Charles's family lives in a suburban neighborhood. He plays and socializes with kids of his age living in the neighborhood.
His parents often discourage him from playing with kids outside the neighborhood, who belong to a different socio-economic group. In this scenario, the kids Charles's plays with can be referred to as his ________.
A) peer group
B) family
C) outgroup
D) interest group
Ques. 2A negative outcome of male sexual scripts is the expectation that ________.
A) womenshould have more sexual freedom than men
B) the sexual urge of men is uncontrollable
C) men must engage in sex with one woman
D) men must be sexually passive
Ques. 3Critics of the attachment theory state that it ________.
A) focuses excessively on how social class differences between men and women's power influence attachment
B) ignores the aspect of mothers' bonding with their children
C) neglectsthe importance of events such as divorce and disease in shaping a child's well-being
D) does not conduct research in laboratory settings which are more reliable than natural settings
Ques. 4________ refer to singles that would like to marry and are actively seeking a mate. This group includes people who are widowed or divorced and single parents who would like to get married.
A) Involuntary established singles
B) Voluntary stable singles
C) Involuntary temporary singles
D) Voluntary temporary singles
Ques. 5What reason do American Indian tribal leaders give for the high alcoholism and suicide rates among theiryouth?
A) the gradual erosion of American Indian culture
B) the oppression imposed on the youth by native cultural practices
C) the remigration of youth back to rural areas
D) the poverty and poor access to services in the reservations
Ques. 6Joint custody (as opposed to single custody) arrangements appear to result in
A) fewer emotional and behavior problems in the children.
B) greater father compliance in financial child support obligations.
C) higher satisfaction among both parents and children with the arrangements.
D) all of the above happening.
Ques. 7Which of the following is an example of secondary data?
A) documenting interactions between couples
B) diaries
C) observing the behavior of children
D) group interviews