Theory – set of concepts and propositions that describe and explain observations
Parsimonious: concise
Falsifiable: capable of making specific predictions which can be disconfirmed
Heuristic: build on existing knowledge by generating testable hypotheses
Freud’s Psychosexual Theory
Unconscious motives are repressed
Development is a conflictual process
Sexual and aggressive instincts that must be served, yet society dictates restraint
Three Components of Personality
Id: satisfy inborn biological instincts, now
Ego: conscious, rational, finds a realistic means of satisfying instincts
Superego: seat of the conscience, develops between ages 3-6 as morals of parents are internalized
Stages of Psychosexual Development
Sex instinct, broadly defined, was most important
Focus of sex instinct shifts during development
Shifts = stages
Unconscious motivation
Impact of early experiences
Emotional side of development
Little evidence that oral, anal, and genital conflicts predict adult personality
Difficulty falsifying or confirming main propositions
Erickson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development
Comparing Erickson with Freud
Children are active explorers, not passive slaves to biological urges
Emphasis on social and cultural influences, less on sexual urges
Eight Life Crises (Psychosocial Stages)
Emerge at a time dictated by biological maturation and social demands
Must be resolved successfully for satisfactory resolution at next stage
Extend throughout life
Stresses rational, adaptive nature
Emphasizes social conflicts that we can anticipate and observe in others
Vague about causes of development
Descriptive, not explanatory
Psychoanalytic Theory Beyond Freud and Erickson
Horney – founder of psychology of women
Adler – siblings are important contributors to social and personality development
Sullivan – close, same-sex friendships during middle childhood set stage for intimate love relationships later in life
Bandura’s Cognitive Social Learning Theory
People are active information processors
Observational learning – observing models
Rejects Watson’s environmental determinism – passive recipients
Proposed reciprocal determinism – interaction between person, behavior, and the environment (bidirectional links)
Bandura’s classic “Bobo Doll” Study
Demonstrated importance of observational learning
Demonstrated no-trial learning
Distinguished learning from performance
Contributions of Learning Theories
Wealth of information
Very precise and testable
Clinical insights and practical applications
Behavior modification
Criticisms of Learning Theories
Oversimplified, ignores contribution of biological influences
Children must be studied in their natural settings to understand how environments influence development
Too little attention on cognitive influences on development
Piaget’s View of Intelligence
Intelligence: a process that helps an organism adapt to its environment
Scheme: organized pattern of thought or action used to cope with or explain experience
Children actively construct understandings of the world through experience.
Assimilation: interpretation of new experiences in terms of existing schemes
Disequilibrium: contradictions between understanding and facts
Accommodation: alter existing schemes to account for new experiences
Four Stages of Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor (0-2)
Preoperational (2-7)
Concrete-operational (7-11/12)
Formal operational (11/12 – beyond)
Invariant developmental sequence
Piaget’s Viewpoint
Legitimized study of children’s thinking
Contributed to new area of social cognition
Strong impact on education
Discovery based learning
Underestimated young children’s intellectual capacities
Training can improve performance on tasks, challenging the assumption that individualized discovery learning is best.
Sociocultural Influences: Vygotsky’s viewpoint
How is culture transmitted from generation to generation?
Cognitive growth is a socially mediated activity.
Not all children progress through same stages of cognitive growth, some are culturally specific.
The Information-Processing Viewpoint
The mind is like a computer; information flows in, is operated on, and is converted to output (answers etc.).
Cognitive development
Changes in brain and mental processes
Due to both maturation and experience
Is continuous, NOT stagelike
Insights on growth of cognitive abilities
Filled gaps in Piaget’s theory
Know how children approach problems
Know why they make errors
Can suggest strategies to improve performance
May not reflect thinking in everyday life
Computer model may underestimate the richness/diversity of cognition
Both are being addressed by researchers
Ethology: scientific study of evolutionary basis of behavior and the contributions of evolved responses to survival and development
Assumptions of Classical Ethology:
Born with biologically programmed behaviors (through natural selection)
Products of evolution
Adaptive to survival
Focus on instinctual responses that
All members of species share
May steer individuals along similar developmental paths
Study subjects in natural environment
Ethology and Human Development
Crying (for example)
Ensures infant’s basic needs are met
Ensures sufficient contact to form primary emotional attachments
Critical periods: limited time span when organisms are biologically prepared to display adaptive patterns of development, given right input
Sensitive periods:
Optimal time for emergence of behaviors
Particularly sensitive to environmental influences
Development can occur outside a sensitive period, but is more difficult
Modern Evolutionary Theory
Adaptive motives and behaviors ensure survival and spread of an individual’s genes
Individual can die if family member survives, as they carry his or her genes
Children have adaptive, genetically preprogrammed characteristics that influence development.
Value of studying human development in normal, everyday settings
Value of comparing human development with that of other species
Difficult to test
Learning tends to modify most biological predispositions
Bronfenbrenner – ecological systems theory: a detailed analysis of environmental influences
Contexts for Development
Natural environments are the major source of influence for development.
Environment is a set of nested structures.
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of the environment as a series of nested structures. The microsystem refers to relations between the child and the immediate environment, the mesosystem to connections among the child’s immediate settings, the exosystem to social settings that affect but do not contain the child, and the macrosystem to the overarching ideology of the culture
Bronfenbrenner’s Contexts for Development
Microsystem: activities/interactions in the immediate surroundings
Mesosystem: connections between microsystems (homes, schools, etc.)
Exosystem: contexts children are not a part of but which may influence development
Macrosystem: cultural, subcultural, or social class context in which other systems are imbedded
Chronosystem: changes in the child or any of the other systems can affect the direction of development
Rich description of environment
Need to study development in natural settings
Little on specific biological contributors
Lack of focus on normative development
The Nature/Nurture Theme
Biological versus environmental forces
Both interact to produce change
The Active/Passive Theme
Children are active, determining how society treats them
Children are passive, being molded by society
The Continuity/Discontinuity Theme
Change occurs gradually and continuously or with abrupt changes or stages (discontinuous)
Quantitative or qualitative changes
Quantitative: change in degree or amount
qualitative: changes in form or kind
The Holistic Nature of Development Issue
Are the different aspects of development separate, or are they interrelated and influence each other?