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Rkumar2577 Rkumar2577
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11 years ago
I am interested in cell biology and have relatively no advanced information on the subject.

No books. Visual media/lectures, OK.
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11 years ago
Cell biology is the important part of biology becasue it is the fundamental unit of life i.e.,cell. The term cell was first coined in the 1660's by Robert Hooke, but cell theory didn't gain serious credibility until the mid to late 1800's due to advances in microscopy. The study of sub-cellular organelles, structures, and processes became more and more fundamental to the study of biology during that century.

Around 1878, Oscar Hedwig conducted studies on the nuclei of sea urchins, proving that an organism can develop from a single fertilized, nucleated cell and confirming the role of cell biology in the reproductive processes of all life..

By understanding how cells work in healthy and diseased states, cell biologists working in animal, plant and medical science will be able to develop new vaccines, more effective medicines, plants with improved qualities and through increased knowledge a better understanding of how all living things live.
Eventually it will be possible to produce a 'health forecast' by analysing your database of genetic and cell information. Using this you will be able to take more control over your health in a preventive way.
But cell biology is not just about disease. It has greatly assisted the human fertility programme. DNA testing has been used in archaeology to provide evidence that a living person is related to a long dead ancestor.
In plant science it has been used to show that two plants that look different have the same genetic origins.
Forensic medicine uses cell biology and DNA fingerprinting to help solve murders and assaults. Neither the courts of law nor the criminals can escape the importance of cell biology.
Biotechnology uses techniques and information from cell biology to genetically modify crops to produce alternative characteristics; to clone plants and animals; to produce and ensure high quality food is available at lower costs; to produce purer medicines and in time organs for the many people who need transplants.
Cell biology is about all this and can make an exciting career.
It is also important that everyone feels informed about how the increase in knowledge about cell biology could affect him or her and society in general. Society will have to make informed decisions about such things as growing organs for transplanting into humans and, in those areas where vitamin 'A' deficiency causes blindness, growing rice modified to produce the vitamin..

Below are the list of some important things to remember in cell biology.

In 1655 Robert Hooke observes cells of a cork tree through a primitive microscope.
In 1674 Leewenhoek discovers protozoa, followed by discovering bacteria in 1683.
In 1838 Schleiden & Schwann propose the Cell Theory.
In 1882 Koch uses aniline dues to identify bacteria causing TB and chloera.
In 1989 Golgi stains cells with silver nitrate, discovering the Golgi Apparatus.
In 1931 Ruska builds the first Transmission electron microscope.
In 1965 the first commercial scanning electron microscope was created.
In 1997 "Dolly" the Sheep was "Cloned"
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