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10 years ago
It actually is a fallacious questions, it is also provoking, which is why it's a good one. The question assumes that the regime is completely not a threat. Whether or not it's true, none of us on here can truly say. The question is also leading in that sense. The fallacy is called petitio principii. Additionally, others look to us for help, we have the means and power to punish "bad people"... while many may perish, many will also be saved in the name of stopping a really, really bad person. That was also a great point bringing up what happened in WWI and how the death of a certain person can stir the world, but, what does that have to do with anything in Syria right now? I sincerely doubt that an archduke, or anyone of any importance, will be in Syria. IF they are, I'm sure General Martin Dempsey will be fully aware of what is being targeted. And, he's not acting alone and he is not unilaterally authorizing a military attack. The U.N. did vote for military action, but, Russia vetoed. So the majority of the U.N. is on board. Nevertheless, I'm worried. Russia will not be happy when we act, I just hope it's just enough not to provoke them.
May peace be with you.
Staff Member
10 years ago
Wasn't it both Russia and China? These are two major players in the world's economy.

I wouldn't call Assad a really bad man. After all, the sect of Islam he belongs to is very tolerant of minorities, especially Christians and Jews that have made their home in Syria. If they kill him, the country will be taken over by Al Qaeda - not only do they have Christians and Jews, they even hate themselves and believe that blowing their brains into millions of pieces will solve problems (and gain them virgins in heaven).

After reading about this, I think the USA is an international bully. This mindset has to stop. We're living in the 21st century and we still resort to violence to resolve our problems. I believe Obama is a good man, and his instincts also tell him that it's wrong. But, like Mikael said, he's nothing more than a puppet. Him and Bush are the same sh@#, plain and simple. Whereas one brought our country to debt, the other is adding more to it. Didn't Detroit go into bankruptcy a few months ago? Why not help them out instead of "helping" foreigners win a war that isn't even a problem for the states?
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
The regime is the terrorist here who's been killing thousands of innocent children with chemical weapons and otherwise.
10 years ago
The regime is the terrorist here who's been killing thousands of innocent children with chemical weapons and otherwise.

Assad is a terrorist? lol Then I guess I can say the same thing about every other president.

Perhaps you should look into who the FSA (AKA free Al Qaeda army) is before even posting. I won't even discuss this with you (read the thread in its entirety).

Wasn't it both Russia and China? These are two major players in the world's economy.

10 years ago
Assad is a terrorist?  Then I guess I can say the same thing about every other president.

He's the only president whose actually is combating terrorism. Pretty sad. USA is arming the terrorists he's fighting.
10 years ago
everythings gonna be okay now russia is helping out fix the chemical weapon problem
10 years ago
everythings gonna be okay now russia is helping out fix the chemical weapon problem

Libya, you all remember Libya, gave up its nuclear weapons in 2003 as a "peaceful" resolution. 10 years later they were bombed by the United States. Iraq gave up its weapons in 1991, they were bombed 12 years later. This isn't a solution to anything.
10 years ago
NO Way! this is a terrible idea, given the fact that the US has had similar propaganda during the time of the Iraq invasion. now with the internet and the easy access to information, these sorts of things shouldnt happen.
10 years ago
Regardless of whether or not the country is innocent the United States government has no right to attack another sovereign nation. Essentially what they plan to do is illegal. Furthermore, why is Syria special? There are plenty of other countries that the U.S. could justify giving military aid to.
bio_man Author
10 years ago
I have an issue with CNN. I really can't watch those circle of lies that they call television programs anymore.
Valued Member
On Hiatus
10 years ago
I have an issue with CNN. I really can't watch those circle of lies that they call television programs anymore.
I have the same problem with all media... As I said, the more difficult is to prove the information, the less credible they are.
So, any news about "Syria used chemical weapons" is unreliable. Because for me, the USA claims are not proofs...
bio_man Author
10 years ago
I have an issue with CNN. I really can't watch those circle of lies that they call television programs anymore.
I have the same problem with all media... As I said, the more difficult is to prove the information, the less credible they are.
So, any news about "Syria used chemical weapons" is unreliable. Because for me, the USA claims are not proofs...

I totally agree. I've resorted to using alternative media, such as liveleak.com. The only credible news show on cable is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and that's found on the comedy network Undecided
10 years ago
Trusted Member
10 years ago

you're an idiot
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