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Ericxxd Ericxxd
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A year ago
13. From an ecological perspective, discuss the role of humans in the spread and control of invasive species.
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A year ago
Humans play a major role in the spread and control of invasive species. Human activities, such as transportation, agriculture, and urbanization, can create new habitats and pathways for invasive species to spread. For example, the introduction of non-native species into a new environment can disrupt the balance of the local ecosystem, leading to the displacement of native species. Additionally, humans can unintentionally spread invasive species through the movement of goods, such as plants, animals, and soil, from one area to another.

Humans can also play a role in controlling the spread of invasive species. For example, governments can implement regulations to limit the introduction of non-native species into a new environment. Additionally, humans can take steps to reduce the spread of invasive species, such as removing them from their habitats, controlling their populations, and preventing them from reproducing. Finally, humans can also use biological control methods, such as introducing natural predators, to reduce the population of invasive species.
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