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Ch23 Post-Impressionism and the Late Nineteenth Century

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CHAPTER 23 Post-Impressionism and the Late Nineteenth Century Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Two important Post-Impressionist trends were a. emotion and realism. b. formalism and figuration. c. structure and emotion. d. figuration and abstraction. Answer: c 2. The Post-Impressionist most known for his posters was a. Gauguin. b. Cézanne. c. van Gogh. d. Seurat. e. Toulouse-Lautrec. Answer: e 3. Generally the French posters of the 19th century were a. woodblock prints. b. engravings. c. etchings. d. lithographs. e. photographs. Answer: d 4. La Goulue was a a. circus performer. b. waitress. c. dancer. d. restaurant. e. café. Answer: c 5. The artist best known for his apples was a. van Gogh. b. Cézanne. c. Cranach. d. Seurat. Answer: b 6. The artist known for his crystalline, structured brushstrokes is a. Van Gogh. b. Gauguin. c. Munch. d. Cézanne. e. Rousseau. Answer: d 7. The two Post-Impressionist artists who had a stormy friendship were a. van Gogh and Cézanne. b. Cézanne and Zola. c. Seurat and Munch. d. Gauguin and van Gogh. Answer: d 8. La Grande Jatte refers to a. an island in the Seine. b. a restaurant in Paris. c. a large dance-hall in Paris. d. an overweight French dancer. Answer: a 9. Which term best describes Seurat’s brushstrokes? a. blurred b. divisionist c. spiraling d. smooth Answer: b 10. “Potato eaters” referred to a. beggars. b. homeless people. c. farmers. d. miners. e. ministers. Answer: d 11. Georges Seurat was not an Impressionist because he a. used broad brushstrokes that conveyed how the world looked to him. b. used a scientific technique to convey how light was perceived by the eye. c. embraced the spontaneity of nature and the outdoors. d. relied on the teachings of Jung to comment on the human condition. Answer: b 12. The painting technique used by Georges Seurat has been called Neo-Impressionist. What did Seurat himself refer to it as? a. Post-Impressionism b. pointillism c. Neo-Subjectivism d. divisionism Answer: d 13. The artist who copied Hiroshige’s Sudden Shower at Ohashi Bridge at Ataka was a. van Gogh. b. Cézanne. c. Seurat. d. Manet. e. Monet. Answer: a 14. “Theo” refers to a. a book by van Gogh. b. van Gogh’s brother. c. van Gogh’s father. d. van Gogh’s son. e. van Gogh’s art teacher. Answer: b 15. The Post-Impressionist who painted the most self-portraits was a. Cézanne. b. Toulouse-Lautrec. c. Munch. d. van Gogh. e. Seurat. Answer: d 16. The Post-Impressionist who began as an Impressionist and then identified with the Symbolists and the Nabis was a. Cézanne. b. Toulouse-Lautrec. c. Munch. d. Gauguin. e. van Gogh. Answer: d 17. The Post-Impressionist known for his paintings of Tahiti was a. Cézanne. b. Toulouse-Lautrec. c. Munch. d. Gauguin. e. van Gogh. Answer: d 18. Oceania includes which of the following? a. Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, and New Guinea b. Easter Island, Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii c. Samoa, Tonga, New Guinea, and Easter Island d. South Island, Arnhem Land, Asmat, and Hawaii Answer: a 19. Symbolists conveyed a. heightened emotion. b. subjective reality. c. references to Greek mythological stories, avoiding commentary on modern life. d. both heightened emotion and subjective reality. Answer: d 20. Which is true of Symbolism? a. It was concerned with realistic social issues. b. It was heroic in character. c. It was preoccupied with the irrational. d. Its colors tended to be the primary hues. Answer: c 21. A maenad is a a. follower of Medea. b. follower of Dionysos. c. follower of Orpheus. d. follower of Hermes. Answer: b 22. Polyphemos was a. a musician. b. a satyr. c. an Olympian. d. a Cyclops. e. a dwarf. Answer: d 23. The English word “symbol” is from the Greek, meaning a. token. b. sign. c. allegory. d. metaphor. e. simile. Answer: a 24. Symbolist paintings are most likely to have jarring a. brushstrokes. b. color. c. lines. d. spatial arrangements. e. formal distortion. Answer: b 25. Oscar Wilde was a spokesman for a. Symbolism. b. Post-Impressionism. c. Abstraction. d. Aestheticism. e. Art Nouveau. Answer: d 26. Beardsley’s pictorial style can be described as a. perverse and macabre. b. elegant and courtly. c. Post-Impressionist. d. colorful. Answer: a 27. Art Nouveau was a European response against a. Abstraction. b. Impressionism. c. Aestheticism. d. Industrialization. e. Symbolism. Answer: d 28. Art Nouveau artists used a. geometry. b. photographic reality to show the grace in the everyday. c. organic forms like vines drawn from nature. d. modern technological marvels to convey progress. Answer: c 29. Métropolitain refers to a. French cities. b. French subways. c. French night clubs. d. French urban planning. Answer: b 30. The purpose of the Vienna Secession was a. to establish an international style of painting. b. to withdraw from the establishment. c. to establish a forum of diverse styles. d. to support Academic naturalism. Answer: c 31. For Klimt, the Minotaur represented a. tyranny. b. Impressionism. c. Industrialization. d. conservatism. Answer: d 32. In Klimt’s poster for the first Secession exhibition, the Gorgon head is a. naturalistic. b. frontal. c. horned and fanged. d. Symbolist. Answer: b 33. “Le Douanier” referred to a. Beardsley. b. Monet. c. Seurat. d. Rousseau. e. Gauguin. Answer: d 34. The techniques of dream construction apply most obviously to which style? a. Post-Impressionism b. Symbolism c. Surrealism d. Aestheticism Answer: c 35. Who was the leading artist of the Symbolist movement in France? a. Moreau b. Munch c. Nouveau d. Guimard Answer: a 36. Which of the following is NOT a correct match of artist with work? a. Cézanne – Temptation of Saint Anthony b. van Gogh – The Potato Eaters c. Gauguin – The Yellow Christ d. Munch – The Scream e. Moreau – Idol with the Seashell Answer: e 37. Which of the following correctly matches artist with work? a. van Gogh – Bedroom at Arles b. Klimt – Salomé with the Head of John the Baptist c. Moreau – The Dream d. Cézanne – Galatea e. Rousseau – La Goulue at the Moulin Rouge Answer: a Key Works Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, At the Moulin Rouge: The Dance, 1890 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, La Goulue at the Moulin Rouge, 1891 Paul Cézanne, Temptation of Saint Anthony, c. 1870 Paul Cézanne, Self-Portrait, c. 1872 Paul Cézanne, Still Life with Apples, c. 1875–1877 Paul Cézanne, Great Bathers, 1898–1905 Paul Cézanne, Mont Sainte-Victoire, c. 1900 Georges Seurat, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884–1886 Georges Seurat, Monkey, 1884 Georges Seurat, detail, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884–1886 Vincent van Gogh, Potato Eaters, 1885 Vincent van Gogh, Japonaiserie: Bridge in the Rain (after Hiroshige), 1887 Utagawa Hiroshige, Sudden Shower at Ohashi Bridge at Ataka, from the series One Hundred Views of Edo, 1857 Vincent van Gogh, Bedroom at Arles, 1889 Vincent van Gogh, sketch for Bedroom at Arles, 1888 Vincent van Gogh, Wheat Field with Reaper, 1889 Vincent van Gogh, Starry Night, 1889 Vincent van Gogh, studies for Self-Portrait, 1889 Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait, 1889 Paul Gauguin, Self-Portrait with Halo, 1889 Paul Gauguin, Nevermore, 1897 Paul Gauguin, Yellow Christ, 1889 Gustave Moreau, Orpheus, 1865 Gustave Moreau, Galatea, 1880–1881 Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893 Edvard Munch, The Voice, 1893 Aubrey Beardsley, Salomé with the Head of John the Baptist, 1893 Victor Horta, staircase of the Maison Tassel, Brussels, 1892 Hector Guimard, entrance to a Métro station, Paris, 1900 Antonio Gaudí, La Sangrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain 1883–1926 Antonio Gaudí, Casa Mila, Barcelona, Spain, 1906–1910 Gustav Klimt, Ver Sacrum, poster for the first Secession exhibition depicting Theseus and the Minotaur, c. 1898 Gustav Klimt, Kiss, 1908 Henri Rousseau, The Dream, 1910 Key Terms pointillism poster art premixed color Window on the World Gauguin and Oceania Key Works Stone heads, Easter Island, 5th–17th century Paul Gauguin, Idol with the Seashell, c. 1893 Maps, Diagrams, and Projections Map of Oceania

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