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maha.t.malik maha.t.malik
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11 years ago
The question is: choose a specific example of a sensory neuron, and explain neural stimulation and impulses in terms of the threshold potential and the all or non response

Here's my attempt at an answer:

Sensory Neuron: Those in the vestibulochoclear nerve.
When sound hits this nerve at a frequency picked up the by the cochlea, the message is sent to the brain. In order for this to happen, the threshold potential of the nerve must be reached. When it is, sodium ion gates open and sodium ions rush into the membrane, depolarizing the membrane. This triggers an action potential. then the potassium ion gates are opened, and potassium rushes out and this re polarizes the membrane. After an overshoot, the resting membrane potential is reached again.

The part I'm unsure about saying is:

If the initial stimulus isn't strong enough in volume, then the threshold frequency is not reached. Thus there is no opening of the sodium gates, and no action potential.
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