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Fevn Fevn
Posts: 9
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11 years ago
Is there any toxin, poison, chemical, or man-made drug capable of this? I thought I remembered hearing something about a toxin capable of this in a neurosci class, but I can't find anything on the internet right now and I've been searching for hours without luck. I also tried searching under "Intracytoplasmic disintegration of synaptic vesicles" but google is not being kind to me today.
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11 years ago
I haven't heard anything as such, though enzymatic deactivation comes to mind as it causes the destruction of a neurotransmitter by an enzyme after its release. Some drugs acts as an agonist in that the chemical release of the drug stops the vesicle membrane of the presynaptic neuron to reuptake in that it sends the neurotransmitter back to the terminal buttons thus stoping the postsynaptic potential. Drugs such as Chlorpromazine used to block the D2 dopomine receptor.
11 years ago
I.Drug Name: Naquival ( Reserpine)
II.Effects: It works by inhibiting the ATP/Mg2+ pump that is in charge of moving norepinephrine into storage vesicles in the presynaptic neuron. These non-packaged neurotransmitters are then readily degraded by MAO (monoamine oxidase). Results in the reduction in catecholamines and serotonin from the central and peripheral axon terminals.
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