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Money is the oldest form of item used for exchange.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
Who led the way for early 1990s gangsta rap? A. Arrested Development B. Queen Latifah C. N.W.A. D. Kool Herc
What racial impact did rap have? A. Attracted white teens and broke down racial barriers B. Pushed people to peacefully protest for civil rights C. Further segregated different races D. Started social organizations
Who was not considered a New Jack Swing artist? A. HDV B. Maestro Fresh-Wes C. Michie Mee D. Dream Warriors
What did gangsta rappers glorify? A. Subservient women B. Funk music C. Social organizations D. Social justice
Who combined metal and funk? A. Linkin Park B. Red Hot Chili Peppers C. Black Sabbath D. Led Zeppelin
What sobering events led to a revived interest in hard rock at the turn of the century? A. The attack on Iraq B. The dot-com recession C. The election of George W. Bush D. The re-election of Bill Clinton
Who/what are “Fieldy” and “Munky”? A. Kid Rock’s dogs’ names B. CDs released by the Deftones C. Members of Korn D. Song by Linkin Park
Which of the following is an all-female nu-metal act? A. Kittie B. Coal Chamber C. Creed D. Disturbed
What group released the chart-topping Silver Side Up? A. System of a Down B. Nickelback C. Korn D. Linkin Park
What causes global warming? A. Increased gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide and methane B. Movement of the sun C. Irregular moon vibrations D. Recycling
What was MoveOn.org? A. A political action group that staged concerts to get youth to vote B. A website for a group of bands C. A George W. Bush campaign site D. An anti-prison Website
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