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Uploaded: 7 years ago
Contributor: Guest
Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
Tags: population, increase, growth, higher, decrease, predators, prevented, disease, constant, abundance, control, increase, supply, availability, spread
Filename: Populations.docx
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Population growth
Definition of population:
All the individuals of:
The same species
Living in the same area
Breeding with one another
Factors that affect the rate of population growth:
Food supply
Populations size will continue to rythmically increase and decrease as a result of these factors.
Food supply
An increase in the number of organisms competing for limited supplies of food will lead to the weaker species dying off and the strongest surviving.
Unlimited supply Increase in population
Limited supply Decrease in population
When there is an abundance of prey, predators will thrive and increase in numbers.
When the abundance of prey diminishes, the predators will start to decrease due to competition.
When there is an increase in population, disease will spread more rapidly.
The population will then decrease and disease will spread less rapidly.
Sigmoid curve – three phases
LAG – Slow growth due to adjustment to environment.
LOG – Rapid increase due to availability of food
STATIONARY – Populations remains constant due to limiting factors
LAG – Slow growth due to adjustment to environment.
LOG – Rapid increase due to availability of food
STATIONARY – Populations remains constant due to limiting factors
Human population growth
Reasons for recent rapid increase in population size:
Reduction of disease
Prevention of typhoid and cholera through provision of clean drinking water and sewage removal.
Mass immunizations have prevented multitudes of child deaths from measles, mumps and small pox.
Use of antibiotics has made treatment of bacterial infections more successful.
Increase in food supply
Agricultural methods have become more efficient and therefore a higher yield is produced from crops.
More land is being cultivated.
Factors effecting human population growth
Birth rate higher than death rate Increase. Vice versa.
Birth rate equals death rate ZPG (Zero Population Growth)
Emigration (Leaving area)
Immigration (Entering area)
Natural disasters
Education regarding heal care and contraception
Disease and food supply
Social implications of human population growth
Most barriers to human population growth have been eliminated.
Population of the world now increases rapidly (population explosion).
Birth control in developed areas has reduced the birth rate.
People may be prevented from using birth control due to:
Religious beliefs
It being unaccesible (Rural areas)
Preference for larger families (cultural)
Increase in human population results in:
Less water and food
Less agricultural space
More waste materials
More pollution
More overcrowding
Increased spreading of disease
Less money per person for educaton and medicine
Increase in birth rate
Interpreting graphs
Increasing population Stable population
Many young at reproductive age Low mortality rate
Many more to come
High mortality rate
The larger the difference in the widths of the consecutive rows, the higher the motality rate.
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