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The Nation-State and Globalization Multiple Choice Questions 1. In 2006 in Spain, the region of Catalonia voted in a referendum to have the region recognized as a(n) ________. a. ethnic group b. nationality c. zone d. town Answer : b. nationality 2. A _______ is defined in this chapter as "an independent, self-governing political community" with binding rules. a. government b. region c. state d. constitution Page-Reference: 26 Question ID: 02-1-02 Answer : c. state 3. Which one of the following best describes a state? a. an independent, self-governing political unit b. a temporary government of a country c. a voluntary political organization d. a subordinate political unit within a country Answer : a. an independent, self-governing political unit 4. According to the text, 'sovereignty' has two dimensions. In one dimension, 'sovereignty' means a(n) ________. a. highest authority within a territory b. form of political integration c. strong degree of interconnection d. ability to wage war Answer : a. highest authority within a territory 5. The Peace of Westphalia which ended the Thirty Years War in 1648 established that states were ________. a. never to wage war again b. legally required to respect human rights c. able to invade each other d. the supreme authorities within their territories Answer : d. the supreme authorities within their territories 6. According to the text a 'failed state' is one in which governments cannot, among other things, ________. a. belong to the UN b. pass exams c. form coalitions d. enforce laws Answer : d. enforce laws 7. Which of the following is an example of a failed state? a. People's Republic of China b. Somalia c. Grenada d. Libya Answer : b. Somalia 8. This country has been without an effective government since 1991, and is plagued with widespread violence, corruption, and insecurity. a. Somalia b. Catalonia c. India d. Tibet Answer : a. Somalia 9. A central principle of international law is that ________. a. small states should be subordinate to larger, more powerful states b. a country that has lost a war gives up its right to self-government c. wealthy countries should direct the development of poorer countries d. states should not interfere in the affairs of other states Answer : d. states should not interfere in the affairs of other states 10. In 2001, the Canadian-sponsored International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) concluded that ________. a. states had the right to invade other states if they were attacked b. the responsibility to protect people justified international action c. the United Nations could not interfere in states sovereignty d. individuals had the right to subvert their own state Answer : b. the responsibility to protect people justified international action 11. A national identity can develop among people located in a particular territory who share common characteristics, these characteristic can include, for example ________. a. language b. class c. family ties d. migration Answer : a. language 12. According to the text, Canada was formed principally from three founding peoples. Which of the following is one of those founding peoples? a. Provincial governors b. American revolutionaries c. French colonists d. Asian immigrants Answer : c. French colonists 13. Civic nationalism is based primarily on a common ________. a. ancestry b. cultural tradition c. language d. political history Answer : d. political history 14. ________ is the idea that a country's permanent residents are full members of the political community with certain duties and rights. a. Culture b. Identity c. Politics d. Citizenship Answer : d. Citizenship 15. Globalization is often seen as resulting in ________. a. reducing the power of corporations b. reducing the dependence upon markets and trade c. decreasing the importance of sovereign states d. discouraging the assertion of ethnic and regional identities Answer : c. decreasing the importance of sovereign states 16. Financial globalization means that capital ________. a. is more easily taxed b. can flow instantly between countries c. is more closely tied to labour d. can be more easily saved Answer : b. can flow instantly between countries 17. Which of the following is not considered to be an advantage of economic globalization? a. efficiency b. access to money c. high wages d. wider variety of goods Answer : c. high wages 18. Which of the following is an example of regionalization? a. the European Union b. the US housing crisis c. the Great Depression d. growth of McDonald's Answer : a. the European Union 19. Which of the following sets of countries did not sign the international treaty banning anti-personal land mines? a. United States, Russia, China b. Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Sudan c. United Kingdom, United States, China d. Russia, Afghanistan, Cambodia Answer : a. United States, Russia, China 20. The increasing number of immigrants, "guest workers," and refugees with different religious, cultural, and ethnic or racial characteristics in many countries has contributed to ________. a. multiple identities b. regionalization c. political globalization d. state sovereignty Answer : a. multiple identities Chapter 02 True/False Questions 1. A motion passed by the Canadian Parliament in 2006 recognizing the Québécois as a 'nation' nevertheless had no legal effect. a. True b. False Answer : a. True 2. A substantial majority of Quebeckers favour the creation of an independent Quebec nation-state a. True b. False Answer : b. False 3. The sovereignty of states is an absolute right in international relations. a. True b. False Answer : b. False 4. Xenophobia means fear or hatred of other nationalities. a. True b. False Answer : b. False 5. There is no global free market in labour. a. True b. False Answer : a. True 6. The flow of cultural communication outward from Western countries is substantially lower than the flow in the reverse direction. a. True b. False Answer : b. False 7. Binational and multinational states are inevitably failures. a. True b. False Answer : b. False Chapter 02 Short Answer Questions 1. What is the significance of the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) for understanding the modern state? Answer : It established the principle of state sovereignty: that the states and their monarchs had supreme authority within the territory they governed. 2. Describe at least three ways in which nationalism can be considered a positive. Answer : Nationalism can be positive when it 1. encourages people to challenge domination and exploitation 2. maintains diversity in the world, and 3. encourages solidarity. 3. What is the definition of a 'nation-state'? Answer : A nation-state is composed of a group of people who have a sense of common identity and who typically believe they should be self-governing, together with a single national identity within one state. Alternative: A state with a strong unified single language, culture and identity. 4. How does ethnic nationalism differ from civic nationalism? Answer : Ethnic nationalism views ancestry and the historic cultural traditions associated with a particular ethnic group as the basis for a nation. Civic nationalism views shared political values and political history as the basis for a nation. 5. What is differentiated citizenship? Answer : Granting different citizenship rights to certain groups because of their particular circumstances Chapter 02 Short Essay Questions 1. How does a state differ from a government? Answer : State refers to a more extensive and permanent expression of the political community while a government is a set of institutions that makes decisions and oversees their implementation on behalf of the state for a particular period of time. 2. Discuss at least 2 reasons why it is more difficult to support the common good in a multinational or binational state than in a state with a single nation. Answer : It is more difficult to support the common good in a multinational or binational state because: 1. the good of each nation needs to be taken into account to maintain the legitimacy of the state; and 2. nationalism has led to discrimination or oppression against those within a country who are not viewed as part of the nation. 3. Discuss at least 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of economic globalization. Answer : The advantages of economic globalization are: 1. efficiency, access to money, lower consumer process and wider variety of goods. The disadvantages of economic globalization are: global inequality, concentration of power, weakening of labour, challenges to the welfare state and increased risk of global economic crises.

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