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Lesson 1 Assignment: Ecosystem Productivity: A Balance Between Energy and Matter

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Contributor: bolbol
Category: Biology
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Module 2: Lesson 1 ASSIGNMENT This Module 2: Lesson 2 Assignment is worth 18 marks. The value of each assignment and each question is stated in the left margin. (18 marks) Lesson 1 Assignment: Ecosystem Productivity: A Balance Between Energy and Matter Lab 1: Thought Lab 2.3: Too Much of a Good Thing Using information in the table, answer the questions below. Type of Organism Overall effect of increasing amounts of UVR Adaptations for protection against UVR Environmental feature that protect against UVR Algae or phytoplankton • can inhibit photosynthesis • UVR – absorbing compounds • Dissolved material in water can act as a shield. Plants • in general, inhibits photosynthesis • Reduces leaf size and decreases growth of many plants • Pigmentations • UVR – absorbing compounds • DNA repair processes • Shade can protect plants. Bacteria • Depending of species, may be killed or highly resistant •DNA repair process •Amount of Sun exposure is limited. Protozoa • Varies, damages cells in some species. •DNA repair process in some Protozoa • Protozoa living in deeper waters are shielded from UVR Zooplankton •Can be damaging or kill depending on age and other factors •pigmentation •UVR-absorbing compounds. •DNA repair • Zooplankton are shielded from UVR when they swim to deeper waters. Fish • Damaging, • Can kill fish. • Pigmentation • DNA repair process • Deeper, cooler waters protect developing fish. Amphibians • Causes developmental damage • Can kill some amphibians ability to fight disease. • Pigmentation • DNA repair process • Dissolved materials in water can act as a shield. • Some amphibians are noctural Humans • Causes skin deterioration, skin cancer, and eye problems. (cataracts) • Pigmentation (melanin in skin) •DNA repair process • Shade, clothing, and sunscreen can protect against UVR. Some things to consider as you work through this lab include the following: · UVR travels in wavelengths and is a form of electromagnetic energy (like light). · UVR can disrupt or cause mutations in DNA, which is associated with different cancers. (4 marks) 1. What might be the effects of increasing amounts of UVR on productivity ? UVR can hinder photosynthesis and harm cells, turning them cancerou. (4 marks) 2. What direct effects does increasing UVR have on animals ? it can damage skin cells, cause cancer. (4 marks) 3. What indirect effects might increasing UVR have on animals ? if plants can not complete photosynthesis or it is slown, the plants could die and an animal could lose a food source and look for another food source that will in turn affect another animal’s eating habits. So on and so forth. (6 marks) 4. Suggest an approach to counteract increased levels of UVR in ecosystems. What would you need to find out to ensure that your approach is a wise one ? Since greenhouse gasses are breaking down the ozone layer and in turn allowing greater amounts of UVR’s to enter the earth's atmosphere, causing great amounts of damage, people need to think about how we can counteract these increases. Since there is not, currently, a way to repair the ozone we should reduce using the things that harm it. Fossil fuels, coal, and other things, that when burned, cause green house gasses. This will help slow the depletion of the ozone layer and the rate at which UVR enters the atmosphere. Of course this wouldn’t / isn’t best plans as it still allows the rays to enter, it would help keep the rays at a level that could be tolerable if the right precautions are taken. Once you have completed all of the questions, submit your work to your teacher.

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