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knbst12 knbst12
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6 years ago
Which one of the following statements is consistent with the textbook's discussion of scoring criteria for formal assessments?
  A) When students know the teacher's criteria for scoring their performance, content validity is apt to be jeopardized.
  B) Students perform better when given only general guidance (e.g., Answer as completely as you can) about how to respond.
  C) Students should be informed regarding the scoring criteria a teacher will use.
  D) Telling students the scoring criteria ahead of time is likely to make them unnecessarily anxious about the assessment.

Ques. 2

We show Antoinette two identical glasses containing equal amounts of water. We pour the water from one glass into a wide, shallow bowl. Antoinette tells us that the other glass has more water than the bowl does. (You may recognize this as Piaget's conservation of liquid task.) We ask Antoinette to explain why she thinks the glass and bowl have different amounts of water so that we can identify possible strategies to help her develop conservation of liquid. By doing so, we are engaging in performance assessment of a ________ for purposes of ________ assessment.
  A) product; formative
  B) product; summative
  C) process; formative
  D) process; summative

Ques. 3

Which one of the following paper-pencil assessments is most likely to have a reliability problem when the teacher scores students' responses?
  A) Ms. Gibbons asks students to describe the first Thanksgiving in one or two pages.
  B) Mr. Hammond gives 50 true-false questions about the geography of Russia.
  C) Ms. Sonnenschein administers a 30-item multiple-choice test about invertebrates.
  D) Mr. Strauch gives a 15-word spelling test.

Ques. 4

One problem with informal assessments of student achievement is that they:
  A) Can be influenced by teachers' prior expectations.
  B) Can be used only by teachers with many years of teaching experience.
  C) Are useful only in evaluating verbal behaviors.
  D) Are useful only in evaluating nonverbal behaviors.

Ques. 5

Imagine you are a teacher. You don't want your students only to know information, you also want them to be able to analyze information and apply it to new situations. To ensure that a classroom assessment measures all of your instructional objectives, you probably should:
  A) Use only authentic assessment.
  B) Develop a table of specifications.
  C) Use subjective rather than objective assessment tasks as much as possible.
  D) Find a suitable standardized test for the subject area you're teaching.

Ques. 6

Ms. Edgerton wants to construct an assessment instrument that is a good reflection of what her students have learned from a recent unit on the history of their state. To do so, she might best begin by constructing a table of specifications that includes both:
  A) The kinds of questions she wants to ask and the scoring criteria she wants to apply.
  B) The topics students have studied and the things they should be able to do with each topic.
  C) The topics students have studied and the order in which they have studied them.
  D) The kinds of questions she wants to ask and the types of instructions she intends to give students about how to respond.

Ques. 7

Teachers need to be concerned that any assessment tool they use is actually assessing what it is supposed to assess. In other words, they need to be concerned about the ________ of their assessment practices.
  A) Reliability
  B) Practicality
  C) Standardization
  D) Validity

Ques. 8

Which one of the following teaching strategies is most consistent with the textbook's discussion of promoting self-regulation through classroom assessment practices?
  A) At the beginning of a cooperative group problem-solving activity, Mr. Hays tells the students in each group that they should submit one set of problem solutions that represents the consensus of all group members.
  B) Mr. Weller has his students exchange and grade one another's homework assignments.
  C) Mr. Rushing solicits students' ideas about criteria to use in evaluating the sculptures they will be creating in art class.
  D) Mr. Bickling gives his students the answer key for a multiple-choice quiz he has just given and asks them to score their own responses.
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knbst12 Author
6 years ago
You are really a genius. Thanks
6 years ago
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