Article Summary
Posted by ehd123   Nov 19, 2013    6281 views

It is extremely essential, that it is your guardian angel in times of stress and need, maintaining your relaxed pain-free state, while keeping your internal pluming up an going.. I like to call it the secondary police of the cell, after the primary cell cycle genes, that is. Not only does it go around making sure all compounds are receiving and exchanging electrons, but it is also among the military forces of the cell. It stands loyal to the cell when it is being invaded. When the cell's economy is no longer stable, mischievous backstabbers- bacteria and viruses or even toxins- love to take action and bring the cell city down, and that happens when there is a lack of electrons circulating, which is when Vitamin C military forces are cut back, and there is not enough anymore.. This deficiency makes us sick..

If you suffer from fatigue, muscle weakness, achy joints and muscles, bleeding gums or leg rashes - you could be vitamin C deficient. Everything from the common cold to cancer can't resist the healing power of vitamin C. In fact, there is not a known virus that can survive in the presence of this essential antioxidant.

According to the work of Linus Pauling and the Linus Pauling Institute, vitamin C therapy has been shown to prevent, even reverse serious health condition, like cancer. Generally speaking, the Linus Pauling Institute recommends that healthy men and women eat "at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily" - which provides about 200 mg of vitamin C. Obviously, if you suffer from any chronic disease, greater amounts may be required.

Research has shown that as little as 10 mg of vitamin C per day can eliminate the threat of scurvy. Naturally, diseases like cancer and heart disease require much larger quantities. But, the main point is that health problems like, cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, gout, high blood pressure and stroke can all be treated with vitamin C therapy.

I have become a fair believer in the magical powers of fruits and vegetables, how about you? Slight Smile

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