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Ch21 Nineteenth-Century Realism

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CHAPTER 21 Nineteenth-Century Realism Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Millet’s Gleaners combines a. social observation with Neoclassicism. b. Renaissance monumentality with Romanticism. c. Medieval feudalism with Romanticism. d. social observation with Romanticism. Answer: d 2. Who co-wrote the Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx? a. Baudelaire b. Engels c. Dickens d. Balzac e. Zola Answer: b 3. Rosa Bonheur was particularly drawn to images of a. lions. b. athletes. c. horses. d. city life. Answer: c 4. Courbet’s patron, who financed the Realist exhibition, was a. Baudelaire. b. Zola. c. Flaubert. d. Bruyas. Answer: d 5. Which of the following is NOT a painting by Courbet? a. Stone Breakers b. Interior of My Studio c. Third-Class Carriage d. Burial at Ornans Answer: c 6. ________ painted realistic scenes of poor and oppressed peoples. a. Courbet b. Millet c. Daumier d. All these answers are correct. Answer: d 7. The central group in Courbet’s My Studio includes a. a boy, a cat, a painter, a woman, and a landscape. b. a juggler, a crucifix, a cat, and a painter. c. a painter, a woman, a boy, and a journalist. d. a painter, a woman, a boy, and a peddler. Answer: a 8. For most of his life Daumier made a living a. as a painter. b. as a caricaturist. c. as a cartoonist. d. as a photographer. Answer: b 9. Gargantua is a (an) a. tyrant. b. greedy king. c. good-natured giant. d. gargoyle. e. ogre from French folklore. Answer: c 10. Daumier was sentenced to jail for a. fraud. b. satirizing the king. c. revolutionary activities. d. defending freedom of the press. e. forgery. Answer: b 11. Nadar’s Le Géant was a. a painting. b. a photograph. c. a balloon. d. a folktale. Answer: c 12. Who of the following was NOT a nineteenth-century photographer? a. Cameron b. Nadar c. Brady d. Duckworth Answer: d 13. Which is NOT a feature of the Pre-Raphaelites’ style? a. pastel colors b. clear edges c. erotic subtexts d. figuration Answer: a 14. In Modern Painters, Ruskin wrote a defense of a. Constable. b. Turner. c. Cole. d. Nash. e. Millais. Answer: b 15. The figures in Manet’s Déjeuner sur l’Herbe are identified as a. Manet’s sister, his brother-in-law, and Victorine. b. Manet’s model, brother-in-law, and sister. c. Manet’s model, Gustave Manet, and Ferdinand Leenhoff. d. Manet, his model, and his brother. Answer: c 16. Critics objected to Déjeuner sur l’Herbe because a. it was not sufficiently Classical. b. it was not colorful enough. c. it contained the artist’s self-portrait. d. it was too much like a Renaissance painting. Answer: a 17. Manet’s Olympia was inspired by a. the Rokeby Venus. b. the Venus of Urbino. c. Ingres’ Grande Odalisque. d. Canova’s Pauline. Answer: b 18. Courbet objected to Olympia because a. it was not realistic enough. b. it was too Classical. c. it was based on Renaissance prototypes. d. it was too flat. Answer: d 19. Which was NOT among the advantages of the Crystal Palace? a. It was fireproof. b. It was prefabricated. c. It was relatively inexpensive. d. It was constructed quickly. Answer: a 20. Until the middle of the nineteenth century, bridges were designed according to what method? a. suspension b. cantilever c. truss d. post-and-lintel Answer: c 21. Which is NOT true of the Brooklyn Bridge? a. It was designed by the Roeblings. b. It has Gothic arches. c. It has four huge parallel cables. d. It was the first use of steel wire in a bridge. e. It connects Brooklyn with the Bronx. Answer: e 22. Which is NOT true of the Statue of Liberty? a. It was sculpted by Bartholdi. b. Its frame was wrought by Eiffel. c. It is on Ellis Island. d. It was constructed from 1875 to 1884. Answer: c 23. Which was NOT a new feature in the development of nineteenth-century skyscrapers? a. masonry and brick construction b. power-driven elevators c. steel frames d. concrete reinforced with steel wire Answer: a 24. Which of the following correctly matches writer with work? a. Melville – Uncle Tom’s Cabin b. Alcott – Far From the Madding Crowd c. Thoreau – Leaves of Grass d. Darwin – Origin of Species Answer: d 25. The leading American Civil War photographer was a. Robert E. Lee. b. Matthew Brady. c. Nadar. d. Fox Talbot. Answer: b Key Works Jean-François Millet, Gleaners, 1857 Rosa Bonheur, Horse Fair, 1853 Gustave Courbet, Stone Breakers, 1849 Gustave Courbet, Burial at Ornans, 1849 Gustave Courbet, The Interior of My Studio: A Real Allegory Summing up Seven Years of My Life as an Artist from 1848 to 1855, 1855 Honoré Daumier, Third-Class Carriage, c. 1862 Honoré Daumier, Interior of a First-Class Carriage, 1864 Honoré Daumier, Freedom of the Press: Don’t Meddle with It (Ne Vous y Frottez Pas), 1834 Honoré Daumier, Louis-Philippe as Gargantua, 1831 Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, View from His Window at Gras, 1826 Unknown photographer, daguerreotype, c. 1845 Gaspard-Félix Tournachon (Nadar), Sarah Bernhardt, c. 1864 Honoré Daumier, Nadar Elevating Photography to the Height of Art, 1862 Julia Margaret Cameron, Mrs. Herbert Duckworth, 1867 Matthew B. Brady, Lincoln “Cooper Union” Portrait, 1860 Matthew B. Brady, Robert E. Lee, 1865 Studio of Matthew B. Brady, Ruins of Gallego Flour Mills, Richmond, 1863–1865 Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ecce Ancilla Domini (The Annunciation), 1850 John Everett Millais, John Ruskin, 1854 Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins, study for the Gross Clinic, 1875–1876 Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins, John Biglen in a Single Scull, 1873 Henry Ossawa Tanner, Annunciation, 1898 Édouard Manet, Le Déjeuner sur l’Herbe, 1863 Édouard Manet, Olympia, 1865 Joseph Paxton, Crystal Palace, London, 1850–1851 John A. and W. A. Roebling, Brooklyn Bridge, New York, 1869–1883 Auguste Bartholdi and Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, Statue of Liberty, New York, 1875–1884 Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1887–1889 Louis Sullivan, Wainwright Building, St. Louis, Missouri, 1890–1891 Maps, Diagrams, and Projections Map of Industrialized Europe in the 19th century Diagram of a camera obscura Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, diagram of the construction of the Statue of Liberty Key Terms avant-garde camera obscura caricature cartoon daguerreotype fixing lithography palette palette knife tensile strength truss construction steel-frame construction suspension bridge

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