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statistics and probability

Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: Tiffany Means
Category: Statistics and Probability
Type: Assignment
Rating: N/A
Filename:   Section 6 Des Stats Excel Assignment 2.docx (18 kB)
Page Count: 1
Credit Cost: 1
Views: 64
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The following table shows the number of Teens aged 16-19 not attending school and not working for selected states in 2016. Source: Location Number Percent Florida 71,000 7% Illinois 45,000 7% Indiana 24,000 7% Iowa 8,000 4% Kansas 10,000 6% Kentucky 20,000 8% Louisiana 29,000 11% Michigan 38,000 7% Missouri 18,000 5% Ohio 35,000 6% Use Excel to find the descriptive statistics listed below for the number of 16-19 year olds not attending/working. Clearly label these values in Excel. Use Excel to find the descriptive statistics listed below for the percent of 16-19 year olds not attending/working. Mean Median Mode Maximum Minimum Range Write a paragraph about your findings regarding teens not attending school and not working. Make sure to answer the following in your paragraph: How does the state of Indiana compare to the surrounding states? Which state has the best or worst data (explain your reasoning)? Which value gives a better comparison, the number or the percentage (explain your reasoning)? Follow the examples from the class activity (Section 6: Descriptive Statistics) and be sure to include labels for the values you are computing and use the appropriate Excel functions for the calculations. **You will need to submit your spreadsheet via Ivy Learn for grading.

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