Educational Psychology
Cognitive Development and Language
Multiple Choice Questions
Which one of the following is an example of maturation?
A) Gaining weight from age two to age three
B) Losing weight due to exercise
C) Losing weight during a brief illness
D) Learning which foods produce the most weight
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Maturation refers to changes that occur naturally and spontaneously rather than as a result of environmental circumstances. An example would be gaining weight from age two to age three. [Note: losing weight due to illness or exercise is not a natural occurrence, but one that is caused by particular environmental events.]
As time goes on, Tina becomes a happier individual, more in touch with life, and content with her situation. This description emphasizes what kind of development for Tina?
A) Cognitive
B) Personal
C) Physical
D) Social
Answer: B
Explanation: B) In contrast with social development that involves relations with others, personal development is illustrated in the scenario on changes in Tina's personality (such as being happier, changes in self-concept, etc.).
All developmental theories have the following general principle in common
A) Development is balanced.
B) Development is gradual.
C) Development occurs in a random way.
D) Individuals develop at the same rate.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Development is gradual, occurs in an orderly way, and occurs at variable rates. Development is NOT considered to be balanced, i.e., development is not balanced across physical, personal, social, and cognitive development.
What part of the brain coordinates and orchestrates skilled movements?
A) Cerebellum
B) Cortex
C) Cerebrum
D) Frontal lobe
Answer: A
Explanation: A) The cerebellum is the part of the brain that coordinates and orchestrates skilled movements. The thalamus is associated with the ability to learn new information, while the cerebral cortex controls sensory input, the formation of associations, and voluntary movement.
If John is introduced to the concept of fractions today, he will not be able to start adding and subtracting them tomorrow. What general principle of development is illustrated?
A) Development proceeds through identifiable stages.
B) Development takes place gradually.
C) Maturation is the basis for development.
D) John lacks personal development.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Development takes place gradually. John will need to acquire more experience and skills with fractions before he can perform specific operations such as adding and subtracting. [He may, however, acquire those skills at different rates than others.]
The last part of the brain to develop fully is the
A) cerebellum.
B) cerebral cortex.
C) frontal lobe.
D) thalamus.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The last section of the brain to develop fully is the frontal lobe in the cerebral cortex.
The part of the cerebral cortex that matures first controls
A) higher-order thinking processes.
B) physical movements.
C) the processing of language.
D) the formation of associations.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Control of physical movements matures in the cerebral cortex before other functions, such as activities that involve verbalization.
Specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain involves
A) Broca's area.
B) lateralization.
C) the primary auditory cortex.
D) Wernicke's area.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Specialization in the two hemispheres of the brain relates to lateralization.
Messages sent by releasing chemicals that jump across synapses involve
A) lateralization.
B) myelination.
C) neurons.
D) transformations.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Neurons send messages by releasing chemicals that jump across synapses in the brain.
According to Piaget, the foundation for development in all humans is supplied by
A) activity.
B) exploration.
C) maturation.
D) social transmission.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The fundamental basis for development in people is biological maturation, the characteristics that are genetically determined.
Piaget's basic blocks of thinking and memory are
A) actions.
B) accommodations.
C) adaptations.
D) schemas.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Schemas are Piaget's basic blocks of thinking. These schemas are an organized system of thought or action that permit us to represent objects and thoughts in our own words.
The two processes involved in adaptation are
A) assimilation and accommodation.
B) assimilation and equilibration.
C) equilibration and organization.
D) social transmission and schema.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) The two processes of adaptation are assimilation and accommodation. Accommodation is defined by Piaget as the process of changing existing schemas to respond to a new situation. Assimilation is the process of changing what is learned to fit existing schemas.
Which of the following pairs of factors that influence thinking is thought by Piaget to be genetic or inherited tendencies?
A) Accommodation and assimilation
B) Adaptation and organization
C) Assimilation and schemas
D) Schemas and equilibration
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Based on his work in biology, Piaget concluded that all species inherit two basic tendencies: organization (the combining of behaviors into coherent systems) and adaptation (adjusting to the environment).
Which one of the following is the clearest example of Piaget's concept of assimilation?
A) Learning that a green light means "go" and a red light means "stop."
B) Learning to paint with a new type of brush.
C) Looking at teachers as they lecture.
D) Looking at a worm and thinking that it is a snake.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) The clearest example of assimilation of the choices given is looking at a worm and thinking that it is a snake. The observer is "fitting" the stimulus (worm) into her mental schema at the moment, which is apparently oriented to expect to see a snake or which assigns (based on experiences) greater saliency to a snake than to a worm. The environmental stimulus is being mentally "changed" in accord with the learner's existing schemas.
Jeannie observed rocks sinking in water and said, "I already knew that. All rocks sink." Then she saw a piece of pumice floating on water and was told that pumice is rock. Several days later, she was asked again if rocks sink in water. She replied, "Well, most do." In Piaget's terms, what process did Jeannie use to draw this conclusion?
A) Accommodation
B) Assimilation
C) Classification
D) Conservation
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Jeannie is using accommodation by changing her ideas about whether rocks sink or float based on her experience in observing a floating piece of pumice. Assimilation would have involved resisting the idea that rocks float, perhaps by failing to accept pumice as a type of rock.
According to Piaget, the process of searching for a balance between cognitive schemas and environmental information is called
A) accommodation.
B) adaptation.
C) assimilation.
D) equilibration.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Equilibration is defined by Piaget as the process of searching for a balance between cognitive schemas and environmental information. When a balance occurs, equilibrium is felt; imbalance causes disequilibrium.
When we try a particular strategy and it does not work, the discomfort we experience is called
A) assimilation.
B) centration.
C) disequilibrium.
D) non-adaptation.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Disequilibrium is the discomfort we feel when a schema does not work as expected. It promotes new learning by motivating us to continue searching for a solution.
According to Piaget, people pass through the four stages of cognitive development
A) at the same levels of competence.
B) at the same rates, adjusted for intelligence.
C) in specifically determined ages.
D) in the same sequence.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Piaget theorized that people pass through the four stages of cognitive development in the same sequence. However, they do this at different rates, depending on individual development.
The best way to determine what cognitive stage a person has reached is by
A) interpreting the person's scores on a mental ability test.
B) knowing the person's age.
C) knowing the person's rate of development.
D) observing how the person solves problems.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) The best way of determining the cognitive stage that a person has reached is to observe how that individual solves problems. The Piagetian stages concern ways of thinking, not particular age levels or levels of intelligence.
What of the following sayings best conveys a child's thinking before the notion of object permanence is acquired?
A) "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
B) "A penny saved is a penny earned."
C) "A stitch in time saves nine."
D) "Out of sight, out of mind."
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Before object permanence is acquired, a child thinks that an object that is no longer visible has disappeared “out of sight, out of mind” as the saying goes.
In Piaget's theory, an understanding of object permanence is acquired during what period of development?
A) Early preoperations
B) Operations
C) Late preoperations
D) Sensorimotor
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Object permanence, the understanding that objects exist even if not visible, is acquired during the sensorimotor period.
Michelle covers her own eyes, because she thinks her friends will not see her when playing a game of hide-and-seek. What stage of Piaget's cognitive theory does this account best illustrate?
A) Concrete operations
B) Formal operations
C) Preoperational thought
D) Sensorimotor
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Michelle is demonstrating an early form of egocentrism as well as a lack of object permanence. As is common during early stages of the sensorimotor period, she believes that if she can't see others, others can't see her.
In the sensorimotor stage of development, a child begins to develop
A) goal-directed actions.
B) mental operations.
C) preoperational thought.
D) semiotic functions.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Toward the end of the sensorimotor period, children begin to use logical, goal-directed actions in which they play with objects in an orderly fashion (for a purpose, with a goal in mind). By the preoperations period, these types of actions are well established.
Nathan is shown two balls of clay that he identifies as equal in quantity. When one of the balls is then rolled into a sausage, Nathan says that piece (i.e., sausage) now has more clay. In what stage of development is he likely to be?
A) Concrete operations
B) Goal-directed operations
C) Preoperational thought
D) Sensorimotor
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Nathan is probably in the preoperational stage because he is failing to demonstrate conservation. If he were in the concrete operations or formal operations stages, he would indicate that both pieces contain the same amount of clay because the quantity of the sausage-like piece has not changed.
Billy refuses to drink his orange juice from the 1/2 full glass that his mother gives to him. He wants her to pour the juice into his favorite cup and watches his mother fill it to the brim. Billy likes his cup better because he gets more juice in it. With what cognitive concept in Piaget's theory is Billy having trouble?
A) Accommodation
B) Assimilation
C) Conservation
D) Semiotic function
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The cognitive concept illustrated by Billy's thinking that he gets more juice in his small cup than in the half-full larger cup is an example of a child who has not yet developed Piaget's concept of conservation.
After stringing beads from a large necklace onto a smaller empty string, a child states that there are now more beads on the small string than there were on the larger string. What cognitive concept (Piaget's theory) does this behavior best illustrate?
A) Accommodation
B) Assimilation
C) Conservation
D) Equilibration
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The child is apparently preoperational. He or she is failing to conserve quantity by thinking that the small string contains more beads (because it "appears" more loaded with beads).
A teacher pours juice from a larger glass into two tiny glasses, and the child beams, happy now that he has "more juice." What cognitive stage (Piaget's theory) does the account best illustrate?
A) Concrete operations
B) Formal operational thought
C) Preoperational thought
D) Sensorimotor
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The child is in the preoperational stage. We can conclude this because he has failed to demonstrate conservation by thinking that the tiny glasses contain more juice.
In his first game of hide-and-seek, Andy covers his eyes so that his friends cannot see him. His thinking can be described as
A) decentered.
B) egocentric.
C) schematic.
D) seriation.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Andy is acting in an egocentric manner. He assumes that just because he cannot see his friends, they cannot see him. [Ostriches are said to act the same way!]
A preoperational child's belief that a tall, narrow glass contains more liquid than a short, wide glass is probably due to difficulties in
A) decentering.
B) egocentrism.
C) serration.
D) object permanence.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Decentering is the ability to focus on more than one aspect of a situation at a time. This occurs, for example, when the preoperational child perceives that, because a glass is taller, it must also have more liquid. In this case, the child is unable to see that the amount of liquid has not changed.
Corinne has mastered this type of problem: "If the white house is bigger than the blue house, and the blue house is bigger than the red house, is the white house bigger or smaller than the red house?" What stage of Piaget's cognitive theory does this situation best illustrate?
A) Concrete operations
B) Formal operations
C) Preoperational thought
D) Sensorimotor
Answer: A
Explanation: A) By demonstrating an ability to understand ordering and seriation, Corinne is evidently in the concrete operations stage. She would be less capable at this task, however, if she were dealing with abstractions rather than with concrete objects (houses of different colors).
David has just purchased a car and is intensely interested in it. When the car has engine trouble, he is able systematically to locate the problem. What cognitive stage of Piaget's theory does this situation best illustrate?
A) Concrete operations
B) Formal operations
C) Preoperational thought
D) Sensorimotor
Answer: B
Explanation: B) David appears to be in the formal operations stage. He is able to use logical thinking to locate the engine trouble systematically. He is evidently using formal thought to solve unique problems.
What is the hallmark of Piaget's stage of formal operations?
A) Semiotic function
B) Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
C) Organized thinking of dependent elements
D) Reversible thinking
Answer: B
Explanation: B) The hallmark of Piaget's stage of formal operations is hypothetical- deductive reasoning. This ability involves both deductive and inductive reasoning to solve real as well as hypothetical problems.
Janie was having some difficulty deciding how to organize her defense for the debate competition. She prepared several hypothetical arguments that her opponents might raise, and how she might reply. What cognitive stage of Piaget's theory does this account best illustrate?
A) Concrete operations
B) Formal operations
C) Preoperational thought
D) Sensorimotor
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Janie's problem with organizing her defense for the debate reflects the characteristics of formal operations, including hypothetical-deductive reasoning, problem solving, and scientific thought.
Perry is able to solve hypothetical problems by mentally working through a set of possibilities. What characteristic of cognitive development does Perry illustrate?
A) Compensatory reasoning
B) Inductive thinking
C) Organized thinking
D) Reversible reasoning
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Perry is probably in the formal operations stage because he is able to solve hypothetical problems by working through a set of possible actions. Such skills would be difficult for a concrete-minded child.
When Mary returned from the high-school prom, she complained, "Everyone hated my dress!" What specific concept does this account best illustrate?
A) Adolescent egocentrism
B) Interpsychological action
C) Reversible thinking
D) Semiotic function
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Mary is probably in the formal operations stage. She is demonstrating adolescent egocentrism by believing that everyone is focusing on her appearance.
Which one of the following statements best reflects Piaget's position on the question of speeding up cognitive development?
A) Acceleration is both inefficient and useless.
B) Acceleration is effective for only the brightest students.
C) Keeping cognitive development "on track" is a teacher's role.
D) Speeding up cognitive development is a teacher's role.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Because biological maturation is genetically programmed, parents and teachers have little impact on this facet of cognitive development. Consequently, Piaget would contend that forced acceleration is both inefficient and useless. [See Point- Counterpoint.]
Current views about Piaget's theory generally support the idea that
A) Piaget's tasks appear to have been invalid for judging cognitive ability.
B) Piaget's tasks appear to have generally been too easy for subjects.
C) Piaget tended to overestimate children's abilities and underestimate their social differences.
D) Piaget tended to underestimate children's abilities and overlook the social and cultural issues.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) It appears that Piaget underestimated children's abilities by using tasks that were too difficult and directions that were too confusing. He also overlooked social and cultural issues. Recent studies have shown that children can reason at higher levels than Piaget had thought.
According to Robbie Case, cognitive development in one domain of thought
A) cannot be explained by assimilation and accommodation.
B) differs from one domain to another.
C) is similar from one domain to another.
D) transfers from one domain to another.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Cognitive development in one domain of thought does not seem to transfer to other domains of thought, according to Case. In other words, development in one domain differs from development in other domains. Development of mathematical thinking, for example, does not progress at the same pace as development of verbal thought.
An increasingly influential view of cognitive development proposed by Vygotsky is based on
A) concrete experiences.
B) creation of complex schemas of thought.
C) culture and socioculture theory.
D) mastery of scientific thinking
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Culture and sociocultural theory are becoming an increasingly more influential view of cognitive development than is Piaget's stage theory.
According to Vygotsky, a child's cultural development is
A) co-constructed learning and shared experiences.
B) created by emphasis on private speech.
C) internalized by self-thinking.
D) intrapsychologically determined.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) A child's cultural development is the result of co-constructed learning (i.e., learning with others) and shared experiences.
Vygotsky's view of cognitive development differs from Piaget's in the importance and emphasis placed on a person's
A) experience.
B) genetic factors.
C) interpersonal interactions.
D) private speech.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Vygotsky places more emphasis on interpersonal interactions than Piaget. Vygotsky viewed language as playing important roles in cognitive development, both in the form of private speech (self-communication) and in the verbal transmission of guidance from other, more capable individuals.
The role of cultural tools in cognitive development involves, according to Vygotsky,
A) both real and symbolic tools.
B) essentially real tools.
C) predominantly symbolic tools.
D) primarily psychological tools.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) According to Vygotsky, the role of cultural tools in cognitive development involves both real and symbolic tools.
The role of "private speech" in Vygotsky's view is to
A) call attention to oneself during play.
B) guide one's activities in solving a problem.
C) encourage children to learn new words.
D) stimulate the development of language from simple words to full sentences.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) According to Vygotsky, private speech serves the beneficial function of guiding activities in solving a problem. Use of private speech is most common in the five- to seven-year range.
Piaget called children's self-directed talk ________ while Vygotsky called the same behavior ________.
A) egocentric speech; private speech
B) private speech; egocentric speech
C) private speech; social speech
D) social speech; private speech
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Children's self-directed talk is Piaget's egocentric speech and Vygotsky's private speech.
According to Vygotsky, scaffolding represents
A) a barrier or a block to solving a problem.
B) a plateau that children reach before progressing to a new stage.
C) artificial support, such as notes, on which children can rely while learning.
D) external support for helping children solve problems on their own.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) The zone of proximal development is the point at which a child cannot solve a problem alone but can do so with support or scaffolding. Teachers can help children move to higher reasoning levels by providing appropriate guidance during problem solving.
The zone of proximal development is the area where students may solve a problem
A) by themselves.
B) with no disequilibrium.
C) with support.
D) without frustration.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) The zone of proximal development is the area between the learner's current development level and the level the learner could achieve with some support from a more capable peer or through adult guidance.
Application of Vygotsky's zone of proximal development concept would include
A) making new tasks slightly beyond the student's current level of ability.
B) not introducing new tasks until prerequisite tasks are satisfactorily mastered.
C) requiring the student to work completely independently, regardless of success or failure.
D) using highly structured materials to introduce new content rather than semi-structured tasks.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) One implication of Vygotsky's zone of proximal development is to make new tasks slightly beyond the child's current level of ability. With support or "scaffolding" from others, where needed, this orientation will help the child progress to new levels of thinking.
The “Magic Middle” refers to
A) a learning environment that support the average or “mid-level” learner.
B) the knowledge of a middle child in a given family.
C) a place of “match” where students are neither bored nor frustrated by a task.
D) a learning activity that require the use of a computer to scaffold learning.
Answer: C
Explanation: C) This term was coined by Kathleen Berger (2009) refers to a “match” in instruction to a child’s level of development where instruction is somewhere between what the student already knows and what the student isn’t ready to learn (therefore leading to neither boredom or frustration). This term is related to the concept of zone of proximal development (ZPD) described by Vygotsky.
Researchers have found the best time for a child to learn a second language on his/her own is
A) during early or middle childhood
B) no one time is better than another
C) early childhood
D) adulthood when cognitive skills are developed
Answer: C
Explanation: C) Early childhood is the best time to learn a second language on one's own, however, early or middle childhood can be the best time to teach a second language. Also, there is no cognitive "penalty" for students who learn and speak a second language, in fact there may be long-term cognitive benefits.
The period considered to be the most sensitive for language development occurs
A) after puberty.
B) about the time of puberty.
C) during the first year of life.
D) during the preschool years.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) The most sensitive period for language growth appears to be the period before puberty, especially the preschool years. For example, the average child between the ages of two and six learns from six to 10 words a day.
The area of language that specifically deals with the ordering of words is called
A) awareness.
B) scaffolding.
C) semantics.
D) syntax.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) Syntax is the area of language that deals specifically with the ordering of words.
Generally, students are not ready to study the rules of a language formally until about age five. This is when most students have started to gain
A) literacy.
B) metalinguistic awareness.
C) semantic speech.
D) syntax.
Answer: B
Explanation: B) Metalinguistic awareness, which develops at about age five, is knowledge about the rules and conventions of a language. At this stage, children are ready to begin to study the rules of a language. They can understand, for example, rules for past tense, capitalization, using plurals, and so on.
True/False Questions
Developmental changes are genetically determined rather than environmentally determined.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Current views of development emphasize complex coactions (joint actions) of nature (genes) and nurture (environment).
The part of the brain directly associated with the coordination of physical movements is the cerebellum.
Answer: TRUE
Assimilation takes place when a person uses existing schemas to make sense of events in their world.
Answer: TRUE
Understanding of object permanence occurs during the sensorimotor stage.
Answer: TRUE
Seriation refers to the ability to work with symbols.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Seriation refers to the arrangement of objects in sequential order according to one aspect (e.g., size, weight, or volume).
The cognitive stage associated with ability to understand hypothetical situations is formal operations.
Answer: TRUE
Hypothetical-deductive reasoning is characteristic of adolescent egocentrism.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Hypothetical-deductive reasoning is characteristic of the formal operations stage.
According to Piaget, most adults may be able to use formal operational thought in only a few areas in which they have the greatest interest or experience.
Answer: TRUE
Neo-Piagetian theorists are concerned with how attention, memory, and strategy use relate to Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
Answer: TRUE
One strategy for scaffolding complex learning is to use a reciprocal teaching approach, which requires students to play to role of the teacher by leading discussions and asking questions.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: In reciprocal teaching, students rotate in playing the role of the teacher. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator of the learning process.
The basic difference between Piaget and Vygotsky's views of cognitive development is in attention paid to genetic factors.
Answer: FALSE
Vygotsky viewed children's private speech to be helpful for cognitive development.
Answer: TRUE
When children are in a zone of proximal development, use of scaffolding is appropriate.
Answer: TRUE
The development of language is associated with the concrete operational stage.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The rapid development of language is associated with the preoperational stage.
Bilingual children tend to have larger vocabularies in each language compared to children learning only one language during childhood.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Bilingual children, who are learning two languages at once, tend to have smaller vocabularies in each language compared to children learning only one language in childhood. Important to note however, that the more exposure leads to a larger vocabulary (Hoff, 2006).
Early childhood is the best time for a child to learn a second language on his/her own.
Answer: TRUE
The basics of word orders, or syntax, are mastered by children well before they enter the first grade.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: 55
Metalinguistic awareness begins to develop at about the age of puberty.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Metalinguistic awareness develops around the age of 5.
How to enter a conversation or how to tell jokes are examples of pragmatics.
Answer: TRUE
“The toy is broked” is an example of overregularizing.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: The example shows how a rule of syntax or grammar has been misapplied. Rather than saying, “The toy is broken”, the child says, “The toy is broked.”
Completion Questions
Developmental changes that are genetically programmed are a function of ________.
Answer: maturation
The specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain is called ________.
Answer: lateralization
According to Piaget, when environmental events cause changes in existing schemas, ________ occurs.
Answer: accommodation
"Out of sight, out of mind" describes the behavior of children who have not acquired ________.
Answer: object permanence
When a schema produces an unsatisfactory result, a student experiences ________.
Answer: disequilibrium
The principle that changing the shape of an object does not change the amount of the object is called ________.
Answer: conservation
Having the ability to focus on more than one aspect of a situation at a time is called ________.
Answer: decentering
The process of making an orderly arrangement of objects from large to small or vice versa is called ________.
Answer: seriation
The ability to reason abstractly and deductively occurs during the Piagetian stage of ________.
Answer: formal operations
The basis of formal operations is ________.
Answer: hypothetical-deductive reasoning
Kathleen Berger (2006) refers to the space between what the learner already knows and what he or she is not yet ready to learn as the ________.
Answer: Magic middle
Explanation: Berger refers to the magic middle as the space between what the learner already knows and what the learner is not yet ready to learn as the magic middle, which is similar to Vygotsky's notion of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).
Guided participation in the classroom is an example of ________ learning.
Answer: assisted
The area of language that deals specifically with word order is called ________.
Answer: syntax
When a student understands language and how it works, the student is said to have ________.
Answer: metalinguistic awareness
The support that children use to help them solve problems just beyond their capabilities is called ________.
Answer: scaffolding
Both Piaget and Vygotsky would most likely agree students need to be taught in the "magic ________" or the place where they are neither bored nor frustrated.
Answer: middle
Short Answer Questions
Define development and identify specific types of forms it can take. Then explain how maturation relates to development.
Answer: Development refers to orderly and relatively long-term changes that take place over one's life span. Physical development involves bodily changes, personal development changes in personality, social development changes in the way one relates to others, and cognitive development changes in one's thinking. Maturation is the part of development that involves genetically-based changes that are not influenced by environmental factors.
Describe Piaget's theoretical views on cognitive development using and defining the following terms in your answer: organization, adaptation, assimilation, accommodation, equilibration.
Answer: Humans inherit tendencies toward organization, arranging information into a coherent system, and adaptation, adjusting to the environment. The mental systems that are developed are called schemas. When existing schemas are used to interpret new information, assimilation takes place. When existing schemas are changed in response to new situations, accommodation takes place. We search for balance through the process of equilibration, making adjustments whenever dissonance or imbalance between our thinking and reality occurs.
Name and define the basic aspects of reasoning that must be mastered before a child is able to solve problems of conservation.
Answer: Conservation is mastered through the processes of reversible thinking (performing an operation and then "undoing" it), decentering (being able to focus on more than one property of a stimulus at a time), identity (knowing that changes in an object's shape do not change its quantity), and compensation (a change in one aspect, e.g., height, produces a compensating change in another aspect, e.g., width).
Define Vygotsky's zone of proximal development and explain how it relates to the problem of matching cognitive stages with instructional strategies.
Answer: The zone of proximal development is the point when a child can master a task if given appropriate help and support. It suggests that students should have to reach a bit to understand, with the necessary support of parents, teachers, and peers. Such support is called scaffolding. Vygotsky's ideas suggest that students should be guided by explanations, demonstrations, and cooperative learning within their zone of proximal development. Use of private speech should also be encouraged in order to help organize thinking.
Describe the steps or stages that children go through in the process of developing language. Include reference to the different ways that children use words and sentences in these stages.
Answer: Children begin to communicate through gestures and inarticulate sounds, followed by imitating sounds that they hear. During the early stages of language development, adults rarely correct pronunciation and grammar. In order to encourage children's new understanding, adults will simplify their language to stay a bit more advanced than the children's current level of development. Moreover, adults will provide the kind of support, or scaffolding, that Vygotsky has recommended. This support may also create disequilibrium that also encourages development. According to some psychologists, children are born with special capacity for processing, understanding, and creating language. Reward and correction undoubtedly play important roles in correct language use, but children's own thinking is very important in putting together the parts of this very complicated system. By age 5 or 6, most children have mastered the basics of
language, or syntax, and begin to develop metalinguistic awareness knowledge about rules and conventions of language, a process that continues throughout their lives.
Case Studies
Trip, a seventh-grader, is having difficulty learning principles of fractions, such as two out of five is 2/5, 3/5 is less than 2/3, and so on. While his classmates seem to follow most of the examples given in class and in the textbook, Trip feels overwhelmed and confused by them. He is good at other subjects (such as reading and social studies) but is falling behind rapidly in mathematics. Being familiar with Piaget's stages of development, you suspect that Trip is very concrete in his thinking about mathematical principles compared to many of his classmates.
A) Based on the above assessment of Trip's situation, what teaching approaches would Piaget's ideas suggest for making the principles of fractions more understandable to Trip?
Answer: The teacher will want to provide Trip with hands-on learning experiences. For example, the teacher could give Trip two apples to cut into pieces. Trip could cut one apple into five pieces and the other apple into three pieces. He could then compare the combined physical amount of two of the pieces from the five-piece cut apple to two of the pieces from the three-piece cut apple.
B) If Trip is a concrete thinker in mathematics, is he likely to think in similar ways in other subjects? Explain using appropriate ideas from Piaget and Vygotsky.
Answer: According to Piagetian theory, Trip is also likely to think in concrete ways in other subject areas. For example, he may struggle with comparing the human brain to a computer. Neo-Piagetians, however, believe Trip may show general patterns of concrete thinking and yet be able to use some more advanced schemas within a particular domain. Trip may reason differently about social situations and numerical concepts. From Vygotsky's perspective, the teacher would want to consider Trip's sociocultural factors, such as how language is used, rather than focusing on whether or not Trip had surpassed a specific stage.
Mason is another seventh grader who is having difficulty in math class. He stares blankly at the test paper asking him to compute fractions such as 5/7 and 9/12 as percentages. He can't remember at all how to determine whether 4/5 is larger or smaller than 5/8, so he makes a guess. He hopes that, with some luck, he might manage in the class. On the weekend, Mason is watching his favorite sport, basketball. He remarks to his sister, "Oh, this guy made eight out of 11 shots last week; he's close to an 80 percent shooter so he should be for these free throws." After the player makes both shots, Mason looks down at the statistics sheet he's been keeping on the local teams' shooting percentages, and updates the statistics.
A) Is the inconsistency between Mason's performances on school test problems and in working with basketball statistics a problem for Piaget's stage theory? That is, if Mason is at a particular stage of reasoning, shouldn't he be able to deal with the school problems as successfully as the basketball ones? Explain.
Answer: The inconsistency noted in this case study is not a problem for Piaget's theory. According to Piaget, experience and interest can affect the stage one can reach. Mason should be able to solve the school-based math problems equally as well as the basketball ones. The teacher may need to help Mason see the connection between the two situations. Also, Mason's interest is likely to be influenced by the extent to which the student can move beyond rote memorization of mathematical principles. The teacher may want to introduce a math game to facilitate interest. Also, it is important for the teacher to explain why it is important for students to have an understanding of fractions and percentages in our society.
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B) How might Vygotsky explain the role of other people in shaping Mason's math skills in the two contexts? Explain.
Answer: First, the teacher may want to look at the statistics sheet Mason created. This sheet is viewed as a cultural tool and it would be important to find out if Mason shares the sheet with any other persons. For instance, what do the headings on the columns for the data communicate to others? In addition, from Vygotsky's perspective it would be important to know if Mason typically watches basketball alone or with his brother who is four years older. It may be that his brother is providing scaffolding (cues, encouragement) to Mason as they watch the game together.
Page Ref: 42-44, 46
C) Knowing Mason's behaviors, how might a teacher work with him to improve his performances on the fractions and percentages unit?
Answer: The teacher may want to integrate a physical education unit on basketball with a mathematics lesson. Mason would get the concrete experience recommended by Piaget. He would also be involved in a highly social activity, which would be supported by both Piaget and Vygotsky's theories. The basketball team could be instructed to plan and monitor their basketball activities in order to solve the math problem.
Page Ref: 37, 43, 48