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Ch08 Drama

Uploaded: 7 years ago
Contributor: cloveb
Category: Visual Arts
Type: Test / Midterm / Exam
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Chapter 8: Drama Select the letter of the choice that BEST answers the question: 1. Which of the following elements of drama includes set design? a. plot b. diction c. spectacle d. music Answer: c Page: 215 2. Which of the following did Aristotle call the moment of truth for the tragic hero? a. denouement b. recognition c. reversal d. catharsis Answer: b Page: 215 3. Which of the following is a purging of emotions? a. denouement b. recognition c. reversal d. catharsis Answer: d Page: 216 4. Anna Deavere Smith’s performances focus on a. the story of Christ b. racial and religious violence c. an imitation of Emily Dickinson d. the willing suspension of disbelief Answer: b Page: 218 5. Aesthetic distance in drama refers to a. when the historical event actually happened b. position of the audience in relation to the stage c. awareness of difference between life and art d. the use of scenery, lighting, and music to identify characters Answer: c Page: 219 6. Comedy tends to a. exalt the worth of individuals b. place the characters in difficult, irresolvable situations c. satirize the weaknesses of individuals and their societies d. use stereotypes more than types Answer: c Page: 229 7. Traditional tragedy tends to a. exalt the worth of the characters b. show that misfortune is beyond the control of the characters c. show that misfortune is ultimately due to flaws within the characters d. use many stereotypes Answer: c Page: 215 8. Hegel believes that which of the following leads to the tragic? a. the protagonist’s tragic flaw b. social conditions c. the collision of good intentions d. mere chance Answer: c Page: 220 9. Which of the following is not a description of archetypal patterns? a. structural patterns that seem to have their origins deep in our culture or psyche b. faithful reproduction of an actual historical occurrence c. subconscious memory of numberless experiences of the same type d. a link with the four seasons and the pattern of agricultural growth and decay Answer: b Page: 220 10. Which of the following contains an element not listed by Aristotle as part of tragedy? a. plot, character, spectacle b. character, diction, music c. plot, rhythm, thought d. thought, diction, plot Answer: c Page: 215 11. Tragicomedy is most likely to a. end with a death b. end with a marriage c. reveal the ambiguities of the world d. include music Answer: c Page: 231 12. According to Aristotle, tragic action should be caused by a. mere chance b. unchangeable destiny c. character flaws d. the situation Answer: c Page: 215 13. According to the text, one of the ways modern tragedy differs from ancient tragedy is a. its reliance on myth b. its acceptance of chance as a powerful force c. its emphasis on the supreme power of fate d. its reliance on great protagonists with tragic flaws Answer: b Page: 223 14. Which of the following characterizes Old Comedy? a. it is associated with burlesque and slapstick b. it is suave and subtle c. it avoids brutal attacks on individuals d. it concentrates on manners Answer: a Page: 228 15. A character who displays often-repeated behavior in comedy is known as a. an archetypal character b. a blocking character c. a heroic character d. a type character Answer: d Page: 228 Essay Question After reading The Swan Song, respond to the play as drama. What is revealed in the play? To reach your conclusion, discuss plot, character, ideas, setting, and genre.

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