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5 years ago
Watching salt crystals form as ocean water evaporates, a student says, "Lookmore and more crystals are appearing. The ocean water is alive!" Which of the following statements is an accurate evaluation of the student's remark?
A) The student is correct: Crystals are ordered structures and they are reproducing, so the ocean water is alive.
B) The student is correct because crystals are formed by processing energy from the sun to create new structures, so ocean water is alive.
C) The student is incorrect because the solution is processing energy from the sun rather than gaining energy from other organisms, so the ocean water is not alive.
D) The student is incorrect because all of the crystals reproduce the same kind of crystals with no variation to provide adaptation, so the ocean water is not alive.
Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections

Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections

Edition: 8th
Read 144 times
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5 years ago
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