Article Summary
Posted by duddy   May 12, 2016    4830 views

A Turing machine is a hypothetical machine thought of by the mathematician Alan Turing in 1936. Despite its simplicity, the machine can simulate ANY computer algorithm, no matter how complicated it is.

Put simply, the Turing machine isn't a physical machine, but you can imagine it as an never-ending line of tape, broken down into squares. On each of those squares is a 1, a 0, or nothing at all. The machine reads one square at a time, and depending on what it reads, it performs an action - it either erases the number and writes a new one before moving on, or simply moves on to a different square.

Each of those actions, which mathematicians call a 'state', are determined by the mathematical algorithm or problem the Turing machine has been designed to solve.  

For a more thorough explanation of a Turing machine, watch the informative video below:

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