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duke02 duke02
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9 years ago
progressives and explain how they tried to confront these issues.
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9 years ago
Some of the problems that the social justice movement wanted to improve on was education, inner cities, better life for immigrants, and labor conditions. With education, they wanted a better education for the youth of the country. This was mainly focused in cities. With inner cities, they wanted to have better housing for all. Overall, they wanted to humanize areas so it was good living conditions for everyone. For immigrants, they saw issues in the system, they wanted to assimilate them into American society better. For labor, they wanted to create child labor laws and put limits on the amount of time people could work. In order to figure out how and what needed to be changed, they used their education to conduct surveys, research, and create reports for social change. What they did lack was a desire to help African Americans. Instead they focused on white people. Even though this was a reform movement to move society...
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