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Electronic Commerce

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Electronic Commerce Technology Infrastructure: The Internet and the World Wide Web Overview Most people who use the Internet today still do so using a computer. However, a growing number of Internet users use an Internet-capable mobile phone, a smartphone, or a tablet device to go online. In developing countries, a mobile phone or smartphone is most likely to be a user’s primary means of accessing the Internet. Although the first Internet-capable mobile phones were developed in the late 1990s, a number of technological issues prevented them from being very useful as a way to browse the Internet. Their screens were small and lacked color, they did not have alphanumeric keyboards, their ability to store information was limited, and the networks through which they connected to the Internet were slow and unreliable. By 2011, a variety of more reasonably priced Internet-capable mobile phones were being sold throughout the world. By 2013, Samsung was selling low-priced smartphones specifically targeted at markets in developing countries. Also, Chinese phone manufacturers were producing low-priced smartphones for their domestic market. Although many companies have created Web pages for their mobile users that are designed to be used without a mouse and that are readable on the relatively small screens of phones, more than 80 percent have not. Mobile-ready interfaces are necessary before phones and tablets can be fully used as tools of electronic commerce. As more online businesses realize that mobile phone users are potential customers, more of them will redesign their Web sites to give mobile users a better experience, thus accelerating the growth of electronic commerce, especially in developing countries. In more technologically advanced countries, mobile phones and tablet devices are tools of convenience; they provide continual access to e-mail and the Web for busy people who work from multiple locations. In the rest of the world, mobile devices are often the only affordable way to access the Internet. Rapid growth in the use of Internet-capable phones is expected to continue in developing countries. As their Internet access increases and their economies develop, many observers expect vast increases in online business activity to follow. Chapter Objectives In this chapter, students will learn: About the origin, growth, and current structure of the Internet How packet-switched networks are combined to form the Internet How Internet, e-mail, and Web protocols work About Internet addressing and how Web domain names are constructed About the history and use of markup languages on the Web How HTML tags and links work About technologies people and businesses use to connect to the Internet About Internet2 and the Semantic Web Teaching Tips The Internet and the World Wide Web Introduce the terms computer network, an internet, and the Internet. Note that networks of computers and the Internet that connects them to each other form the basic technological structure that underlies virtually all electronic commerce. Introduce the term World Wide Web (Web). Origins of the Internet Explain the 1960 origins of the Internet by discussing the need for powerful computers for coordination and control of weapons defense systems. Note that the initial research goal was to design a worldwide network that could remain operational, even if parts of the network were destroyed by enemy military action or sabotage. Emphasize that the computer networks that existed at that time used leased telephone company lines for their connections. Note that the Defense Department was concerned about the inherent risk of a single-channel method for connecting computers, and its researchers developed a different method of sending information through multiple channels using packets. Describe the 1969 ARPANET network developed by Defense Department researchers in the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). Emphasize that the ARPANET was the earliest of the networks that eventually combined to become what we now call the Internet. Note that throughout the 1970s and 1980s, many researchers in the academic community connected to the ARPANET and contributed to the technological developments that increased its speed and efficiency. At the same time, researchers at other universities were creating their own networks using similar technologies. New Uses for the Internet Students will be very interested to learn that e-mail was born in 1972 when Ray Tomlinson, a researcher who used the network, wrote a program that could send and receive messages over the network. Introduce the terms mailing list, Usenet (User’s News Network), and newsgroups. Mention that the use of the networks was limited to those members of the research and academic communities who could access them. Between 1979 and 1989, these network applications were improved and tested by an increasing number of users. As the number of people in different organizations using these networks increased, security concerns arose; these concerns continue to be problematic. Commercial Use of the Internet An important fact to point out is that in 1989, the NSF permitted two commercial e-mail services, MCI Mail and CompuServe, to establish limited connections to the Internet for the sole purpose of exchanging e-mail transmissions with users of the Internet. Note that as the 1990s began, people from all walks of life (not just scientists or academic researchers) started thinking of these networks as the global resource that we now know as the Internet. Growth of the Internet Emphasize that the privatization of the Internet was substantially completed in 1995, when the NSF turned over the operation of the main Internet connections to a group of privately owned companies. Introduce the terms network access points (NAPs), network access providers, and Internet service providers (ISPs). Define the term Internet hosts and refer to Figure 2-1 to illustrate the dramatic growth in the number of Internet hosts. The Internet of Things Point out that in recent years, devices other than computers have been connected to the Internet, such as mobile phones and tablet devices. The connection of these devices to the Internet serves to connect the users of those devices to each other. However, the connection of devices to the Internet that are not used by persons is increasing rapidly. Explain how computers can also be connected to each other using the Internet to conduct business transactions without human intervention. Define the term Internet of Things. Quick Quiz 1 The ____ is a particular internet, which uses a specific set of rules and connects networks all over the world to each other. Answer: Internet A(n) ____ is an e-mail address that forwards any message it receives to any user who has subscribed to the list. Answer: mailing list ____ sell Internet access rights directly to larger customers and indirectly to smaller firms and individuals through other companies, called Internet service providers (ISPs). Answer: Network access providers ____ are computers directly connected to the Internet. Answer: Internet hosts The subset of the Internet that includes computers and sensors connected to each other for communication and automatic transaction processing is often called the ____. Answer: Internet of Things Packet-Switched Networks Introduce the terms local area network (LAN) and wide area networks (WANs). Note that the early models for WANs were the circuits of the local and long-distance telephone companies of the time, because the first early WANs used leased telephone company lines for their connections. Introduce the terms circuit, circuit switching, packet-switched, and packets. Routing Packets Introduce the terms routing computers, router computers, routers, gateway computers, border routers (edge routers), routing algorithms, routing tables, and configuration tables. Point out that individual LANs and WANs can use a variety of different rules and standards for creating packets within their networks. The network devices that move packets from one part of a network to another are called hubs, switches, and bridges. Emphasize that routers are used to connect networks to other networks. An important concept for students to understand is that when packets leave a network to travel on the Internet, they must be translated into a standard format. Routers usually perform this translation function. Refer to the diagram in Figure 2-2 to illustrate a small portion of the Internet that shows an organizations router-based architecture. The figure shows only the routers that connect each organization’s WANs and LANs to the Internet, not the other routers that are inside the WANs and LANs or that connect them to each other within the organization. Introduce the terms Internet backbone and backbone routers. Public and Private Networks Introduce the terms public network, private network, and leased line. Note that the advantage of a leased line is security. Explain why the largest drawback to a private network is the cost of the leased lines, which can be quite expensive. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Introduce the term virtual private network (VPN). Introduce the terms IP tunneling, encapsulation, and IP wrapper. Explain that the word virtual is used as part of VPN because, although the connection appears to be a permanent connection, it is actually temporary. The VPN is created, carries out its work over the Internet, and is then terminated. Intranets and Extranets Remind students that in the early days of the Internet, the distinction between private and public networks was clear. However, as networking (and inter-networking) technologies became less expensive and easier to deploy, organizations began building more and more internets (small “i”), or interconnected networks. Distinguish between the terms intranet and extranet. Point out that “intranet” is used when the internet does not extend beyond the boundaries of a particular organization; “extranet” is used when the internet extends beyond the boundaries of an organization and includes networks of other organizations. Quick Quiz 2 A network of computers that are located close together is called a(n) ____. Answer: local area network (LAN) The combination of telephone lines and the closed switches that connect them to each other is called a(n) ____. Answer: circuit (True or False) Although circuit switching works well for telephone calls, it does not work as well for sending data across a large WAN or an interconnected network like the Internet. Answer: True The computers that decide how best to forward each packet are called ____. Answer: routing computers, router computers, routers, gateway computers, border routers, edge routers Internet Protocols Define protocol. Introduce the terms Network Control Protocol (NCP), proprietary architecture, closed architecture, and open architecture. Review the four key rules for message handling. Explain how the open architecture approach has contributed to the success of the Internet because computers manufactured by different companies (Apple, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, etc.) can be interconnected. TCP/IP Introduce the terms Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). Explain that the TCP controls the disassembly of a message or a file into packets before it is transmitted over the Internet, and it controls the reassembly of those packets into their original formats when they reach their destinations. The IP specifies the addressing details for each packet, labeling each with the packet’s origination and destination addresses. Emphasize that in addition to its Internet function, TCP/IP is used today in many LANs. The TCP/IP protocol is provided in most personal computer operating systems commonly used today, including Linux, Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, and UNIX. IP Addressing Introduce the terms Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and IP address. Explain that computers do all of their internal calculations using a base 2 (or binary) number system in which each digit is either a 0 or a 1, corresponding to a condition of either off or on. Introduce the terms dotted decimal, byte, and octet. Note that today, IP addresses are assigned by three not-for-profit organizations: the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), the Reséaux IP Européens (RIPE), and the Asia-Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC). Inform your students on how to use the ARIN Whois page at the ARIN Web site to search the IP addresses owned by organizations in North America. Point out that, in the early days of the Internet, the four billion addresses provided by the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) rules certainly seemed to be more addresses than an experimental research network would ever need. Introduce the terms subnetting, private IP addresses, and Network Address Translation (NAT). Point out that the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) worked on several new protocols that could solve the limited addressing capacity of IPv4 and, in 1997, it approved Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) as the protocol that will replace IPv4. Explain why the build-out of IPv6 in mobile networks is expected to push the adoption of IPv6 in more settings. Explain the major advantage of IPv6. It uses a 128-bit number for addresses instead of the 32-bit number used in IPv4. Discuss the IPv6 shorthand notation system for expressing addresses. Introduce the terms colon hexadecimal or colon hex. Explain the hexadecimal (base 16) numbering system that uses 16 characters (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, and f). Electronic Mail Protocols Introduce the term electronic mail (e-mail). Explain that most organizations use a client/server structure to handle e-mail. Introduce the terms e-mail server and e-mail client software. Emphasize that if e-mail messages did not follow standard rules, an e-mail message created by a person using one e-mail client program could not be read by a person using a different e-mail client program. Introduce the terms Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Post Office Protocol (POP), Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), and Interactive Mail Access Protocol (IMAP). Web Page Request and Delivery Protocols Introduce the terms Web client computers, Web client software, Web browser software, Web server software, client/server architecture, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Quick Quiz 3 A(n) ____ is a collection of rules for formatting, ordering, and error checking data sent across a network. Answer: protocol (True or False) The IP controls the disassembly of a message or a file into packets before it is transmitted over the Internet, and it controls the reassembly of those packets into their original formats when they reach their destinations. Answer: False The term ____ refers to the use of reserved private IP addresses within LANs and WANs to provide additional address space. Answer: subnetting The purpose of a(n) ____ is to respond to requests for Web pages from Web clients. Answer: Web server Emergence of the World Wide Web Set the stage by mentioning that the ideas behind the Web developed from innovative ways of thinking about and organizing information storage and retrieval. Point out that two important ideas that became key technological elements of the Web are hypertext and graphical user interfaces. The Development of Hypertext Briefly describe: Vannevar Bush’s Memex hypothetical machine that would include mechanical aids, such as microfilm readers and indexes, that would help users quickly and flexibly consult their collected knowledge. Ted Nelson’s description of a system in which text on one page links to text on other pages. Doug Englebart’s first experimental hypertext system on one of the large computers of the 1960s. Tim Berners-Lee’s project to improve the laboratory research document-handling procedures for his employer. Introduce the terms hypertext, hypertext server, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Web servers, and hypertext link/hyperlink. Graphical Interfaces for Hypertext Introduce the term Web browser. Describe the difference between an HTML document and a word-processing document. Define the basic functions of a graphical user interface (GUI): presenting program control functions and program output to users and accepting their input. The World Wide Web Note that initially, few people outside the scientific research community had software that could read HTML documents on the World Wide Web. Describe the historical significance of Mosaic, the first GUI program that could read HTML and use HTML hyperlinks to navigate from page to page on computers anywhere on the Internet. Use Figure 2-3 to illustrate the overall rapid growth rate of the Web. Invite students to offer ideas explaining the increase in the number of Web sites that occurred from 2010 to 2011, with the number of sites doubling. The Deep Web Using the example of visiting and searching for a book about “online business,” computers, briefly describe the concept of the deep Web. Explain that the query of the databases’ information about books is used to create a Web page that is a customized response to the user’s search. Note that the deep Web can be difficult or impossible to search because its information is not stored on the Web, but in databases that are searched only when a user requests that information through the Web site that maintains the database. Domain Names Introduce the concept of domain names and the term top-level domain (TLD). Note that, since 1998, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has had the responsibility of managing domain names and coordinating them with the IP address registrars. Introduce the terms generic top-level domain (gTLD) and sponsored top-level domain (sTLD). Use Figure 2-4 to illustrate a list of some commonly used TLDs, including gTLDs and some of the more frequently used country TLDs. Quick Quiz 4 A(n) ____ is a software interface that lets users read (or browse) HTML documents and move from one HTML document to another through text formatted with hypertext link tags in each file. Answer: Web browser A(n) ____ is a way of presenting program control functions and program output to users and accepting their input. Answer: graphical user interface (GUI) The store of information that is available through the Web is called the ____. Answer: deep Web ____ are sets of words that are assigned to specific IP addresses. Answer: Domain names Markup Languages and the Web Discuss the most important parts of a Web page - the structure of the page and the text that makes up the main part of the page. Introduce the terms text markup language, markup tags (tags), Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), metalanguage, Extensible Markup Language (XML), Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C), and Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML). Refer to Figure 2-5 to illustrate how HTML, XML, and XHTML have descended from the original SGML specification. Markup Languages Indicate the advantage of markup languages in creating documents that can be formatted once, stored electronically, and then printed many times in various layouts that each interpret the formatting differently. Introduce the term Generalized Markup Language (GML). Explain that SGML offers a system of marking up documents that is independent of any software application. Many organizations, such as the Association of American Publishers, Hewlett-Packard, and Kodak use SGML because they have complex document-management requirements. Note that SGML is nonproprietary and platform independent and offers user-defined tags. However, it is not well suited to certain tasks, such as the rapid development of Web pages. SGML is costly to set up and maintain, requires the use of expensive software tools, and is hard to learn. Creating document-type definitions in SGML can be expensive and time consuming. Hypertext Markup Language Introduce the concept of hypertext elements. Explain to students that the process for approval of new HTML features takes a long time, so Web browser software developers created some features, called HTML extensions that would only work in their browsers. Note that after HTML 4.0 was finalized in 1999, development on new versions of HTML slowed. The current working draft of HTML version 5.0 will become finalized in July 2014, but its feature set was frozen in May 2011 and most Web browsers already are compatible with this latest version. Explain the concept of HTML Tags: Most HTML tags have an opening tag and a closing tag that format the text between them. Figure 2-6 shows some sample text marked up with HTML tags. Figure 2-7 shows this text as it appears in a Web browser. Explain the concept of HTML Links: Note that users can read Web pages in serial order or in whatever order they prefer by following hyperlinks. Figure 2-8 illustrates the differences between reading a paper catalog in a linear way and reading a hypertext catalog in a nonlinear way. Introduce the terms linear hyperlink structure, hierarchical hyperlink structure, home page, and site map. Figure 2-9 illustrates three common Web page organization structures: linear, hierarchical and hybrid. Introduce the term anchor tag. Explain the concept of scripting languages and style sheets. Introduce the terms style sheet and cascading style sheet. Note that the term cascading is used because designers can apply many style sheets to the same Web page, one on top of the other, and the styles from each style sheet flow (or cascade) into the next. Extensible Markup Language (XML) Note that, in the late 1990s, companies began turning to XML to help them maintain Web pages that contained large amounts of data. Point out that XML includes data-management capabilities that HTML cannot provide. Use Figures 2-10 and 2-11 to illustrate how HTML might be used to display a Web page that includes a list of countries and some basic facts about each country. Explain that XML differs from HTML in two important respects. First, XML is not a markup language with defined tags. It is a framework within which individuals, companies, and other organizations can create their own sets of tags. Second, XML tags do not specify how text appears on a Web page; the tags convey the meaning (the semantics) of the information included within them. Refer to Figures 2-12 and 2-13 to illustrate the difference between appearance and semantics. Emphasize that the greatest strengths of XML is that allows users to define their own tags, but that this is also its greatest weakness. To overcome that weakness, many companies have agreed to follow common standards for XML tags. These standards, in the form of data-type definitions (DTDs) or XML schemas, are available for a number of industries. Introduce the term XML vocabulary. Note that although it is possible to display XML files in some Web browsers, XML files are not intended to be displayed in a Web browser. Introduce the terms Extensible Style sheet Language (XSL) and XML parsers. Use Figure 2-14 to illustrate a diagram showing one way that a Web server might process HTTP requests for Web pages generated from an XML database in different formats for different Web browsing devices. HTML and XML Editors Students should be aware that Web site design programs include features that allow the designer to create a Web site on a PC and then upload the entire site (HTML documents, graphics files, and so on) to a Web server computer. Quick Quiz 5 A(n) ____ language specifies a set of tags that are inserted into the text. Answer: text markup A(n) ____ structure resembles conventional paper documents in that the reader begins on the first page and clicks the Next button to move to the next page in a serial fashion. Answer: linear hyperlink In HTML, hyperlinks are created using the HTML ____. Answer: anchor tag (True or False) XML files, like HTML files, can be created in any text editor. Answer: True Internet Connection Options Introduce the term Internet access providers (IAPs). Connectivity Overview Review the most common connection types ISPs offer: voice-grade telephone lines, various types of broadband connections, leased lines, and wireless. Introduce the term bandwidth. Discuss the major distinguishing factors between various ISPs and their connection options - that is, the bandwidth they offer. Introduce the term net bandwidth. Note that bandwidth can differ for data traveling to or from the ISP depending on the user’s connection type. Connection types include symmetric connections and asymmetric connections. Introduce the terms upstream bandwidth (upload bandwidth) and downstream bandwidth (downstream bandwidth or downlink bandwidth). Voice-Grade Telephone Connections Introduce the terms plain old telephone service (POTS), Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Broadband Connections Introduce the terms broadband services, asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL, usually abbreviated DSL) and high-speed DSL (HDSL). Explain that DSL is a private line with no competing traffic. Note that unlike DSL, cable modem connection bandwidths vary with the number of other subscribers competing for the shared resource. Introduce the terms voice-grade lines and data-grade lines. Leased-Line Connections Introduce the terms T1, T3, frame relay, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), and optical fiber. Wireless Connections Briefly review the history of satellite microwave transmissions in terms of allowing connections to the Internet. Note that people today use Internet-capable mobile phones, smart phones, game consoles, and notebook computers equipped with wireless network cards to connect to a variety of wireless networks that, in turn, are connected to the Internet. Discuss the topic of personal area networks. Introduce the terms Bluetooth, personal area networks (PANs) or piconets, Ultra Wideband (UWB) and ZigBee. One major advantage of Bluetooth technology is that it consumes very little power, which is an important consideration for mobile devices. Many observers believe that UWB technologies will be used in future personal area networking applications such as home media centers and in linking mobile phones to the Internet. An increasing number of applications have been developed to run on ZigBee that control home energy management systems (including lighting, heating, cooling), commercial building automation, security systems, and remote controls for consumer electronic products. Discuss the topic of Wireless Ethernet (Wi-Fi). Introduce the terms Wi-Fi, wireless Ethernet, or 802.11n (802.11 is the number of the technology’s network specification), wireless access point (WAP), roaming, and hot spots. Discuss the topic of Fixed-Point Wireless. Introduce the terms fixed-point wireless, repeaters (transceivers) and mesh routing. Discuss the topic of Mobile Telephone Networks. Introduce the term short message service (SMS). Review data transmission speeds for mobile data including third-generation (3G) wireless technology, Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), that are generally referred to as fourth-generation (4G) wireless technology. Note that most tablet devices, mobile phones, and smartphones have the ability to use either a mobile telephone network or a locally available wireless network. Reiterate that companies have seen great potential for these wireless networks and the devices connected to them in the development of mobile commerce. Refer to Figure 2-15 to summarize the speed and cost information for the most commonly available wired and wireless options for connecting a home or business to the Internet. Quick Quiz 6 ____ is the amount of data that can travel through a communication line per unit of time. Answer: Bandwidth ____ connections provide the same bandwidth in both directions. Answer: Symmetric The telephone lines used to cover the vast distances between rural customers are usually ____ lines, which cost less than telephone lines designed to carry data, are made of lower-grade copper, and were never intended to carry data. Answer: voice-grade The most common wireless connection technology for use on LANs is called ____. Answer: Wi-Fi, wireless Ethernet, or 802.11n Many mobile phones have a small screen and can be used to send and receive short text messages using a protocol called ____. Answer: short message service (SMS) Internet2 and the Semantic Web Students will find it interesting to learn that Internet2 is also used by universities to conduct large collaborative research projects that require several supercomputers connected at very fast speeds or that use multiple video feeds, features that would be impossible on the Internet given its lower bandwidth limits. Introduce the terms Semantic Web, software agents, resource description framework (RDF), and ontology. Note that thus far, several areas of scientific inquiry have begun developing ontologies that will become the building blocks of the Semantic Web in their areas. Biology, genomics, and medicine have all made progress toward specific ontologies. Other sciences, such as climatology, hydrology, and oceanography have similar incentives (as many researchers around the world work on common problems such as global warming) and scientists are developing ontologies for their disciplines. Quick Quiz 7 ____ is used by universities to conduct large collaborative research projects that require several supercomputers connected at very fast speeds, or that use multiple video feeds, features that would be impossible on the Internet given its lower bandwidth limits. Answer: Internet2 A(n) ____ is a set of standards for XML syntax. Answer: resource description framework (RDF) The ____ project envisions words on Web pages being tagged (using XML) with their meanings. Answer: Semantic Web A(n) ____ is a set of standards that defines, in detail, the relationships among RDF standards and specific XML tags within a particular knowledge domain. Answer: ontology Class Discussion Topics Is there a practical application for the W3C Semantic Web? What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? What do you think is the main motivation for the creation of Internet2? What is a software agent and why is it such an integral part of Internet2? Additional Projects Provide answers for the following questions: How will Internet2 benefit current Internet users? Is Internet2 a separate network and will it replace the current commercial Internet? What kind of technology will be needed to use the advanced Internet applications and technologies? What are some of Internet2's long-term goals? Describe how a VPN connection using IP tunneling allows company employees in remote locations to send sensitive information to company computers. Additional Resources Routing packets: Frame relay: Introduction to RDF: Key Terms ADSL: one of the newest technologies that uses the DSL protocol to provide service in the broadband range. It provides transmission bandwidths from 100 to 640 Kbps upstream and from 1.5 to 9 Mbps (million bits per second) downstream. 802.11n: the most common wireless connection technology for use on LANs. Also known as Wi-Fi or wireless Ethernet. Anchor tag: used to create HTML hyperlinks. Asymmetric connections: provide different bandwidths for each direction. Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL): one of the newest technologies that uses the DSL protocol to provide service in the broadband range. It provides transmission bandwidths from 100 to 640 Kbps upstream and from 1.5 to 9 Mbps (million bits per second) downstream. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM): technology used by NAPs. Backbone routers: very large computers that can each handle more than 5 billion packets per second. Bandwidth: the amount of data that can travel through a communication line per unit of time. Base 2 (binary): number system in which each digit is either a 0 or a 1, corresponding to a condition of either off or on. Bluetooth: one of the first wireless protocols, designed for personal use over short distances. Border router: the computer that decides how best to forward each packet. Broadband: connections that operate at speeds of greater than about 200 Kbps. Byte: an 8-bit number. Cascading style sheet (CSS): a specific type of style sheet that can be applied to each Web page, one on top of the other, and the styles from each style sheet flow (or cascade) into the next. Circuit: the combination of telephone lines and the closed switches that connect them to each other. Circuit switching: centrally controlled, single-connection model where a single path of connected circuits switched into each other is maintained for the entire length of the call. Client/server architecture: combination of client computers running Web client software and server computers running Web server software. Closed architecture: in the early days of computing, the practice of each computer manufacturer creating its own protocol, so computers made by different manufacturers could not be connected to each other. Closing tag: HTML tag that formats text. Colon hex: notation system that uses eight groups of 16 bits (8 × 16 = 128) with each group expressed as four hexadecimal digits and separated by colons. Colon hexadecimal (colon hex): notation system that uses eight groups of 16 bits (8 × 16 = 128) with each group expressed as four hexadecimal digits and separated by colons. Computer network: any technology that allows people to connect computers to each other. Configuration table: information stored includes lists of connections that lead to particular groups of other routers, rules that specify which connections to use first, and rules for handling instances of heavy packet traffic and network congestion. Data-grade lines: made more carefully and of higher-grade copper than voice-grade lines. Deep Web: the store of information that is available through the Web. Digital subscriber line (DSL): connection methods do not use a modem. They use a piece of networking equipment that is a form of network switch. Domain name: set of words that are assigned to specific IP addresses. Dotted decimal: four numbers separated by periods. Downlink bandwidth: a measure of the amount of information that can travel from the Internet to a user in a given amount of time. Download bandwidth: a measure of the amount of information that can travel from the Internet to a user in a given amount of time. Downstream bandwidth: a measure of the amount of information that can travel from the Internet to a user in a given amount of time. DSL: also known as Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL). It provides transmission bandwidths from 100 to 640 Kbps upstream and from 1.5 to 9 Mbps (million bits per second) downstream. Edge router: the computers that decide how best to forward each packet. Electronic mail: mail sent across the Internet. E-mail: mail sent across the Internet. E-mail client software: communicates with the e-mail server software on the e-mail server computer to send and receive e-mail messages. E-mail server: a computer that is devoted to handling e-mail. Software that runs on the e-mail server stores and forwards e-mail messages. Encapsulation: placing the encrypted packets inside another packet. Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML): a reformulation of HTML version 4.0 as an XML application. Extensible Markup Language (XML): another markup language that was derived from SGML for use on the Web. Used to mark up information that companies share with each other over the Internet. Extensible Style Sheet Language (XSL): used to write XML formatting instructions. Extranet: an intranet that has been extended to include specific entities outside the boundaries of the organization, such as business partners, customers, or suppliers. Fixed-point wireless: uses a system of repeaters to forward a radio signal from the ISP to customers. Fourth-generation (4G) wireless technology: wireless technology that offers download speeds up to 14 Mbps and upload speeds up to 8 Mbps. Frame relay: used by NAPs and the computers that perform routing functions on the Internet backbone. Gateway computers: the computer that decides how best to forward each packet. Generalized Markup Language (GML): language that emerged from early efforts to create standard formatting styles for electronic documents. Generic top-level domain (gTLD): TLDs that are available to specified categories of users (.biz, .info, .name, and .pro.). Graphical user interface (GUI): a way of presenting program control functions and program output to users and accepting their input. Hexadecimal (base 16): numbering system that uses 16 digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, and f). Hierarchical hyperlink structure: in this structure, the Web user opens an introductory page called a home page or start page. High-speed DSL (HDSL): connection service can provide more than 768 Kbps of symmetric bandwidth. Home page: an introductory page. This page contains one or more links to other pages, and those pages, in turn, link to other pages. Hot spots: WAPs that are open to the public. HTML extensions: additional HTML features created by Web browser software developers to work solely in their browsers. Hyperlink: points to another location in the same or another HTML document. Hypertext: page-linking system. Hypertext element: text elements that are related to each other. Hypertext link: points to another location in the same or another HTML document. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): the language used for the creation of Web pages. Hypertext server: a computer that stores files written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): the set of rules for delivering Web page files over the Internet. IEEE: originally an acronym for an organization named the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the letters are now used as the title of the organization and are pronounced eye-triple-E Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN): the first technology developed to use the DSL protocol suite and has been available in parts of the United States since 1984. Interactive Mail Access Protocol (IMAP): a newer e-mail protocol that performs the same basic functions as POP, but includes additional features. Internet: global system of interconnected computer networks. internet (small “i”): a group of computer networks that have been interconnected. Internet access providers (IAPs): companies that provide Internet access to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. Internet backbone: routers that handle packet traffic along the Internet’s main connecting points and the telecommunications lines connecting them. Internet hosts: computers directly connected to the Internet. Internet of Things: the subset of the Internet that includes these computers and sensors connected to each other for communication and automatic transaction processing. Internet Protocol (IP): specifies the addressing details for each packet, labeling each with the packet’s origination and destination addresses. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4): uses a 32-bit number to identify the computers connected to the Internet. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6): uses a 128-bit number for addresses instead of the 32-bit number used in IPv4. Internet service providers (ISPs): offer many different types of connections to the Internet. Internet2: an experimental test bed for new networking technologies that is separate from the original Internet. Intranet: an internet that does not extend beyond the organization that created it. IP address: a 32-bit number used to identify the computers connected to the Internet. IP tunneling: creates a private passageway through the public Internet that provides secure transmission from one computer to another. IP wrapper: the outer packet of an encrypted packet. Leased line: a permanent telephone connection between two points. Linear hyperlink structure: resembles conventional paper documents in that the reader begins on the first page and clicks the Next button to move to the next page in a serial fashion. Local area network (LAN): a network of computers that are located close together. Long Term Evolution (LTE): a 4G wireless technology that offers download speeds up to 14 Mbps and upload speeds up to 8 Mbps. Mailing list: an e-mail address that forwards any message it receives to any user who has subscribed to the list. Markup tags: provide formatting instructions that Web client software can understand. Mesh routing: directly transmits Wi-Fi packets through hundreds, or even thousands, of short-range transceivers that are located close to each other. Metalanguage: a language that can be used to define other languages. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): a set of rules for handling binary files, such as word-processing documents, spreadsheets, photos, or sound clips that are attached to e-mail messages. Net bandwidth: the actual amount of data that is transmitted per second. Network access points (NAPs): originally located in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., each operated by a separate telecommunications company. Network access providers: sell Internet access rights directly to larger customers and indirectly to smaller firms and individuals Network Address Translation (NAT) device: converts private IP addresses into normal IP addresses when it forwards packets from computers to the Internet. Network Control Protocol (NCP): protocol used by ARPANET. Network specification: the set of rules that equipment connected to the network must follow. Newsgroups: the more than 1000 different topic areas used by Usenet. Octet: an 8-bit number. Ontology: a set of standards that defines, in detail, the relationships among RDF standards and specific XML tags within a particular knowledge domain. Open architecture: included the use of a common protocol for all computers connected to the Internet and four key rules for message handling. Opening tag: HTML tag that formats text. Optical fiber: technology used by NAPs. Packet: files and e-mail messages are broken down into small pieces. Packet-switched: on this network, files and e-mail messages are broken down into small pieces, called packets, that are labeled electronically with their origins, sequences, and destination addresses. Personal area networks (PANs): small Bluetooth networks. Piconets: small Bluetooth networks. Plain old telephone service (POTS): uses existing telephone lines and an analog modem to provide a bandwidth of between 28 and 56 Kbps. Post Office Protocol (POP): used by an e-mail client program running on a user’s computer to request mail from the organization’s e-mail server. Private IP address: a series of IP numbers that are not permitted on packets that travel on the Internet. Private network: a leased-line connection between two companies that physically connects their intranets to one another. Proprietary architecture: in the early days of computing, each computer manufacturer created its own protocol, so computers made by different manufacturers could not be connected to each other. Protocol: a collection of rules for formatting, ordering, and error checking data sent across a network. Public network: any computer network or telecommunications network that is available to the public. Repeaters: transmitter-receiver devices (also called transceivers) that receive the signal and then retransmit it toward users’ roof-mounted antennas and to the next repeater. Resource description framework (RDF): a set of standards for XML syntax. It would function as a dictionary for all XML tags used on the Web. Roaming: shifting from one WAP to another, without requiring intervention by the user. Router computers: the computers that decide how best to forward each packet. Routers: the computer that decides how best to forward each packet.Routing algorithms: rules in programs on router computers that determine the best path on which to send each packet. Routing computers: the computers that decide how best to forward each packet. Routing tables: information stored includes lists of connections that lead to particular groups of other routers, rules that specify which connections to use first, and rules for handling instances of heavy packet traffic and network congestion. Semantic Web: project envisions words on Web pages being tagged (using XML) with their meanings. Short message service (SMS): protocol used by many mobile phones have a small screen and can be used to send and receive short text messages. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): specifies the format of a mail message and describes how mail is to be administered on the e-mail server and transmitted on the Internet. Site map: a hierarchical structure included on a page on your Web site that contains a map or outline listing of the Web pages in their hierarchical order. Software agents: intelligent programs used to read XML tags to determine the meaning of words in their contexts. Sponsored top-level domain (sTLD): a TLD for which an organization other than ICANN is responsible. Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML): used for many years by the publishing industry to create documents that needed to be printed in various formats and that were revised frequently. Start page: contains one or more links to other pages, and those pages, in turn, link to other pages. Style sheet: a set of instructions that gives Web developers more control over the format of displayed pages. Subnetting: the use of reserved private IP addresses within LANs and WANs to provide additional address space. Symmetric connection: provides the same bandwidth in both directions. T1: also called a DS1. Carries 24 DS0 lines and operates at 1.544 Mbps. T3: also called DS3. Offers 44.736 Mbps (the equivalent of 30 T1 lines or 760 DS0 lines). Tags: provide formatting instructions that Web client software can understand. TCP/IP: the rules that govern how data moves through the Internet and how network connections are established and terminated. Text markup language: specifies a set of tags that are inserted into the text. Third-generation (3G) wireless technology: offers download speeds up to 2 Mbps and upload speeds up to 800 Kbps. Top-level domain (TLD): the rightmost part of a domain name. Transceivers: transmitter-receiver device that receives a signal and then retransmits it toward users’ roof-mounted antennas and to the next repeater. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): controls the disassembly of a message or a file into packets before it is transmitted over the Internet, and it controls the reassembly of those packets into their original formats when they reach their destinations. Ultra Wideband (UWB): provides wide bandwidth (up to about 480 Mbps in current versions) connections over short distances (30 to 100 feet). Uniform Resource Locator (URL): the combination of the protocol name and the domain name. Upload bandwidth: a measure of the amount of information that can travel from the user to the Internet in a given amount of time. Upstream bandwidth: a measure of the amount of information that can travel from the user to the Internet in a given amount of time. Usenet: allows anyone who connects to the network to read and post articles on a variety of subjects. User’s News Network: allows anyone who connects to the network to read and post articles on a variety of subjects. Virtual private network (VPN): a connection that uses public networks and their protocols to send data in a way that protects the data as well as a private network would, but at a lower cost. Voice-grade lines: cost less than telephone lines designed to carry data and are made of lower-grade copper. Web: a subset of the computers on the Internet that are connected to one another in a specific way that makes them and their contents easily accessible to each other. Web browser: a software interface that lets users read (or browse) HTML documents and move from one HTML document to another through text formatted with hypertext link tags in each file. Web browser software: software that sends requests for Web page files to other computers, which are called Web servers. Web client computers: run software called Web client software or Web browser software. Web client software: software that sends requests for Web page files to other computers, which are called Web servers. Web server software: receives requests from many different Web clients and responds by sending files back to those Web client computers. Web servers: runs software called Web server software. Wide area networks (WANs): networks of computers that are connected over greater distances. Wi-Fi: the most common wireless connection technology for use on LANs.Wireless access point (WAP): a device that transmits network packets between Wi-Fi-equipped computers and other devices that are within its range. Wireless Ethernet: the most common wireless connection technology for use on LANs. World Wide Web (Web): subset of the computers on the Internet that are connected to one another in a specific way that makes them and their contents easily accessible to each other. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): a not-for-profit group that maintains standards for the Web. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX): a 4G wireless technology that offers download speeds up to 14 Mbps and upload speeds up to 8 Mbps. XML parser: programs that can format an XML file so it can appear on the screen of a computer, a tablet device, a smartphone, an Internet capable mobile phone, or some other device. XML vocabulary: a set of XML tag definitions. ZigBee: a short-range wireless technology that was developed to be low cost and run on very little power. Strategic E-Marketing and Performance Metrics Review Questions What is strategic planning and why do companies prepare a SWOT analysis during the strategic planning process? Strategic planning is the “managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organization’s objectives, skills, and resources and its changing market opportunities (Kotler 2003 p. 89).” The SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) examines the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses with respect to the environment and the competition and looks at external opportunities and threats. Armed with the results of the SWOT analysis, the firm can set objectives in a number of high-level areas, such as Growth, Competitive position, Geographic scope, and Other objectives. This helps the company develop necessary tactics to achieve their goals. How does e-business strategy relate to strategy on the corporate level? E-business strategy is the deployment of enterprise resources to capitalize on technologies for reaching specified objectives that ultimately improve performance and create sustainable competitive advantage. Corporate-level or enterprise-level business strategies include information technology components (Internet, digital data, databases, and so forth). Define e-marketing strategy and explain how it is used. Strategic e-marketing is the design of marketing strategy that capitalizes on the organization’s electronic or information technology capabilities to reach specified objectives. In a parallel fashion, marketing strategy becomes e-marketing strategy when marketers use digital technology to implement their strategy. Technology and its unique properties have given some new life to traditional enterprise and marketing strategies. Some uses of e-marketing from exhibit 2-3: E-Marketing Increases Benefits -- Online mass customization (different products and messages to different stakeholders), Personalization (giving stakeholders relevant information), 24/7 convenience, Self-service ordering and tracking, and One-stop shopping. E-Marketing Decreases Costs -- Low cost distribution of communication messages (e.g., e-mail), Low cost distribution channel for digital products, Lowers costs for transaction processing, Lowers costs for knowledge acquisition (e.g., research and customer feedback), Creates efficiencies in supply chain (through communication and inventory optimization), and Decreases the cost of customer service. E-Marketing Increases Revenues -- Online transaction revenues such as product, information, advertising, and subscriptions sales; or commission/fee on a transaction or referral, Add value to products/services and increase prices (e.g., online FAQ and customer support), Increase customer base by reaching new markets, and Build customer relationships and thus increase current customer spending (wallet share). Give examples of e-business models. An e-business model is a method by which the organization sustains itself in the long term using information technology, which includes its value proposition for partners and customers as well as its revenue streams. What makes a business model an e-business model is the direct connection with information technology: Examples can include any at activity, process, or enterprise level that are shown in Exhibit 2.4 and described throughout the chapter. What is the formula for determining value? Value = Benefits – Costs What are the four levels of commitment to e-business? Give some examples of each. See Exhibit 2.3. Activity Level E-Business Models -- Online purchasing, Order processing, E-mail, Content publisher, Business intelligence (BI), Online advertising, Online sales promotions, and Pricing strategies. One example is Amazon e-mail to customers that recommends a new book. Business Process Level E-Business Models -- Customer relationship management, Knowledge management, Supply chain management, community building, Database marketing, Enterprise resource planning, and Mass customization. One example is American Airlines Web site that allows customer access to frequent flyer and other account information. Enterprise Level E-Business Models -- E-commerce, Direct selling, Content sponsorship, portals, Online brokers, online exchanges, online auctions, and many agent models (manufacturer’s agent, catalog aggregator, metamediary, shopping agent, reverse auction, buyer’s cooperative, and virtual mall). One example is Dell computer direct sales from the Web site. Pure Plays -- Businesses that began on the Internet, even if they subsequently added a brick-and-mortar presence. Most fallen angels in the dot-com crash were pure plays that lacked viable e-business models. Examples could include E*Trade, Yahoo!, and eBay. What is customer relationship management (CRM) and why do companies create strategies in this area? Customer relationship management (CRM) involves retaining and growing business and individual customers through strategies that ensure their satisfaction with the firm and its products. CRM seeks to keep customers for the long term and to increase the number and frequency of their transactions with the firm. In the context of e-business, CRM uses digital processes and integrates customer information collected at every customer “touch point.” Customers interact with firms in person at retail stores or company offices, by mail, via telephone, or over the Internet. The results of interactions at all these touch points are integrated to build a complete picture of customer characteristics, behavior, and preferences. How is e-commerce defined? E-commerce refers to online transactions: selling goods and services on the Internet, either in one transaction or over time with an ongoing subscription price. What is an Internet pure play, and what are some examples? Pure Plays -- Businesses that began on the Internet, even if they subsequently added a brick-and-mortar presence. Most fallen angels in the dot-com crash were pure plays that lacked viable e-business models. Examples could include E*Trade, Yahoo!, and eBay. Newer pure plays are and What are three ways of collecting Web analytics? Web analytics can be collected using the following methods: Server logs record the user’s IP (Internet Protocol) address, the browser being used, the site visited immediately before the company’s site, the time of day, and every mouse click during the site visit. Cookies are recorded on the user’s computer that assists companies in tracking repeat visitors and storing habits and/or favorites. Page tags can be inserted into a user’s computer to determine when items are removed from a shopping cart and can be activated based on the stored cookie files. Geolocation uses many different technologies to locate an internet-enabled device (and its owner) at its physical world address: For example WiFi, GPS (global positioning satellite coordinates), or simply IP addresses. What is the Balanced Scorecard and how do companies use it in e-business? The Balanced Scorecard is a system that measures many aspects of a firm’s achievements. Fifty percent of organizations worldwide have adopted the Balanced Scorecard with excellent results (“The E-Commerce Balancing Act” 2000). The scorecard approach links strategy to measurement by asking firms to consider their vision, critical success factors for accomplishing it, and subsequent performance metrics in four areas: Customer, internal, innovation and learning, and financial (Exhibit 2-5). It is important to remember that each firm defines the specific measures for each box—the system is very flexible. 12. List six important social media awareness/exposure metrics. 1. Unique visitors 2. Page views 3. Impressions 4. Number of searches 5. Search engine ranking 6. Number of followers, registrations, or subscribers 13. List three important social media brand health metrics. 1. Share of voice 2. Sentiment 3. Brand influence 14. List four important social media engagement metrics. 1. Content viewership 2. Tagging/bookmarking/likes 3. Membership/follower 4. Number of shares 15. List four important social media action metrics. 1. Click-through 2. Contact form completion or registration 3. Event attendance 4. Purchase 16. List two important social media innovation metrics. 1. Number of ideas 2. Trend spotting Discussion Questions 17. Amazon story. Identify the business models Amazon used and at which level of e-business commitment each falls (Exhibit 2.3). Amazon is quite adept at leveraging its competencies into many different e-business models. First is its core business—online retailing (Activity and Business Process levels). Amazon sells merchandise and content purchased from manufacturers and resellers to consumer markets. Second are Amazon’s e-commerce partnerships with many retailers (Enterprise level). Amazon also uses another important e-business model. It created the first affiliate program (Enterprise level). 18. Amazon story. What performance metrics might Amazon use to measure progress toward its growth and customer service objectives? To measure progress toward its growth objectives, Amazon might look at the number of new service products to market in a year, the number of new service features not offered by competitive offerings, percent of sales from new services, number of customer complaints and fixes, number/type of improvements over time, revenue per sales employee from internet leads, or number of conversions from online leads. To measure progress toward its customer service objectives, Amazon could check the number of visitors to its Web site, review the number of comments, photos, or videos posted, survey target audiences at the Web site, check the number of visits and activity at the site, log the number of complaints received (via e-mail, phone), or check on customer retention percentages. Why is it important for an e-business model to create value in a way that is differentiated from the way competitors’ models create value? This is no different for business models online than offline. Differentiation is key to winning customers from competition. According to Afuah and Tucci (p. 36), critical e-business model components include creating customer value that is differentiated from competition, and sustainability—creating a competitive advantage over time. This means it will be difficult to imitate and that the environment will be attractive for maintaining the model over time. Based on the opening vignette and your examination of the site (or your experience as a customer), what strategic objectives do you think are appropriate for this e-business? What performance metrics would you use to measure progress toward achieving these objectives—and why? wants to grow by building customer wallet share, not share of market. This is why it has diversified into many new product categories and co-branded with firms such as Target. In addition, it uses technology to suggest new products to current customers and employ other techniques aimed at retaining and growing their business. Thus, CRM is another strategic objective. Appropriate metrics for CRM include average order value, customer retention rates, and lifetime value of current customers. In addition, it will measure sales for new product introductions. The Balanced Scorecard helps e-business examine results from four perspectives. Would you recommend that e-businesses also look at results form a societal perspective? Explain your response. Answers will vary, but responses should focus on the social networking and social engagement metrics for businesses. Social networking has created a niche market of non-commerce sites that can, and do, generate a substantial amount of advertising revenue. Web 2.0 technologies have forced the hand of marketers to measure more than simple web hits. By including such social measure in a Balanced Scorecard, companies will have a much more thorough snapshot of it’s current performance. Should e-businesses strive to build community with noncustomers as well as customers? Why or why not? Answers will vary, but responses should focus on the idea that building community with noncustomers is relatively inexpensive, if not free. Noncustomers can turn into customers and building community with everyone and anyone can lead to an unlimited pool of potential clients. Do you agree or disagree that the page view metric is nearly useless in the Web 2.0 environment? Answers will vary, but responses should focus on the inadequacies created by simply measuring page views. Although not completely useless, it should be noted and explained that many other metrics need to be measured to capture the appropriate information needed. If you were to write a blog about your experiences at the university you attend to help high school students understand what college was like, which metrics would you use to measure the blog’s success, and why? To determine awareness/exposure of high school students, I would check the number of unique visitors, page views, impressions, number of searches, search engine ranking, number of followers/registration/subscribers. To determine the health of my university’s brand, I would measure share of voice, sentiment, and brand influence. To determine students’ engagement, I would measure content viewership, tagging/bookmarks/likes, membership/follower, number of shares and content creation. To determine student action, I would measure click-through, contact form completion or registration, event attendance, or purchases. To determine the university’s level of innovation, I would measure the number of new ideas generated and its ability to spot new trends. 020955000

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