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oseven oseven
Posts: 1710
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7 years ago
A staff nurse is known for having temper tantrums when the unit is stressful. The nurse slams doors, grumbles, and is demeaning to coworkers. The behavior has never been violent, but today it is becoming more threatening. The nurse just came into the station and said, “My nurse assistant is stupid. I’m not going to put up with that much longer. She needs to be put in her place.” How should the manager respond to this situation?

Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. The nurse should be removed from the unit.
2. A critical incident report should be written about the behavior.
3. The manager should explain that this is a good nurse who has difficulty tolerating stress.
4. Security should be notified of the behaviors.
5. The manager should warn other staff to stay clear of this nurse for the rest of the shift.
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oseven Author
6 years ago
The answer made sense with the explanation you gave!

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