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mrxyz mrxyz
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10 years ago
I'm 22. My parents have pretty much been incharge my entire life and although I don't hold it against them due to their background they never really took great care teaching me things I needed to know growing up/ensuring I was healthy.

So I've spent most of my life overweight. Since a few months ago I've taken charge and lost 10kg so far, it feels great! I intend to keep going until my target weight is hit.

One of the things that plagues me though is that my hair has become quite thin. And I believe it's a result of my washing my hair with shampoo 2 or 3 times each day in the shower for most of my life (I was never taught it was bad for you) as well as the overweight issue I mentioned. Thing is my dad is in his late 50's and he appears to have thicker hair than me, so likely it's not genetics. So if it's environmental reasons and I stop with the bad habit - my hair should grow back like normal right?
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10 years ago
So I've spent most of my life overweight. Since a few months ago I've taken charge and lost 10kg so far, it feels great! I intend to keep going until my target weight is hit.

WOW! That's amazing. I take it you're not American (using the metric system)?

One of the things that plagues me though is that my hair has become quite thin. And I believe it's a result of my washing my hair with shampoo 2 or 3 times each day in the shower for most of my life (I was never taught it was bad for you) as well as the overweight issue I mentioned.

Showering multiple times a day isn't ideal. Not because of the shampoo, but because the water is chlorinated (to a degree) and that's not good. You should be shampooing no more than once every shower. You should limit showering once a day or once every two days. Seriously, you're not that dirty!

I'm guessing you're a man. In that case, how about your mother? Does she have thinning hair or experience any hair loss? I've seen situations where the father has a full set of hair, but the mother is balding and so the offspring experience the same thing.
mrxyz Author
10 years ago
Thank you for your enthusiasm, and no I'm from the UK actually!

I didn't shower multiple times a day but just applied shampoo to my hair 3 times in one shower. I know it sounds silly but it was a habit developed through childhood. Nowadays, I still shower once a day but have begun shampooing my hair only once every 3 or 5 days now.

Indeed I'm a man, and my mother also has reasonably great hair for her age. My dad has most of his hair, the top-back of his scalp is losing hair though. But at that age I'd be happy with what he has. This age however, it's not great for self confidence. I still have all of it, it's just very thin and not abundant on the top.
10 years ago
Shampooing isn't as evil as people make it out to be. Perhaps you're using one that just doesn't suit you. That happened to me once where I began losing so many hairs after using this one product.

If your mom appears to have a full set of hair, check to see your grandfather, her father. If he's bad, that gene may translate over to you. Regardless, both parents seems to be doing well in terms of their hair, so you may just be going through a short phase. When did you start experiencing this? Are you losing it from the back or is it receding from the front?
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On Hiatus
10 years ago
Because your parents have thick hairs it doesn't necessarily mean that the cause of thin hair is not genetic. How about other members of your family, like grandfather-mother?

However, since you said that the thin hair started after losing weight, I assume that the problem is related to your diet. Do you follow a specific diet or you just reduce the food you eat?
It is common that, when someone wants to lose weight just reduces the food he consumes. Although that might be an effective way to lose weight, it may have some side effects. The reason is, that, along with the reduced calories intake, the body also receives reduced amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins and possibly other things. The side effects might be feeling tired, hair problems, getting sick easier etc. Have you noticed any other side effects other than thin hair?

When you are dieting, you should focus on reducing fats and high calorie foods. You should continue consuming fruits and vegetables (they are usually poor on calories), and you should provide your body with protein (that usually is the hardest part). The protein intake should be at least 0.8-1grams per kg of your weight. So, for example if you weight 90kg, you should get around 70-90 grams of proteins daily. Good foods rich in proteins and low in calories are chicken breast, steaks (lean), canned tuna (in water- you can add olive oil). You can consume these meals without accompaniments like rice or bread if you don't want more calories.

Would you like to tell me, at an average day, how many times you eat, what you eat and how much?

Bathing 3 times per day can be harmful for your hair. Reducing the times you bath your hairs helps. Once a day or per two days, or even less if your hair doesn't get oily is fine. But I personally don't think that's the problem.
10 years ago
there are many things you can do to help maintain hair health, including supplements, moisturizing, and of course, don't over-wash your hair, Stress can also be a factor, healthy eating habits, and moderate exercise are also good.
mrxyz Author
10 years ago
biology101 my mum's dad, and dad's dad both have little hair left on top of their scalp. They did however have much more when they were my age and beyond (as I can tell from photos)

PLEASE read what I said Alexx it appears you misread what I said, or maybe I didn't explain it properly. I'll give a quick timeline to make it easier...
Ages 4 - 22: overweight
Age I noticed hair having thinned significantly: 19 I believe
Now at age 22: lost 10kg - no changes in hair while losing weight
mrxyz Author
10 years ago
Still awaiting answer...
Staff Member
10 years ago

Is the hair thinning everywhere? If that's the case, then it's more likely a hormonal issue that needs to be correct. If you're seeing thinning at the front, it's likely male-pattern baldness.

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Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
mrxyz Author
10 years ago
It's at the top of my head, the sides and back seem to be reasonably the same...
Staff Member
10 years ago
Then it's male pattern baldness.

Sometimes certain genes can skip a generation.

Best thing to do with balding is to immediately take the necessary precautions by using finasteride pills that deter the progression and buildup of DHT. Go to your doctor, get these pills - they are for enlarged prostate but work wonders for people at your stage of hair loss. Each pill can be broken down into five pieces. One pack of finasteride (propecia) should last you 150 days, or 5 months. It will cost you 60 bucks, but will save your hair.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
mrxyz Author
10 years ago
Oh wow, that sounds very interesting. Can you explain what you mean by save my hair - do you mean stop it getting worse or make it better slightly?
Staff Member
10 years ago
Oh wow, that sounds very interesting. Can you explain what you mean by save my hair - do you mean stop it getting worse or make it better slightly?

The best treatment for hair loss is the prevention of progression. Finasteride (propecia) will stop it from falling off and start to thicken it up. Pretty much you'll be buying yourself 5 to 7 years before it commences again.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
mrxyz Author
10 years ago
That's fantastic. Last doctor I went to, seemed to be in some sort of a mood who just said "I think that's male pattern blindness" and didn't suggest anything else. I'd lost hope, but this was good advice so I'll go back and see another doctor. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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