This week, I found the blog post to be extremely interesting. The cartoon drawings following the reading helped me understand how the author truly felt about her depression. As a child, everything seems to be “rainbows and butterflies.” As you get older in age, your imagination dwindles and reality hits. When you become an adult, real life problems affect the way you live your life. At times I get sad, and even a little depressed, at certain situations that I experience. However, these feelings of sadness and depression go away shortly after the situation subsides and my feelings of happiness return. Before reading the blog post, it was always hard for me to understand how suicidal thoughts can overcome a person. After reading the blog post, I understand the sequence of events that could lead to extreme depression and suicidal thoughts. This blog post should be read by anyone going through severe depression. The blog helps to encourage those who believe they have no feelings to feel again. When I am feeling down I like to remember “it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.”