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fairlykyle fairlykyle
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6 years ago
Mark often comes to school wearing sandals instead of sneakers on days he has physical education. He is getting angry with himself regarding his chronic forgetfulness about appropriate footwear. His teacher suggests that he treat himself to an hour of television only on days when he has remembered to wear sneakers. Mark's teacher is suggesting that Mark use:
  a. Self-monitoring
  b. Self-reinforcement
  c. Vicarious reinforcement
  d. Intermittent reinforcement

Ques. 2

Maria is what social cognitive theorists would describe as a self-regulating individual when it comes to her moral behavior. Given this information, which one of the following descriptions best describes Maria's moral behavior?
  a. She works for social incentives; for example, she contributes to charity if she thinks that other people will like her better for doing so.
  b. She behaves in morally appropriate ways only when she thinks other people are watching her.
  c. She has an internal set of standards regarding right and wrong, but those standards seldom influence the way she actually behaves.
  d. She has an internal set of standards regarding right and wrong behavior, and she feels guilty when she violates those standards.

Ques. 3

Three of the following are examples of self-regulation as social cognitive theorists describe it. Which one is not a good example of self-regulation?
  a. A student reminds herself in a whisper that she should raise her hand before speaking in class.
  b. A student thinks, I paid better attention in class today. I'm going to reward myself by watching television when I get home from school.
  c. A student keeps track of the number of times he's gone to the pencil sharpener in a single day.
  d. A student tries hard to earn the reinforcer his teacher has told him he will get for good behavior.

Ques. 4

Which one of the following teaching strategies is most likely to promote resilient self-efficacy?
  a. Ms. Angelotti has her students pronounce Comment allez vous? over and over until they can do so correctly.
  b. Mr. Benavidez makes sure that failure never occurs in his classroom; he limits his students' assignments to tasks he knows they can do easily and effortlessly.
  c. Mr. Coffin has students in a woodworking class use only hand tools while building a bookshelf.
  d. Ms. Davis assigns a variety of challenging math problems, knowing that her students will successfully solve most, but probably not all, of them.

Ques. 5

These four teachers claim to be practicing principles from cognitive psychology. Based on the following information, which one is not?
  a. Ms. Anthony, a high school biology teacher, draws a hierarchy on the board showing how mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians are all vertebrates, and how vertebrates and invertebrates are both animals.
  b. Mr. Bottenberg, a fourth grade teacher, suggests that his students try to learn their spelling words by thinking about similarly spelled words that they already know.
  c. Mr. Conrad, a junior high school soccer coach, asks his players to practice passing the ball to one another as they run down the field, then openly praises those players who are passing skillfully.
  d. Ms. Danforth, a third grade teacher, introduces her class to the topic of multiplication by showing them how it relates to addition.

Ques. 6

When memory theorists talk about control processes, they are talking about:
  a. Observable behaviors (e.g., walking to a new location) that affect what information in the environment is encountered
  b. How the environment structures people's opportunities to learn new things
  c. The methods that teachers use to facilitate a learner's memory for information
  d. Cognitive processes that affect storage and retrieval of information

Ques. 7

During a lecture on World War II, Mr. Cochran tells his class about some of the major leaders of the countries involved in the war. He then asks Kathy to identify the leader of Great Britain during World War II, and she correctly responds, Winston Churchill. At the time she answers the question, Kathy is exhibiting:
  a. storage
  b. retrieval
  c. elaboration
  d. proactive facilitation

Ques. 8

Learning theorists often emphasize the importance of attention in the learning process? From the perspective of the dual-store model of memory, why is attention so important?
  a. It gets information into the sensory register.
  b. It moves information from working memory into long-term memory.
  c. It moves information from the sensory register into long-term memory.
  d. It moves information from the sensory register into working memory.

Ques. 9

When psychologists refer to a dual-store model of memory, they are referring to a model in which:
  a. A distinction is made between working and long-term memory
  b. Functions rather than structures of memory are emphasized
  c. Information must be processed more than once before it will be stored
  d. A distinction is made between two different levels of processing
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