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galekias galekias
Posts: 320
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6 years ago
Nicholas' parents were shocked when his teacher, Mr. Sims, called to tell them that Nicholas had been bragging that he invited all of the boys in class to his birthday party, with the exception of Terry. Nicholas' parents shared Mr. Sims' concern and perceived that Nicholas was developing a pattern of behavior that demonstrated:
  a. heteronomous reasoning.
  b. relational aggression.
  c. moral reasoning.
  d. instrumental aggression.

Ques. 2

When she was younger, Celia didn't care if her brother took one of the cookies out of her bowl. Now she is old enough to recognize that it is unfair for him to eat his share and take some of hers. At what age can children begin to understand the concept of fairness (and evidence of the development of conscience)?
  a. six
  b. two
  c. five
  d. three

Ques. 3

Christina's mother repeatedly reminds her to keep her elbows off the table while eating. What is Christina's mother using to teach her daughter proper etiquette?
  a. social conventions
  b. theory of mind
  c. moral imperatives
  d. inductive discipline

Ques. 4

Which of the following responses uses principles of the positive behavior support strategy?
  a. Return the truck to Gorge. Say, I would like to take a turn. Then play with the other trucks until it's your turn.
  b. You cannot take Gorge's truck from him. Follow the rules and you will be allowed to play with Gorge and his new truck.
  c. You did wrong to take the truck away from Gorge when he was playing. Put down the truck. Sit in your seat and wait five minutes.
  d. Don't take the truck away from Gorge. He is smaller than you. Sit and wait for Gorge to put it down.

Ques. 5

Researchers have found that children from a poverty stricken area of India:
  a. showed less capacity for play compared to their wealthy friends.
  b. showed more aggressive play because they had to fight for limited toys.
  c. showed lower levels of spatial reasoning because they were less involved in imaginative play compared to children from wealthier societies.
  d. often relied more on imaginative play because they lacked toys and materials designed for play.

Ques. 6

If your child claims he or she was bullied by a peer, what should you do?
  a. Ignore the claim unless you see the bullying behavior yourself.
  b. Avoid overreacting. Young children often engage in relational aggression.
  c. Act upon the child's perception and take it seriously. Discuss your concerns with other adults.
  d. Teach your child how to react to bullying and stop it with aggression.

Ques. 7

When his mother fell down and bruised her knee, her son brought her an apple. Apples are the boy's favorite fruit and he wanted to make his mother feel better. The boy's action demonstrates both __________ and ______________.
  a. sympathy; moral imperatives
  b. inductive reasoning; temperament
  c. perspective-taking; social conventions
  d. empathy; egocentricism

Ques. 8

Which statements show evidence that a child is developing a theory of mind?
  a. I'm mad at you, Chelsea. Give me my doll.
  b. Chelsea is not nice. She cut my doll's dress  on purpose.
  c. Chelsea is my friend. We play together.
  d. Chelsea has brown hair. She looks like me.

Ques. 9

The day after dressing up for Halloween, Lawrence announces he can't wait for the next Halloween. His older sister tells him that the next Halloween is a year away. He seems confused and thinks that next year is relatively soon. He believes he needs to find his costume now because next year is coming up very soon. At what age is Lawrence most likely to understand lengths of time (such as a year) and first differentiate events close in time and events further in time?
  a. 4 years of age
  b. 8 years of age
  c. 6 years of age
  d. 10 years of age
Child and Adolescent Development

Child and Adolescent Development

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6 years ago
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galekias Author
6 years ago
Makes tons more sense now! Vote with confidence people, these are all correct
6 years ago
Slight Smile Feeling super proud now
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