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rinakidd rinakidd
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10 years ago
At my college most people are trying to go to medical school. Every race in my town is saying that they are pre med and that they want to apply to medical school, including myself lol. Why is that. I find it hard to believe that all of these kids that are in "pre-med" classes will actually become doctors. Someone please enlighten me and tell me how screwed I am. Just completed 1st semester of freshman year.
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17 Replies

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10 years ago
Ikr.. My mom wants me to become a doctor too.. -__-
10 years ago
The medical career is very promising. Many professions in the medical career pay very well and there are always jobs.
10 years ago
Because doctors get paid a lot of money. It's as simple as that. Everybody dreams of making several hundred grand a year, regardless of the fact that you really do need a passion for medicine to be successful.

Most of those people will decide that they probably aren't cut out for medical school before the end of their Bachelors degree, and not even apply. Most people who do apply to med school will be rejected because they never took that goal seriously enough to be a competitive applicant. And among those who are accepted to med school, some will drop out because they realize that the stress and workload isn't worth the money in the end.

Only those who have passion for the medical profession will deal with the difficulties and become a doctor.
10 years ago
Just because they are in medical school it doesn't mean they are necessarily becoming "doctors".With the degree u can work as an assistant, xray technition,the people that help during labor etc.To be a doctor would great because that's big money.The med-field is always in demand,good$
10 years ago
Because they can't get into vet school D'oh!
10 years ago
Because you get tons of money. Duhh.(;
10 years ago
Most people who WANT to be in med school won't make it. If you REALLY want it (spend lots of time studying to get that near perfect gpa, prepare well for the MCAT, do plenty of extra-curriculars), AND are more intelligent than most (you don't have to be a genius, necessarily), then you have a very reasonable chance of making it if you apply to lots of schools.
10 years ago
first off, the one who answered your question his name was "top", he is gross and i hope to god he isn't in school to be a Dr. and 2nd i think that if you have the intelligence and the motivation and the desire to do what feels good, then go for it,and trust me when i say out of all the kids in your college that are in pre-med classes i know that half of them will probably end up changing their minds and drop the doctor thing. it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become a Dr. think about it like this- you are doing god's work and you are not god, that is a huge amount of pressure, including all the other pressure of the hard long classes and internships and blood, guts, death, and people crying and sometimes blaming you for what goes wrong, but then their are the good things that make up for all the bad, like saving someone's life, a child, adult or an animal
10 years ago
Well honey, the reason I want to become a doctor is not for the money but to help people in need, take for example I hope to go Ito Navy medicine and become a doctor for the navy and help the women and men that serve our country and to help natural disasters and all those who are less foutanate to get the proper medical care that they need, medicine is always a must not matter in what situation, I love people in general and i love to see people happy and healthy and to give someone health and comfort is I all love to see.
10 years ago
A lot of people want to become doctors because it would make their parents proud (not a good reason). Many think, "I'm smart so I should do medicine." (Also not a good reason). Some think they'll be rolling in money (you won't be, so a rather deluded reason really... I recommend banking or finance if money is the priority). Some genuinely want to provide comfort and care to ill people, keep well people well, and love the idea of learning for the rest of their lives. (Much better reason).

While you do have to be smart, hard-working is even more important. While parents may be proud, you won't last the distance or you'll hate your life if this is the only reason someone is doing medicine. While you might have good job security and the salary isn't bad, the debt is huge and there are many many years of study where you won't be earning, while all the non-med people are.

I remember 1200 of us in first year putting up our hands when asked 'Who wants to get into medschool?' Then they told us to get used to the idea that 1000 of us wouldn't get in. All the best and remember that you need those grades to be fantastic so work hard.
10 years ago
i had a teacher who asked a classroom of 650 chemistry students who was going into healthcare.
99% of the hands went up.
the fact is, not all these students are going to continue into healthcare, and a good chunk are going to change their mind. college is rarely a straight road.
always be true to yourself and do what you're truly passionate about.
10 years ago
Most won't even apply to med school, and of those that do, only a few will be accepted.

If your grades are near perfect and you get a killer score on the MCAT, then go for it.  If you find organic chemistry to be more of a challenge than you bargained for, that's when you (and many of your classmates) will be looking at alternative career options.

Good luck.
10 years ago
They all think they will make a trillion dollars.

It ain't the truth.
Being a doctor means not having a life, not ever seeing your family, working 80+ hours a week, being legally responsible for every single healthcare worker under you, malpractice insurance, being sued, etc etc etc.

It's the main reason I went into nursing. The doctor may have most of the legal liability and write the orders... But I RUN THE PLACE.
Patients who piss me off don't get care, don't get their drugs, and end up "out the door".

And when my shift is over.... I GET TO GO HOME.

Not so with doctors!
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