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smonkey89 smonkey89
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11 years ago
I have found a lot of information about a red blood cell after it leaves our bone marrow, but for my science project, I need to find out what organelles it has before it leaves the bone marrow and loses its organelles. HELP PLEASE!!!!!
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11 years ago
This process is called "Haematopoiesis". Before a RBC is fully differentiated, it is a "Common Myeloid Progenitor" (a cell wich can, theoretically, differenatiate into a platelet, an RBC, a Mast Cell, a Basophil, a Neutrophil, an Eosinophil, or a Macrophage), and before that it is a Haemocytoblast, or Multipotent Haematopietic Stem Cell (which can differentiate into *any* blood cell type).

Both of these cell types contain *all* the normal organelles - nucleus, mitochondria, cytoskeleton, ER, golgi, and so on.
During the process of Erythropoiesis, these stem cells differentiate into erythrocytes (RBCs), and lose their organelles in the process.
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