Article Summary
Posted by bio_man   Mar 1, 2017    10597 views

Plants are essential for any ecosystem, being both a food source and habitat for living things. Although plants are stationary, many are dangerous to touch or eat, making you sick or cause a bad reaction. Some of the most poisonous plants are described below:

Abrus Precarious or Rosary Pea (Left)

This plant has beans that contain a deadly poison. Ironically, their seeds are often used in jewelry and rosary making, but are not harmful when touched, only if chewed or scratched. The poison is known to stop protein synthesis, leading to organ failure.

Ricinus Communis or the Castor Bean (Center)

The castor bean plant comes from Africa and its seed is the source of castor oil used all over the world. However, the seeds contain a deadly poison called Ricin, and if eaten can lead to death. This poison leads to inhibition of protein synthesis and causes organ failure, diarrhea, and death.

Nerium Oleander or Oleander (Right)

Also know as the Jericho Rose, this widely cultivated plant exists all over the world with no precise region of origin. Due to its beauty, the plant is used for decoration and in gardens. If ingested, it can cause bloody diarrhea, vomiting, irregularity in the heart beat, and various other physiological effects. The whole plant is poisonous, and even inhaling the smoke while burning it can be lethal.

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