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Legal Research The Internet Quiz-2.docx

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Computer Assisted Legal Research (CALR) On The Internet Quiz No. 2 True or False (5 points each) ANSWER 1. Sometimes a quick guess of the URL can save the effort of searching a wanted Internet site. T. _______ F. _______ TRUE 2. The URL for the U.S. Occupational Safety and Heath Administration is T. _______ F. _______ FALSE ( 3. The Find tool allows searchers to go very quickly to a keyword in the found document. T. _______ F. _______ TRUE 4. Researchers may use truncated words to pick up differing versions of terms, or where the search terms appear in other words or phrases. T. _______ F. _______ TRUE 5. Portable document format files are easily retrievable because they are so well indexed. T. _______ F. _______ FALSE 6. A directory is a site on the Internet that catalogs, indexes, and categorizes websites by subject. T. _______ F. _______ TRUE. 7. Commercial CALR databases allow researchers to locate words within a certain proximity to each other (the “/n” connector). T. _______ F. _______ TRUE. 8. The Internet is a cheap alternative to the use of commercial databases such as LEXIS and WESTLAW for finding primary legal materials such as U.S. federal and state statutes, bills, cases, and regulations. T. _______ F. _______ TRUE. 9. A “keyword” is a word that is not likely to be found in the information or documents searched for. T. _______ F. _______ FALSE (It IS likely.) 10. A CALR database is in essence an electronic law library. T. _______ F. _______ TRUE Multiple Choice (10 points each) 11. How does a researcher locate information on the Internet? A. Where the site address is known B. Through Internet directories to pre-reviewed and indexed sites C. By running queries in an Internet search engines D. All of the above E. None of the above D. All of the above 12. Which of the following in not a CALR database? A. Lexis B. Dialog C. Westlaw D. LoisLaw E. None of the above B. Dialog 13. Which of the following is/are Internet search tools? A. Site directories B. Keyword indexes C. Site-specific search engines D. All of the above E. None of the above D. All of the above 14. The preliminary steps for preparing a CALR session include: A. Understanding the nature of the case or issue that is being researched B. Determining the form of the result that is sought from the search C. Identifying all keywords to search for, including synonyms and antonyms D. All of the above E. None of the above D. All of the above 15. Which of the following is/are examples of Internet search “connectors”? A. And B. Or C. Not (or “and not”) D. Near (or “adj”) E. All of the above E. All of the above

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