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jaime_lion jaime_lion
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12 years ago
Hi all i was wondering if anyone on here knows of the title of a good text book on lions?

I am not going to school but have always found the lion a fascinating animal and I thought I would read a book on them but the local book store only has books on animals in general with around 1 chapter on lions. Any help is appreciated.

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12 years ago
Check out this list I found: Smiling Face with Glasses

'African Lion, the', Mervyn Cowie, 1966, Golden Press, New York
No ISBN number. Written by the founder and director of the Kenya National Parks system, it is an observational account of the life cycle of the lion. A short book, it is well illustrated with B/W and color photos.

Animals of East Africa, C.A. Spinage, 1962, William Collins, London
No ISBN or LCC info available. The preadatros section of this book features a chapter devoted to the lion. Outstanding photographs.

'A Cast of Lions', Carl Foreman, 1966, Collins, London
A book about the production of the motion picture 'Born Free'. Contains much background material on the Mckennas, as well as how the humans interacted with the lions. Hard to find.

'A Lifetime With Lions',George Adamson, 1968, Doubleday
LCC 67-11733. No other info available.

'A Lion Called Christian', 1971, Anthony Bourke and John Rendall
ISBN 0-00-211480-1, Collins. A lion living in London is sucessfully reintroduced to the wild by George Adamson. I read this book as a kid, and am now looking foward to re-reading it!

'A Magical Hideaway', Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Uwe Ludwig Horn
(ISBN unknown) A book on the work of the famous magicians Siegfried and Roy with white lions. Can be purchased at: www.siegfriedandroy-sarmoti.com. For some reason, this book seems to be only available by mail-order.

'Any Old Lion', 1966, John Mark Jay
No further information available.

'Andy and the Lion', James Daugherty, 1938
ISBN 0-14-050277-7, 1966, Penguin Books. A modern retelling of the story of Androcles and the Lion. A couple of interesting notes about this story and book. First of all, names are given for the two lions flanking the entrance to the New York Public Library. The one on the left is Lady Astor (Yes, I know it's a male lion!) and the one on the right is Lord Lenox. Second, there is significant historical evidence to suggest the story of Androcles and the Lion may actually be true!

'The Art of Being a Lion', Christine and Michael Denis-Huot
ISBN 1-58663-707-X, 2002, Friedman/Fairfax. (Originally published in Italy by White Star S.R.L.) This is mainly a picture book about the lion. It features a short introductory text, and blocks of text here and there among the pictures. A nice coffee table book, and reasonably priced. 218 pages.

Asiatic lion: On the Brink, Asheem and Suvira Srivastav, 1999
ISBN 81-211-0173-5 Published by Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, India. This fascinating book is a thorough look at the Asiatic lion and the world it calls 'home'-- the Gir Forest Sanctuary of India. This book starts out by taking a look at the history of the sanctuary, and the cultures of the people that live in and around it. The second section of the book deals with the Asiatic lion itself, and is thorough and comprehensive. Much discussion is given to Asiatic lion conservation issues. This is undoubtedly the most definitive book ever written on the subject. The book also contains an extensive bibliography of lion books and papers. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to find this book outside of India. You might try the publisher's website at www.bishensinghbooks com. 247 pages, color photos and drawings. Numerous charts and tables.

'Big Cats', Douglas Richardson, 1992, Whittet Books
ISBN 0-905483-92-8. A survey of the eight biggest cat species, with a brief chapter devoted to each. Contains some unusual facts on some of the cats, but the lion chapter is a little wanting. May be a bit hard to find.

'The Big Cats', Herbert S. Zim, 1955, Morrow Junior Books
LCC 55-8847 Illustrated by Gardell Christensen. A book for older children, it contains an unusually large amount of information about big cats for a book of it's type. A third of the book is devoted to big cat bahavior and phisiology. Different cat species are then showcased. There is even a page devoted to ligers and tigons. The book ends with a humorous story about a lion donated to the United States by the emperor of Morocco in 1720. No page numbers or index. Hardcover, about 55 pages.

*'The Big Cats and their Fossil relatives', Alan Turner, 1997
ISBN 0-231-10228-3, Columbia University press. This book isn't necessairly about lions, but is about big cats in general. Much interesting information is presented about feline anatomy, both past and present. Some really unusual lion-specific information can be found in the book, such as how to distinguish a lion and tiger skull from each other. This book is beautifully illustrated with pencil drawings by Mauricio Anton. A nice bibliography is also included. even though this is a scholarly book, I have seen it in many bookstores. Hardcover, 220 pages.

'The Book of Lions', Nicolai Canetti, photographer, 1975
ISBN 1997-7(?), Peebles Press International. This book is a photographic study of the king of beasts. It's unnumbered pages contain nothing but B/W and color photos of lions. They were taken in the various game parks in Kenya. All phases of the lion's life are recorded. No details or descriptions are given about any of the pictures. This is a book to simply look at and enjoy! There is a short introduction by Sandy Lesberg. Part of the 'Pictorial Africa' series. I suspect this book is rather hard to find.

'The Book of the Lion', Approx. 1911, Sir Alfred E. Pease
ISBN 0-312-00108-8 (1987 Edition, St. Martin's Press. Part of the Peter Capstick Library.) This book is about lions and lion hunting. There is much natural history info in this book that is ahead of it's time, and still up to date. Like any book of it's time, it is also filled with harrowing stories of hunting in a still-wild Africa. Pease was Theodore Roosevelt's guide for his famous East African hunting safari in 1909. Despite the recent republishing, this book is not at all common. 291 pages, some black and white drawings.

'Born Free', Joy Adamson, 1960, Pantheon Books
ISBN 0-394-74635-X (pbk.) An all-time literary classic. The story of an orphaned lioness cub named Elsa. George and Joy Adamson raised this lioness from a starving cub, and ultimately succeeded in getting her to live with wild lions. A heartwarming story as well as a good book on lion science. The edition listed here has been updated. Although I don't collect books per se, I did obtain a first edition of this book at a library sale. Also learn about the various films and videos about the Adamson's work on my Lion videos and films page.
'Born Free- The Complete Story', 2000, Macmillian Press

ISBN 0-33039-190-9 A compiliation of Joy Adamson's three greatest works: 'Born Free', Living Free' and 'Forever Free'. 400 pages. Also available on audiocassette as ISBN 0-33390-087-1. These titles are apparently not available in the US at this time. They can be located at any online bookstore that serves the UK. The one cited to me was www.alphabetstreet.infront.co .uk

'The Butterfly Lion', 1996, Michael Morpurgo, Ill. Christian Birmingham
ISBN 0-00-185617-0 (Hardcover) 0-00-675103-2 (Paperback), 0-00-102443-4 (Book on cassette) Harper-Collins, England. A story about a boy and an abandoned white lion cub. The story on Cassette is read by Virginia McKenna and Michael Morpurgo. I found this for sale in a bookshop in England. Also available from the Born Free Foundation .

'Bwana Game: The Life Story of George Adamson', George Adamson (Autobiography), 1968, Collins and Harvill, London
ISBN or LCC unknown. The original autobiography of George Adamson.

'Cats of Africa, The', 1968, Maitland Edey, Photographs by John Dominis
LCC 68-57805, Time-Life Books. This coffee-table volume surveys the three biggest African cats in considerable depth-- The Lion, Leopard and Cheetah. It also contains a shorter section covering all of the smaller cats. The book is done in typical Time-Life fashion, with the body of the text printed on brown pages. Interspersed in the text are groups of color photos printed on high quality paper. Life-size pawprints are given for each cat. There is an excellent bibliography at the end of the book. Interestingly enough, two pages of the lion section are devoted to the Tsavo Maneater story. Although a bit out of date, the book is still interesting and informative.

'Cats of Africa', 1998, Anthony Hall-Martin and Paul Bosman.
ISBN 1-56098-760-X, Smithsonian Institution Press. (Also published in South Africa by Fernwood Press.) This book describes all of the cats -big and small- found in the wild in Africa. It is refreshingly up-to-date. The book contains no pictures, but instead contains hundreds of nicely-done drawings and paintings. This book is highly recommended and will hopefully soon make it to the shelves of my library!

'The Cats of Southern Africa', Christopher Stuart and Vivian J. Wilson.
No further information available.

'Cats of the World', Armand Denis, 1964, Constable, London
No ISBN or LCC info available A book about big cats with a section on the lion.

'Claws: The Tale of a Lion', C.A. Brown, 1938, Quality Press, London
No ISBN or LCC available. Nothing further is known.

'Closer look at Lions and Tigers', Jill Hughes, 1985, Gloucester Computer Business Company
ISBN 0-53117-000-4. No other information is available

'Cry for the Lions', 1989, Gareth Patterson
Available by emailing bluafric@lantic.net You can learn more about the works of Gareth Patterson at his website.

'Cry of the Kalahari', Mark and Delia Owens, 1984, Houghton Mifflin Co.
ISBN 0-395-39413-9 (pbk.) Although the animal the Owens' set out to study was really the brown hyena, they quickly found out that they needed to study the local lion population as well. There is much behavioral information in this book that is covered nowhere else. This is a superbly written book, which will make you laugh and cry. Winner, 1985 John Borroughs medal, Best natural history book of the year. Learn about the documentary based on this book on my Lion films and videos page.

'Cyclopedia Anatomicae', 1996, Gyorgy Feher, Illus. Andras Szunyoghy
ISBN 1-884822-87-8, Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers. This is a lavishly illustrated book on drawing people and animals. Most of the book is detailed pencil drawings of various anatomic features, especially of the muscuskeletal system. Although the largest section of the book is devoted to the anatomic features of man, a large section of the book given to drawings of similar anatomic features of animals. One of the animals that recieves extensive coverage is the lion, which has an entire chapter devoted to it. The final section of the book is on comparative anatomy, where many other fine drawings of lion anatomy can be found. Although I'm sure that there are thick tomes available with even more detailed information on lion anatomy, you are unlikely to find these outside of a veternary school! In any case. the drawings, lion or otherwise, are a joy to study and appreciate. A section at the beginning of the book covers basic drawing techniques. A large book with 603 pages and 1,500 illustrations. Should be readily avilable at good book stores, and may carry a bargin price.

'Dying to be Free', 1998, Gareth Patterson, Penguin Group, London
About the canned lion hunting industry in South Africa.Available by emailing bluafric@lantic.net Also see Gareth Patterson's website

'East African Mammals', 1997, Johnathan Kingdon
ISBN 0-226-43721-3, (Volume IIIA- Carnivores) University of Chicago Press. This book is one volume of an impressive 7 volume set. The entry on lions is excellent in every sense of the word-- everything is documented and cross-refrenced. The works of others, especially George Schaller, are frequently cited. Besides the usual information, there is some very interesting information about the relationship between lions and humans, especially in antiquity. For instance, did you know there was a Egyptian city named Leontopolis that was home to a cult of lion worshippers. Or, did you know another cult would hold elaborate funerals for dead lions? Or, did you know that professional hunter Alan Tarlton won the heart of a pride of wild lions by feeding them from a truck. The lions became so adapted to Mr. Tarlton's presence that he could walk among them while they ate. All this happened in 1932! This is a must-read for anybody doing research on lions!

'Encounters with Lions', Jan Hemsing, 1994, Trophy Room Books
ISBN 1-88245-805-2. Apparently a book about lion hunting. No other information is available.

'Forever Free', Joy Adamson, 1963, Harcourt Brace, New York
LCC 63-8081. (First Ed. 1962 Collins and Harvill, London) The third book in Joy Adamson's 'Elsa' trilogy. This book details the full integration of Elsa's offspring into the wild, until they lost contact with them. Also learn about the various films and videos about the Adamson's work on my Lion videos and films page.

'The Ghost and the Darkness', Screenplay by Willliam Goldman.
ISBN 1-55783-267-6 Trade paperback, 1996, Mont Blanc Entertainment GMBH (Applause Books in US.) This hard-to-find book is the original screenplay of the film. Some of the character names are different, and there are some differences in story flow and dialogue. This book is HIGHLY recommended if you are a serious fan of this film. William Goldman is a top-notch writer, and this book is absolutely fascinating! Learn (Among other things) how the idea for the movie was presented to Paramount executives with Mr. Goldman laying flat on his back on the floor of the boardroom! (Yes, they accepted!) Check out the Tsavo Maneaters page on this site to learn more about the movie and the actual event the story is based on.

'The Ghost and the Darkness', Novelization by Dewey Gram.
ISBN 0-671-00305-4, Paperback, 1996, Pocket books. The popular film in book form. Check out the Tsavo Maneaters page on this site to learn more about the movie and the actual event the story is based on.
'Ghosts of Tsavo', Philip Caputo, 2002, National Geographic Society
ISBN 0-7922-6362-6 (Hardcover). Pulitzer prize author Philip Caputo addresses the issues of maneating lions, especially in the Tsavo area. The book cenetrs around two trips he took to Tsavo National Park. The first was with Tom Gnoske and Julian Kerbis-Peterhans of the Field Museum of Natural History. The second was with Craig Packer and Peyton West of the Serengeti Lion Project. Philip's own thoughts on the topic (Which the two groups of scientists disagree on!) are scattered throughout the text. The book opens with an account of the taking of the Maneater of Mfuwe by Wayne Hosek, and closes with a review of a really recent paper by Tom Gnoske on why Tsavo lions go maneater so often. Philip has also written several articles about the Tsavo lions for National Geogrphic. Approx. 288 pages. (No illustrations in the preview edition I have.)
'Golden Shadows, Flying Hooves', George B. Schaller, 1973, Alfred A Knopf
ISBN 0-3944-7243-0 (original edition) 0-2267-3650-4 (reprint, University of Chicago Press) An account of Schaller's research on the Serengeti lion, written in a non-scientific-paper style. Also includes a lot more information on the human/cat conflict, and notes on Mr. Schaller's hand-raised lion cub. 287 pages, drawings and a few B/W photos. Currently hard to find in bookstores, but easy to find in online used book sites.
'Great Cats', Simon Combes, 1998, Greenwich Workshop Press
ISBN 0-86713-048-2 This book chronicles the adventures of Simon Combes, who set out to see all the world's big cats for himself, and paint them. While the lion section of the book is not spectacular, the book is in general a good read. There are some incredible stories in the book, both funny and physically paniful! (I recently had an opportunity to hear Simon speak in person about his adventure. A very interesting and engaging speaker! He spends part of the time each year here in the 'States, and the rest in Kenya, where he grew up. Sadly, Simon was gored to death by a rhino, near his home in Kenya, in late 2004. In a way, you could say Simon died happy, among the animals he so loved.) There are a couple of nice, full-spread color paintings of lions in the book, an artistic treat. One of them is the largest painting he did in the project. 168 pages, profusely illustrated with paintings and photographs.
'Great Cats', Dr. John Seidensticker and Dr. Susan Lumpkin, editors
ISBN 1 675137 90 4 1991, Fog City Press (Reprinted and quite possibly updated 2000) This interesting book is about the best 1 volume reference on cats that I have ever seen. Despite the title, it covers cats both great and small. Besides individually profiling each cat species, a great deal of information on general cat characteristics is presented. Also included is a history of cats from the fossil record as well as a thoroughly up-to-date section on feline genetics. Even the domestic cat is covered in some detail. Last but not least, there is a section on the relationship between cats and man over the ages. A considerable part of this section is devoted to man-eating cats, including the maneaters of Tsavo. If this book has any drawback, it is that some of the pictures in this last section are downright gory. This coffee table sized book appears to be widely available at a bargin price! 240 pages.
'Great Safari: Lives of George and Joy Adamson', Adrian House, 1983, William Morrow, NY
ISBN or LCC unknown. A 'must read' book for fans of George and Joy Adamson.
'Here Come the Lions!', Alice Goudey, 1956, Charles Scribner's Sons, NY.
LCC 56-6140 A children's book about both African lions and mountain lions. The books ends with a very brief discussion of other cats, both big and small. Well-done book with numerous two-tone illustrations. 94 pages.
'Hunting With the Moon: The lions of Savuti', Dereck and Beverly Joubert
ISBN 0-7922-7020-7, 1997 National Geographic. Award winning cinematographers Dereck and Beverly Joubert have been following the prides of lions that inhabit Botswana's Savuti National park for a number of years. During this time, they have observed remarkable behavior for lions: Elephant and hippo kills on a regular basis, unusual behavior among old lions, and that lions there really do 'hunt with the moon'. The Jouberts' work is the basis of the two videos 'Eternal Enemies: Lions and Hyenas' and 'Lions of Darkness'. This book makes excellent background reading for these two programs. Also, find out how the Jouberts were able to convince the Government of Botswana to all but ban lion hunting. Check out the documentary 'Lions of Darkness', which is about the events in this book on my Lion videos and films page.
'In the Land of the Lion', Cherry Kearton, 1945, Arrowsmith, London.
No ISBN or LCC info known. A large section of the book is devoted to the lion.
'In the Lion's Den', Mitsuaki Iwago, 1995, Chronicle Books (US)
ISBN 0-8118-1203-0 This is a picture book about lions by famed wildlife photographer Mitsuaki Iwago ('Serengeti'). The photography in this book is stunning, and would be an excellent addition to the bookshelf for anyone who appreciates fine wildlife art. Like most books on the subject, it covers all parts of the lion's life cycle. Highly recommended, and available at most bookstores.
'Into Africa', 1996, Dr. Craig Packer
ISBN 0-2266-4430-8 (Trade paperback), University of Chicago Press. This book talks about the adventures of researching lions( and a few other animals) in the wild. Written in a humorous style, you will learn about the often not-so-glamorous side of wildlife research! This edition of the book contains a new afterword.
'Journal of East African Natural History, Volume 90 parts 1 and 2', Journal reprint
ISBN 0012-8317 This is a reprint in book form, of an article from the Journal of East African Natural History. This book is sold by the Field Museum of Natural History, and is probably not available anywhere else. This thin volume contains a single article entitled "The Science of 'Man Eating' Among Lions Panthera leo , With A Reconstruction of the Natural History of the 'Man Eaters of Tsavo'" The article is by Tom Gnoske and Julian Kerbis Peterhans, both of the Field Muesum. This book is a detailed look at maneating among lions, and it's possible causes. Illustrated with drawings and B/W plates. Extensive references. Softbound, 40 pages.
'Journey to Freedom'
(ISBN unknown)A Childern's book about Christian the Lion. Available from the Born Free Foundation.
'Kingdom of Lions', Jonathan Scott, 1992, Rodale Press
ISBN 0-87596-550-4 This lavishly illustrated book follows the complex life history of several prides of lions living in the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya. There is also much material on the other predators living in this ecosystem, as well as their prey.
'Kingdom of Might (The World's Big Cats)', Tom Brakefield
No further information available.
'Kinuli' Vera Chapman, 1965, Henry Z. Walck, Inc.
LCC 65-13225 Originally published by Foreign Languages Publishing House in Russia as part of 'Zoo Babies' by the same author. A adevnterous-- and heartwarming-- look at the raising of a lion cub, who eventually became a well-known animal at the Moscow Zoo. This book strikingly illustrates just how deep a bond can be formed between a lion and it's 'human'. Highly recommended reading. A rather rare volume. Hardbound, 95 pages, a few B/W photos.
'The Last Big Cats' Erwin A. Bauer, 2005, Voyauger Press
ISBN 0-896-58742-8 Illustrations and photos by Peggy Bauer. This book chronicles the natural history of the great cat species, with an emphasis on how endangered they have become. Illustrated with photos of the cats taken over a five decade period. Also includes range maps, paw prints, etc. Paperback, 159 pages, color drawings and illustrations.
'Last of the Free', Gareth Patterson, 1995, St. Martin's press
ISBN 0-312-13109-7 (First Edition, 1994, Hodder and Stoughton, Gt. Britain) And you thought the Adamson Trilogy was complete! Gareth Patterson was George Adamson's assistant at the time of his death. The book describes how Gareth started where George Adamson left off adapting a lioness and her three cubs back to the wild. Besides telling this sometimes happy, sometimes sad story, this book looks at the major hurdles facing those seeking to keep lions alive in the wild. Available from Kalahari Books. 165 pages. Also, be sure to check out Gareth Patterson's website.
'Lion', Caroline Arnold, Richard Hewett (Photographer), 1995, Morrow/Avon
ISBN 0-68812-693-6. No other information available.
'Lion, African Adventures with the king of beasts', Martin Johnson, 1929, Blue Ribbon Books
One of the older lion books I have. Describes some adventures in Africa earlier this century. I haven't read the whole book, but what I have read is interesting. See the review on 'Safari' below, by the same author.
'Lion', Bill Jordan, 1999, Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers
ISBN 0-73980-948-2. No other information available.
'Lion', G.L. Smuts, 1982, Macmillan SA, Johannesburg, South Africa
ISBN 0-333-36586-0. Unknown. A well-written, semi-scientific book about lions. The book seems to concentrate on research methods and population management of lions. This book is very informative and a great read! This book is rather hard to find, especially in the US. 295 pages, numerous B/W and color photos. Many drawings.
'The Lion, Christine and Michel Denis-Hout, 1993, Reader's Digest
(No ISBN number) A nicely done children's book on the lion. Lots of good color illustrations. A small but nice resource guide is located in the back of the book.It has been updated to include some internet resources. This book is part of the Reader's Digest 'Animal Close-ups' series.28 pages, numerous color photos.
'Lion Country', Mary Chipperfield, 1972, Hodder and Stoughton, London
ISBN 0-340-16162-0. This book is a sequel to 'lions on my lawn', and deals with raising lions in captivity. Much interesting personal experience shared from being so close to the cats.
'Lion Cubs and Their World', 1992, National Geographic Books
ISBN 0-87044871-4. A very well done childern's pop-up book about lion cubs growing up. In addition to the pop-ups, there are 1 to 3 figures on each of the book's 5 'pages' that move when you pull on a tab. Although this book is a visual and mechanical treat, it is somewhat fragile and needs to be handled with care.
'The Lion Family Book', 1988, Michael Neughbauer, North-South books.
ISBN 1-55858-502-8 A nicely-done book on lions intended primarily for childern. Has many heartwarming photographs. May be hard to find.
'Lion: Habitats, Life Cycles, Food Chains, Threats', Bill Jordan, 2000, Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers.
ISBN 0-73981-057-X. I think the title is self explanatory! No other information is available.
'Lion in the Bedroom', Pat Cavendish O'Neil, 2004, PArk Street press, Sydney, Australia.
No ISBN or LCC available. No further information is known.
'Lion Island', William Bridges, 1965
ISBN Unknown. A book about the lions at the Bronx Zoo in New York City. Is a predecessor to, and shares some material with 'Pride's Progress' by Emmy Haas.
'Lion, King of the Beasts', Christine Denis-Huot, 2000, Charlesbridge Publishing.
ISBN 1-57091-426-5. No other information available.
'Lions', Brian Bertram, 1998, Voyageur Press
ISBN 0-89658-399-6 A nice general interest book on lions that is refreshingly up-to-date. Written by Brian Bertram, who was involved for four years with the Serengeti Lion Project. Has a lot of interesting trivia not found in other books, and a section on the Asiatic lion. Superbly illustrated. 72 pages. Should be readily available. Visit Voyageur Press at: www.voyageurpress.com and the Serengeti Lion Project at www.lionresearch.org.
'Lions', Ann Ellwood, Richard Orr (Illustrator) 1995, Wildlife Education Ltd.
ISBN 0-93793-481-X. No other information available.
'Lions', Ann Ellwood and Jackie Estrada, 1995, Creative Company.
ISBN 0-88682-422-2. No other information available.
'Lions', Amanda Hartman, 1996, Marshall Cavendish Corporation.
ISBN 0-76140-291-8. No other information available.
'Lions', Kevin J. Holmes, 1998
ISBN 0-51621-343-1, Childern's press (Trade cloth); ISBN 0-73680-065-4, Bridgeview Books (Trade cloth). No other information available.
'Lions', Don Middleton, 1998, Rosen Publishing Group
ISBN 0-82395-208-8. No other information available.
'Lions', Kate Petty, 1989, Aladdin Books
ISBN 0-8120-1490-1. A childern's book that chronicles the life of a group of lion cubs. Part of the Barron's Educational baby animal series. 24 pages, Illustrated with drawings. Should be widely available.
'Lions', Susan Schafer, 2000, Marshall Cavendish Corporation
ISBN 0-76141-166-6. No other information available.
'Lions', Lynn M. Stone, 1989, Rourke Enterprises.
ISBN 0-86592-501-1 (Library binding.), ISBN 0-68558-629-4 (Trade cloth.) No other information is available.
'Lions', Barbra Swett-Burt, 1998, Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers.
ISBN 0-81727-267-4. No other information available.
'Lions', Anne Welsbacher, 2000, ABDO Publishing Company.
ISBN 1-57765-086-7. No other information available.
'Lions and leopards as Game Ranch Animals', J van Heerden, editor
ISBN 1-875088-09-1 1997, Wildlife Group of the South African Vetrinary Association. This book is the Proceedings of a Symposium on the subject of lions and leopards as game ranch animals. The book opens with a very interesting paper on the Biblical usage of lions and leopards. It then goes into social, vetrinary, economic and ecological issues of raising these noble animals under semi-controlled conditions. Not your average book on lions. Contains a very extensive, indexed bibliography on lions as well as leopards. Highly recommended reading for anyone interested in big cat conservation. This book is not available in the US. It may be ordered (And paid for in South African Rands, although major credit cards may also be used.) from Wildnet Africa on their website. 265 pages.
'Lions Hunters of the Dunes: The Story of Kalahari Lions', Fritz Eloft, 2002, Sunbird Publishing, Cape Town SA.
No ISBN or LCC available. Nothing further is known about this book. Looks like a good read.
'Lions, King of Beasts' Lee Server, 1993, Longmeadow Press
ISBN 0-681-45320-6. A nice picture book on lions. It is illustrated with over 150 color pictures, and some B/W ones as well. The text portion, although somewhat brief, is well written and informative. There is also a refrence section at the back telling where one might travel to view wild lions. This book also covers the Asiatic lion, which is not frequently covered in other books.
'The Lions' Legacy', 1991, Gareth Patterson, Robson Books, London.
Out of print. Check out Gareth Patterson's website to learn more.
'Lions 'n Tigers and Everything Else', C.R. Cooper
No further information available
'The Lions of 'Living Free', Jack Couffer, 1972 E.P. Dutton and Co., NY
ISBN 0-525-14648-2. A nice book about the production of the movie 'Living free' by it's director, Jack Couffer. Many interesting notes on film production in Africa! Illustrated with many B/W and color photos. 96 Pages. Learn more about the movie 'Living Free' on the Lion videos and Films page.
'The Lions of Tsavo', James L. Haley, 1989, Bantam paperback, NY.
ISBN 0-55328-025-0. A fictional account about the lions of Tsavo. Hard to find.
'The Lions of Tsavo', Bruce D. Patterson,2004, McGraw-Hill books
ISBN 0-07-136333-5 The result of years of study, this book is a summation of the research done by Bruce Patterson of the Field Museum of Natural History. This book is a scientific work, but is also a good read. This book is the most authorative work done on the subject of the Tsavo maneaters. The book includes extensive endnotes that reflect the degree of care that went into preparing this book. 231 pages, Some color and B/W photos. Learn more about the Tsavo maneaters at my Tsavo Maneaters website.
'Lions on the Hunt', Theodore J. Waldeck, 1942, Viking Press
No ISBN or other catalog info available A natural history book about lions, told as a story. Apparently a very popular book, as it was in print for at least 22 years. 251 pages, B/W illustrations.
'Lions on the Lawn', Mary Chipperfield, 1971, William Morrow and Co.
LCC 77-151919. Mary Chipperfield came from a family of circus performers and animal trainers. An abandoned lion cub brought to her changed the course of her life, and she ended up opening a wildlife park on her estate. Precursor to the book: 'Lion Country'. 176 pages. B/W photos. This book may be hard to find.
'Lions on Trust', Cleland Scott, 1940, Mayflower Press, Plymouth, England.
Published in the US by Macmillian and Company. Oddly enough, the book does not contain any copyright info at all. This book is about one man's experiences with raising captive lions. He then apparently goes on to establish a lion reserve of some sort. I'll tell you more when I'm done reading it! An exceedingly rare book; only a few copies seem to exist. 317 pages, B/W photographs.
'Lions Share', Jeanette Hanby and David Bygott, 1982, Houghton-Mifflin
ISBN 0-395-32043-7 (Hardcover) This book chronicles one part of the contiuing Serengeti Lion Project. Jeanette Hanby and David Bygott spent four years following a single lion pride in the Sametu region of the Serengeti. This wonderful book is the result. Like many other wildlife books, it is illustrasted mainly with drawings. In this book, the drawings are so superb that the color pictures included are a letdown. Since I had never seen this volume anywhere or had knowledge of it's existence, I am concluding it may be quite rare. If you find a copy of this book somewhere, buy it!
'Lions, Tigers and Me', Roman Proske, 1956, Henry Holt and Co.
LCC 56-6462 A fascinating book about the life and times of a big cat trainer. A lot of adventures were had along the way! Hardcover, 317 pages, some B/W photos. This book is not easy to find.
'Lions- Wild and Friendly', Eric F.V. Wells, 1934, Viking Press, New York
No ISBN number. This book is about Mr. Wells experiences with lions in South Africa-- first as a hunter, and then as an observer. In the course of his work, Mr. Wells and his wife got involved in raising captive lions. They raised some 30 lions to adulthood, and learned much in the process. Most of this book deals with the subject of human-lion interaction. Illustrated with photographs. This book is not easy to find! 112 pages.
'Liontide', Chris McBride, 1990, Jonathan Ball Bublishers, Jo'Burg, SA.
No ISBN number or other catalog info available. By the same Chris McBride who discovered the White Lions of Timbavati. Nothing else is known about the book, although the title is very suggestive!
'Little Tyke: The True Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lioness', Georges Westbeau, 1986, Theosphical Publishing house.
ISBN 0-83560-605-8. The title pretty much describes the book. It is a rather remarkable (And hard to believe) story, but cats are cats.... 115 pages, B/W photographs. May be hard to find.
'Living Free', 1961, Joy Adamson
LCC 61-15810. The second book in Joy Adamson's 'Elsa' trilogy. This book tells of the early lives of Elsa's cubs, up to just before Elsa suddenly died. Well written and profusely illustrated. Again, I stumbled accross an original edition of this book at a used book shop and purchased it as my only copy! Also learn about the various films and videos about the Adamson's work on my Lion videos and films page.
'Living with Big Cats', Sharon Rendall-Smock, 1995, IZS Books
ISBN 0-9642604-0-9 (pbk.). 'Living with Big Cats' chronicles the famous Tetzlaff family -the legendary Jungle Larry, his widow Nancy "Safari Jane" and their sons David and Tim. Provides much unique information on raising and caring for big cats used for show acts. May be hard to find in bookstores. You can also find this book on Sharon Rendall-Smock's Homepage.
'Look Out, Lion Cub!', Michele Coxon, 1997, Star Bright Books
ISBN 1-887734-39-2, LCC 99-70740 A book about lion cubs for young children. Not really a 'natural history' book, it is both fun and educational. A 'Lift-the-Flap' book. Softcover, 16 pages.
'Lord of the Lions: George Adamson', Sandy Gall, 1991, Grafton Books, London.
ISBN or LCC unknown. A good book on George Adamson, and perhaps Gareth Patterson. Nothing more is known about the book.
'Making a killing: The South African Canned Lion Hunt Scandal', 2000
Author: Gareth Patterson. Available through Diane Westwood at The Captive Animal Protection Society (CAPS) at: www.caps-uk.dircon.co.uk Look in their 'A-Z Index' under 'Canned Hunting' to get going.
'Man Eaters Motel', Denis Boyles, 1991, Ticknor and Fields
ISBN 0-395-58082-X. Photography by Alan Rose. A rather interesting book about travel in Africa. Most of the book centers on a trip on the Mombasa railway. There is much Tsavo maneater lore in this book. There are also photographs of the Tsavo area, and the infamous bridge. This book is probably rather hard to find. 253 pages, B/W photos.
'The Man-Eaters of Tsavo', Lt. Col. J. H. Patterson, D.S.O.
ISBN 0-312-51010-1, 1986, St. Martin's Press, ISBN 0-671-00306-2, 1996, Pocket Books. These two books record the harrowing adventure of hunting the most dangerous man-eating lions of all time. The year was 1898. Two large, maneless males ate 100+ people during the construction of a bridge across the Tsavo river in Kenya. Needless to say, the project ground to a halt while this was going on! The two books contain Patterson's original story, but differ in the 'extras'. The St. Martins version is larger, and profusely illustrated. It's preface deals a lot with the hunting aspects of the story. The Pocket Books version is a small paperback, and was issued as a companion to the film 'The Ghost and the Darkness'. It's preface tells a lot more about the life of Colnel Patterson. Good, but scary reading! Check out the Tsavo Maneaters page on this site to learn more about this story.
'The Man-Eating Lions of Tsavo', Lt. Col. J.H. Patterson, D.S.O.
Zoology leaflet 7, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Ill. (1925) A small booklet (41 pages) published by the Field Museum to go along with their exhibit of the Tsavo maneaters. I list it seperately from the full-length book above, as it only contains the portion of the book concerning the maneaters. It also contains some material not in the original book, and the quality of the photographs is superb. A must-have for anyone seriously interested in the Tsavo maneaters. Visit their website at www.fieldmuesum.org for more information. You can also check out the Tsavo Maneaters page on this site to learn more about this story.
'Mara Simba: The African Lion', Roger Caras, 1985, Holt, Reinhart and Winston, NY
No ISBN or LCC info known. I know little about this book, other than it comes highly recommended!
'The Marsh Lions', Brian Jackson and Johnathan Scott, 1982, Elm Tree Books, London
ISBN Unknown. Story of a lion pride in the Masai Mara from 1978 to 1982. This book marks the start of a lion observation program that continues to date. This is a 'coffee table book', and contains no bibliography or references.
'My Pride and Joy', George Adamson, 1987, Simon and Schuster.
ISBN 0-671-62497-0 This is the autobiography of George Adamson written at the age of 80. His wife, Joy had just been murdered, and he was soon to be murdered as well. I have not read the entire book yet, but the parts I have read were simply excellent. All of the Adamson lions are documented, as well as the other cats they worked with. Profusely illustrated with black-and-white and color photos. 304 pages. This book is long out of print, and not easy to find.
'Natural World: Lion', Bill Jordan, 2000, Raintree Steck-Vaughn
ISBN 0-7398-0948-2 This excellent childern's book follows the life of a lion cub as he develops into an adult. In addition, the book has a section on lion history and conservation issues. In an unusual feature for a childern's book, a glossary, bibliography, and brief list of websites is included. Beautifully illustrated! 48 pages, numerous color pictures.
'The Nature of Lions', Eric Grace, 2001, Firefly Books
ISBN 1-55297-542-8 Photography by Art Wolfe. A nice, but fairly typical book on the lion. It is organized into sections describing the lions's equipping to be a superpredator, and his world and life cycle. Another fairly extensive section describes the relationship between lions and man. Profusely illustrated with color photos. 100 pages.
'Nightstalk', Bruce Aiken, 1987, Afropix publishing, Durban
(ISBN unknown) The story of a pride of lions in Kruger National Park. Great Photographs. No further data available.
'On Playing With Lions', 1967, Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers
LCC 66-25625 A book about the production of the movie 'Born Free' by it's two principal stars.
'On the Trail of the Big Cats', Geraldine Veron, 1998, Barrons Educational
ISBN 0-7641-0597-3. Illustrated by Robert Dallet. Originally published in 1997 by Editions Nathan, France. This book is a nature travel guide for those wishing to see the world's wild cats. The book opens with a brief natural history of the Felidae. It then goes on to describe a number of the smaller catsin detail. After this, there is a detailed section on each of the big cats. The usual natural history, characteristics, life cycle, etc. is described. Then, several good locations to see the cat in the wild are discussed. Each of these sections includes tips fro travelling to the given location, and other things to see while there. For the lion, the Gir Forest Sanctuary in India, and Nikolo Koba National Park in Senegal are described. Both of these are challenging places for lion viewing! 128 pages. Color photos throughout.
'Operation White Lion', 1981, Chris McBride, St. Martin's Press
ISBN 0-312-58680-9 This book chronicles efforts to remove the newly discovered white lions from the Timbavati region of South Africa, after they fall into grave danger. One interesting thing you will learn from this book: do lions like Beethoven? 159 pages with color photos. May not be easy to find.
'Portrait of a Gentle Man', Joey Thompson, expected mid-2001.
This book is a biography about George Adamson. It includes photos. It will be available through the Born Free Foundation.
'Predators of South Africa', Hans Grober, Clive Walker and Anthony Hall-Martin.
No further information available
'Pride of Lions', Brian Bertram, 1978 Charles Scribners' Sons.
ISBN 0-684-15782-9 (Hardcover) Continuing where George Schaller left off, this book chronicles Bertram's four years of work in the Serengeti lion Project. The writing is semi-scientific. Lots of good photos, some in color.
'Pride of Lions', Bertram F. Jearey, 1936, Longmans, Green and Company, London.
An early scientific work about the lion, accomplished through long observations. Also deals a good bit with human/lion interactions. Contains good pictures for it's time.
'Pride's Progress: The story of a family of lions.', Emmy Haas
LCC 67-15969, 1967, Harper and Row, New York. A pictorial book about the family of lions at the Bronx Zoo in New York City. Very readable and enjoyable. A sequel to the 1965 book, 'Lion Island' by William Bridges.
'Prides: The Lions of Mormei', Chris Harvey (Photographer), Pieter W. Kat, 2000, Smithsonian Institution Press.
ISBN 1-56098-838-X. This book chronicles the study of four lion prides in Okavango Delta area of Botswana, and is part of an ongoing project started in 1995. Besides being informative, and up-to-date (With some surprising observations!), this book is a visual feast. Color photos on every page make just looking through the book almost as informative as reading it! 144 pages.
'Return to the Wild', Norman Carr, 1962, EP Dutton, Collins/London
LCC 62-14716 This book describes some early work on returning lions to the wild. (His work was being done the same time the Adamsons were working with Elsa in Kenya. Oddly enough, neither author refers to the other in their works!) ) Norman Carr operated a Safari camp in Luangwa Valley, Zambia until his death in 1997. He was apparently highly regarded by the local people.
'Roaring at Dawn', Brian Jackman, 1985, Southern Book Publishers, South Africa.
No ISBN or LCC info available. This book contains tales retold from two decades of field notebooks of a Safari guide. Outstanding photographs.
'Safari, A saga of the African Blue', Martin Johnson, 1928, G.P. Putnam's sons.
(No ISBN or LCC)A book about 4 years of living in East Africa. During that time, the author observed much wildlife as well as African culture. This interesting book includes many acendotes about encounters with lions, as well as an entire chapter devoted to the subject. The book is illustrated with 66 excellent photographs, which still look good half a century later! Some of these include experimental night photography to capture nocturnal wildlife activities. (Maybe it's no mistake the author had connections with George Eastman!) This book was followed a year later by an entire book devoted to the lion, called 'Lion, African adventures with the king of beasts'. (Listed above.) This book is uncommon. 294 pages, 66 B/W photographs, 1 map.
'Safari, The East African Diaries of a Wildlife Photographer'
ISBN 0-87196-847-9 By Gunter Ziesler and Angelika Hofer. Consulting editor Nigel Sitwell, 1984, Eddison/Sadd Editions Ltd. A profusely illustrated book chronicling a series of safaris in various locations in East Africa in 1981 nad 1982. This is a very enjoyable book that covers the whole range of wildlife in East Africa. Lions feature prominently in the book, but are in balance with the other animals in their world. Hardcover, 197 pages, numerous color photos.
The Science of 'Man Eating' Among Lions Panthera leo, With A Reconstruction of the Natural History of the 'Man Eaters of Tsavo
The real title of the book 'Journal of East African Natural History, Volume 90 parts 1 and 2' listed above. It is listed as it is, because the title on the main entry for this book is what is on the front cover.
Season on the Plain, Franklin Russell, 1974, Reader's Digest Press
ISBN 0-88349-024-2 A book about life on the African plains. The story is told through the eyes of four principal animals, including a male lion past his prime. Looks like a very interesting read. 313 pages, no illustrations or photos.
'The Serengeti Lion' George B. Schaller, 1972, Univ. of Chicago press
ISBN 0-226-73640-7. Probably the best book ever written on the African Lion. This book is the fruit of a research project conducted over a three year period in the Serengeti National game park in Tanzania, Africa. Although written in the form of a scientific paper, it is very readable. Loads of information and B/W photographs. Includes a brief look at some other animals that share the lion's world. Winner, National Book Award. If you must own just one book about lions, this is the one to have. Available at better bookstores.
'Siegfried and Roy's Gift for the Ages', Robert and Melinda Macy, with Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Uwe Ludwig Horn, 2000
(No ISBN) A book on the work of the famous magicians Siegfried and Roy with white lions and tigers. Profusely illustrated with color pictures. This book is not currently listed on their website, but may be available through their website: www.siegfriedandroy-sarmoti.com. It is readily available at the gift shops in the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.
'Simba', C.A.W. Guggisberg, 1961, Howard Timmins, Cape Town S.A.
(No ISBN or LCC)(First US edition 1963) A good book with nice photos. Guggisberg's 25 years of observations are very 'seat of the pants', with little attempt to read scientific principles into them. As a result, he is still frequently cited by workers today as a source of accurate information. Some consider this to be the best single volume ever written about the lion. The book contains no index, so using it for research work is challenging. It does contain a good bibliography, however.
'Simba, the Lion Cub', V.J. Stanek
No further information available
'The Social Life of the Lion' Judith A. Rudnai, 1972, Kenya Medical and Technical Publishers, Lancaster, England
A good scientific book on the lion. (Not in my collection)
'Spirit of the Wild Cat', Mike and Peggy Briggs, 2006, Paragon Publishing
ISBN 1-40547-208-1 A beautiful coffee table book showcasing the world's major cat species. The lion is the first cat considered, and has the most pages devoted to it of all cats. You will enjoy this book! Hardcover, 256 pages, color photos throughout.
'The Spotted Lion', Kenneth Gandar Dower, 1937, Little, Brown and Company, Boston
No ISBN or LCC available. This book describes an exploration of some remote parts of Kenya following the discovery of a spotted lion skin. Although no spotted lions were discovered, the book does contain a good account of safari life in the '30's. It also contains a detailed taxinomic analysis of the lion skin. 331 pages. Some B/W photos, including one of the pelt as the frontispiece.
'The Story of Elsa', Joy Adamson, 1966, Harcourt, Brace and World (US)
ISBN unknown. This book is a condensation of the famous 'Elsa' trilogy: 'Born Free', 'Living Free' and 'Forever Free'. (The volume in my posession came to me with a newspaper clipping containing the inital story of Joy Adamson's death.) 319 pages, some B/W photos, and 2 maps.
'Sugarplum and Chico, the Civilized Lions', Pauline Bokkon, 1967
A story about two lions Pauline raised as mascots for a high school. (I seem to think I have this book, but cannot find it!) No further information is available.
'Survivor's Song', Mark and Delia Owens, 1992, Houghton Mifflin, NY
No ISBN or LCC available. Also published by Harper Collins of London. A sequel to 'Cry of the Kalahari'.
'Tigers Can't Tap Dance But They Know How To Tango', Valerre Wurst, 1997
ISBN 0-965-72900-1, Destiny Publishing, Longdale, NV. In this unusual childern's book, we enter the world of a big cat lover. Valerre has several big cats, including a lion, tiger and a cougar. She shares in words and many color pictures just what it is like to interact with these animals. Many of these pictures are downright remarkable. This book may be rather hard to find. Approx. 40 unnumbered pages. (I eventually came to know Valerre and one of the cats featured in this book, Leo the lion. Sadly, Leo left us in August of 2005. An account of my relationship with Leo will appear soon in the 'Lion Writings' section of this website.)
'Tiger Tales', Deborah Chancellor, 2000, DK Publishing
ISBN 0-7894-5423-8. A childern's book, subtitled 'And Big Cat Stories'. This book starts out with a rather heavy story for childern about a tiger that is acidently killed and then 'parted out' for various uses. From there, it goes on to tell about the importance of conservation of the big cats. Most importantly for the purposes of this list, the lion section of the book is devoted mainly to the story of Gareth Patterson's work with the lion cubs left after Geroge Adamson was murdered. It tells the story of how lion Batian was eventually killed by hunters. (Interestingly enough, the magnificent lion pictured in this section of the book is not Batian!) Some miscellaneous and somewhat lighter big cat stories are mixed in among these major stories. Highly recommended. 48 pages, color drawings and pictures. Recommended for second and third graders.
'To Walk With Lions', Gareth Patterson, 2001.
This book is about principles of spirituality that were learned from years of living with lions. (Lions are extremely spiritual animals!) Seven different spiritual principles are discussed in this fairly deep book. There are some wonderful stories in this book. Some start out very sad, but go on to show things very deep and wonderful. I am quoted in this book! You can learn more about this book at Gareth Patterson website.
'Tribe of the Tiger: Cats and their culture', Elizabeth M. Thomas, 1998
Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-78815-815-5 (Cloth), ISBN 0-67179-965-7 (Trade cloth), ISBN 0-68480-454-9 (Trade paperback). Not specifically about lions, but about cat behavior in general. This book is highly recommended.
'Uganda Quest', Ernest Neal, 1971, Taplinger Publishing Co., New York.
ISBN or LCC unknown. This book has an interesting chapter on the larger carnivores, including the lion.
'Velvet Paws', Irene Grindlay, 1966, The Adventurer's Club
ISBN or LCC unknown. The story of Mara the lioness-- who went on to star as 'Elsa' in the movie 'Born free'. 190 pages, some B/W photos.
'What's my Lion?', Pauline Bokkon
ISBN or LCC unknown. More adventures about raising lions at home! (See 'Sugrplum and Chico, the Civilized Lions', listed above.) No further information available.
'Where the Lions Walked', Gareth Patterson, 1991, Penguin Group, London
Out of print. You can learn more about the works of Gareth Patterson at his website.
'The White Lions of Timbavati', Chris McBride, 1977, Paddington Press LTD.
ISBN 0-448-22677-4 This excellent book tells the story of the discovery of white (not albino) lion cubs in the Timbavati Nature Reserve in South Africa. These lions have gone on to become the foundation stock for the world population of white lions. Although I have yet to read it, it looks very interesting, and is beautifully illustrated with color photos throughout. This book belongs in every lion lovers collection! Out of print, you may find it in used bookstores.
'Wild Cats of the World', Art Wolfe and Barara Sleeper
ISBN 0-517-79978-2, 1995 Crown publishers. A nicely done book that showcases all of the wild cat species. Superb photography, with many splendid lion pictures. Is also up-to-date informationwise. Widely available, but a bit pricey at $50.
'Wild Cats of the World', C.A.W. Guggisberg, 1975, David and Charles, Newton Abbot, England. Out of print.
This book is organized by species. In the lion section, it makes mention of the rare white lion and the 'black' lion. The 50 page lion section is apparently a condensation of 'Simba' by the same author.
'Wild Cats of the World', Mel and Fiona Sunquist
ISBN 0-226-77999-8, 2002, University of Chicago Press. A monumental work covering all 38 speices of wild cat in depth. It is probably the best one-volume treatise on the subject currently in print. This book provides current and definitive information for each species, including weights and measures tables. Some information in the lion section of the book looks like it was borrowed from George Schaller's work, 'The Serengeti Lion'. This book is very highly recommended! 452 pages, B/W and color photos.
'Wild Company', Gus Adendorff, 1984, Books of Africa.
No ISBN or LCC available. Mr Adendorff was a Senior Ranger of Kruger National Park in South Africa for 27 years. This book was sold with a phonograph record entitled 'The Language of Lions' recorded by the author in the park.(The record was in a sleeve in the back of the book.) Apparently a very rare book..
'Wild Lives of Africa', Juliette Huxley, 1953, William Collins, London
No ISBN or LCC data available.An account of a journey through South, East and Central Africa. Although not a book about lions per se, it contains a lot of information about lions. Also published by Quailty Book Club.
'With Lions by my Side', Paulette Lloyd Greame, 1958, Hutchinson & Co. LTD
(ISBN unknown) The story of Paulette Lloyd Greame, who had two dreams-- to live in a wild place and have a pet lion. She managed to acheive both! This book tells the story. 228 pages, some B/W pictures.
'With my Soul Amongst Lions', Gareth Patterson, 1995, St. Martin's Press, New York, NY
ISBN 0-34064-896-1 (Paperback?), ISBN 0-31214-768-6 (Cloth). (Also: ISBN 0-70893-740-3, Trade cloth, Ulverscroft Large Print Books.) A continuation of the story of the attempt to reintroduce the last of the Adamson lions into the wild. The book apparently ends with an impassioned plea to save the wildlife before it's gone. Widely available. Visit Gareth Patterson's website to learn more.
'Year of the Lion', Gerald Hanley, 1953, William Collins, London.
A fictional novel, with lions as the theme.
'Zamba, The True Story of the Greatest Lion That Ever Lived'
ISBN 0-06-76132-6 Ralph Helfer, 2005, HarperCollins Publishers. A wonderful book about a lion trained for film work. It should be read by any one who questions whether or not humans and lions were meant to be best friends. (The picture on the cover of the book, showing Mr. Heller's daughter Tana hugging Zamba says it all!) A book with both happy and sad stories. Mr. Heller (Of Modoc the Elephant fame) was one of the first trainers to use affection training. I cannot recommend this important book highly enough. Hardcover, 258 pages, some B/W photos. This book is easy to find.
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