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Sean Singh Sean Singh
4 years ago
Describe how Lamoureux expands the evolution vs. creation dichotomy into a broader range of categories? What points raised do you feel are helpful in moving people past the sterile debate of evolution vs. creation?

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4 years ago
Hi Sean Singh

Welcome to the forum. I've never heard of Lamoureux, so I did some research and found the following:

He is an advocate of intelligent design, and believes that "the belief that beauty, complexity and functionality in nature point toward an Intelligent Designer." He also doesn't believe this idea is scientifically testable as a process distinct from evolution. Instead, Intelligent Design should be understood as fully consistent with the evolution of life by mutation and natural selection operating through natural processes, because these processes are ultimately controlled by God. To answer the second part of your question, this is precisely what holds people moving forward when debating between creationism and evolution. People hold to one idea, but fail to meet in the middle; Lamoureux offers a gray zone that encomposes both ideas.
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