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lee234 lee234
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10 years ago
 Comparing the rotation and orbital period of the Moon with those of Earth, rank the periods from longest to shortest.

Rank from longest to shortest period.

Earth orbital, Earth rotation, Moon orbital , Moon rotation.

Thank you
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Staff Member
10 years ago
Longest to shortest

Earth's Orbital Period
Moon's Orbital Period = Moon's Rotation Period
Earth's Rotation Period
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
1: 365.25 days The Earth goes around the sun once every 365.25 days.

2: 28.5 days The Moon orbits the Earth once every 28.5 days

3: 28.5 days The Moon rotates about it's axis once every 28.5 days.

4: 24 hours The Earth rotates about it's axis once in 24 hours

The hardest one to understand is the Moon orbiting the Earth AND rotating about it's axis with the same period of time. If you think about it, the Moon always presents the same face to the Earth. Take a ball and put a mark on it, and then rotate it about another ball so the mark always faces inward and you will see that the rotation must equal the orbital period in order to show the same face to the Earth no matter where on the Earth someone is looking from.
10 years ago
Earth's orbital period 8766.144 hours
Earth's rotation period 24 hours
Moon has a rotational period of 655.2 hours
Moon's orbital period 655.719888 hours

Surely you can put those numbers in the correct order....
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