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petrajanejob petrajanejob
Posts: 473
Rep: 2 0
6 years ago
A closed-loop system ___________
  a. Has a feedback sensor that tells the control system how close it is getting to the setpoint.
  b. Does not have a feedback sensor that tells the control system how close it is getting to the setpoint.
  c. Changes its output based on a table rather than on a feedback sensor.

 Q. 2

Identify the tests to troubleshoot problems with solar photovoltaic panels.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 3

An Inverter ___________
  a. Changes AC voltage to DC voltage.
  b. Changes DC voltage to DC voltage.
  c. Changes DC voltage to AC voltage.

 Q. 4

Explain the parts of a closed-loop control system.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 5

Explain the function of a combiner box and why it is used.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 6

Explain the steps involved in installing commercial solar photovoltaic ground panels.
  What will be an ideal response?
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
Ans. to #1


Ans. to #2

Types of tests that you use to troubleshoot a solar panel includes measuring the output voltage with the highest amount of sunlight being received, visually inspecting the surface of the solar panel for dirt or damage. Checking for broken wires or loose connections. Checking for the integrity of electrical switchgear, and performing a shading test.

Ans. to #3


Ans. to #4

Use the diagram in figure 11-40; parts of the closed loop system include the setpoint, some injunction, Eric, controller, it will fire, output, sensor, and feedback signal.

Ans. to #5

A combiner box provides an enclosure or electrical connections from all the solar energy panels can be completed. The combiner box is normally located very close to the solar panels. A combiner box is used so that all electrical connections are made close to the solar panels, and our all-in-one electrical enclosure.

Ans. to #6

The steps involved installing solar panels on the ground include the following; identification of a location or site that allows access from main highways, installation of electrical conduits underground or overhead, laying out and pouring concrete pads if the ground cannot support mounting hardware directly, pouring concrete pads for transformers and switchgear, delivering electrical switch gear, and inverter's, transformers, and other electrical gear required to connect to the grid, mounting solar panel hardware on concrete slabs, or directly into the ground, mounting solar panels onto the mounting support hardware, connecting electrical wiring to combiner boxes, connecting electrical wiring to disconnects and switchgear that connects the system to the grid.
petrajanejob Author
6 years ago
Amazing, correctly answered
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