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madisonraynor_ madisonraynor_
Posts: 507
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6 years ago
Which major treaty created an artificial entity first called Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes?
  a. the Monroe treaty
  b. the treaty of Versailles
  c. the treaty of European reconstruction
  d. the Marshall plan
  e. the Dawes treaty

 Q. 2

Victor Yushchenko, candidate for president of Ukraine, was poisoned with dioxin.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

 Q. 3

What were the various obstacles for the establishment of a limited and effective government in Mexico?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 4

How has the Mexican civil society changed after the decline of PRI regime?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 5

An ethnic group is held together by
  a. a strong economy.
  b. efficient institutions.
  c. a we-feeling based on a shared, or mere perceptions of a shared, history.
  d. a shared belief in world unity.
  e. mere perceptions that all humankind is equal.

 Q. 6

Write a note on the mestizaje project taken up by the PRI government.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 7

How did the post revolutionary governments solve the problem of Presidential succession after the Mexican revolution?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1

b. the treaty of Versailles

Ans. to #2


Ans. to #3

Decades of PRI rule had left Mexican institutions ill adapted to the task of providing both limited and effective government.
 The existence of divided government where no single party had a majority to exercise control over the executive and legislative branches of government, which brought pluralism to politics but also legislative deadlock that prevented the adoption of necessary economic and social reforms.
 The judicial system was slow and inefficient and threatened by endemic corruption.
 Federalism was incapable of facilitating cooperation across levels of government on issues such as, revenue sharing and corruption, as several different parties held power at the state level.
 The electoral system which needed additional reforms to eliminate electoral corruption.

Ans. to #4

During the PRI regime, the representation of societal interests was largely
accomplished through the party's corporatist organization.
This meant that few important interest groups existed independently of the state. In the
last two decades, this situation has changed radically. The most obvious change has
come at the level of political parties, where competition has increased between the PRI,
PAN, and PRD. These three parties hotly contest elections, from the presidency on down
to the local level.
Increased competition and pluralism has also helped the development of Mexico's civil
society, allowing new social movements and interest groups to form. New workers'
unions, independent of the state, now compete with older PRIrun unions for
membership and influence. Business has also had to find new political allies and search
for new members. Even migrants, who traditionally had no representation, have started
to organize more formally to make their voice heard.
Finally, a variety of nongovernmental organizations have sprung up around issues that
include everything from the environment to gay marriage to taxes. In short, new groups
have challenged existing political practices, pushing the state to adopt more democratic

Ans. to #5

c. a we-feeling based on a shared, or mere perceptions of a shared, history.

Ans. to #6

After the Mexican revolution, the PRI government faced revolt from the indigenous population to improve their living conditions. In order to neutralize this potential threat and build the regime's legitimacy, PRI leaders built a national discourse around the idea that every Mexican shared an ethnic identity. This project, called mestizaje, promoted the integration of Mexico's Indians into national life and suggested that all Mexicans belonged to a single racea mestizo racerooted in the mixture of Mexico's Aztec past with more recent Spanish and European blood. In promoting this idea, PRI leaders aimed to unify the country and reduce the importance of ethnicity as a factor that separated Mexicans from each other. In the process, it was hoped that the Indians, who at the time were around 15 percent of the population, would be lifted out of poverty and integrated into the economy. The government also established institutions such as the Department of Indigenous Affairs and the National Indigenous Institute to support the cultural and economic integration of the Indians to the mestizo mainstream.

Ans. to #7

A series of institutional reforms were passed between 1929 and 1940 to consolidate power in the hands of the party and to reduce the likelihood of individuals gaining power through violence, by creating a system of rotation of political positions that sought to defuse elite conflict by assuring members of the government party that if they remained loyal they would get a chance to participate in governing. The president appointed party members to the bureaucracy and nominated the party's candidates for other government offices, such as governors, senators, and members of the lower house of the legislature. The key to the system was the nore-election clause: re-election to every political office was prohibited, which meant that politicians had every incentive to be loyal to the president, who could be very helpful in getting them a job beyond their term in office. Although the presidents could not run for re-election, they gained the ability to handpick their successor. This practice also engineered loyalty to the president among members of the cabinet and other important politicians who thought they might be chosen to succeed the president.
6 years ago
Thanks a whole bunch, all were right.
6 years ago
Thanks for confirming...
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