12.60 on Thursday and 34 basketballs  13.42 on Friday. The ending inventory on Saturday was 39 basketballs. Using the LIFO method, what was the value of the ending inventory?

Q. 3

A part-time employee worked 54 hours over the past two weeks earning 14.75 an hour. The employee's benefits included 7.65 FICA tax and 4.5 of his earnings as tuition reimbursement. What was the company's total cost of employing the worker the past two weeks?

Q. 4

A human resource department spent these amounts of time in hiring a technician: 0.7 hours reviewing the application, 1.8 hours checking references, 0.8 hours interviewing, and 2.2 hours approving the budget. These costs were charged at 220 an hour. Overhead costs of adding a new technician are 450. What was the total cost of hiring the technician?

Q. 5

A pottery distributor purchased 23 vases  32.15 on September 19, 54 vases  31.90 on September 22, and 30 vases  32.68 on September 28. Their ending inventory on September 30 was 45 vases. Using FIFO, what was the value of the ending inventory?
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6 years ago
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