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Clinical Massage Therapy: A Structural Approach to Pain Management

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Filename:   Waslaski_ch01.doc (67 kB)
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Chapter 1
1. Therapeutic assessment, manipulation, and movement of locomotor soft-tissues to prevent, reduce, or eliminate chronic pain or injuries throughout the body are known as which of the following A) structural integration B) advanced clinical massage therapy C) reciprocal inhibition D) chiropractic therapy 2. A protocol to help the body return to structural and functional postural alignment by removing tensions and restrictions is known as which of the following A) advanced clinical massage therapy B) proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation C) post isometric relaxation D) structural integration 3. Which approach should a therapist use when manipulating muscle groups A) deep to superficial B) superficial to deep C) deep only D) superficial only 4. When following the twelve-step approach, which muscle group should you start with A) core muscles B) back muscles C) head and neck muscles D) feet muscles 5. Which of the following should be one of your goals in applying the twelve steps A) to bring about structural imbalance and postural deviations B) to decrease joint space throughout the body C) to create aligned or functional scar tissue D) to create shortened muscle lengths throughout the body 6. The tearing of tendon fibers in the absence of an inflammatory process is known as which of the following A) tendinitis B) tendinosis C) ischemia D) tenosynovitis 7. What is the first step in the Twelve-Step Approach A) assess active range of motion B) area preparation C) client history D) myofascial release/compression 8. Which step has as its goal to assess range of motion of single-plane movements performed solely by the client to identify tight or restricted muscle groups A) stretching (during therapy/client self-care) B) assess resisted range of motion C) assess passive range of motion D) assess active range of motion 9. Which of the following is an example of using good body mechanics A) Use body weight to apply pressure. B) Use muscle force to apply pressure. C) Let movement come from your arms and shoulders. D) Keep your wrists bent. 10. Which of the following should you perform as part of step 5, area preparation A) Apply ice to the muscle belly. B) Treat the symptoms of pain before treating the cause of pain. C) Apply moist heat to facilitate myofascial release. D) Work from insertion to origin of each shortened muscle group. 11. Which tissue surrounds every muscle, muscle fiber, and component in the body and holds the body together A) cartilage B) fascia C) bone D) ligament 12. Which of the following is TRUE of myofascial release A) It is the final step in the twelve-step process. B) It minimizes blood flow to ischemic tissues. C) It involves moving the fascia out of its normal position. D) It always precedes and enhances deeper, more specific work. 13. What is the primary purpose of cross-fiber gliding strokes A) to release trigger points B) to create restrictions C) to spread apart tight muscle bands D) to shorten muscle lengths 14. Small, painful nodules located in tight muscles are known as what A) proprioceptors B) trigger points C) myofibrils D) eccentric contractions 15. How long should direct pressure be applied to a trigger point A) 5 to 7 seconds B) 10 to 12 seconds C) 20to 25 seconds D) 30 to 40 seconds 16. A trigger point that exists but does NOT refer pain until direct pressure is applied to it is known as which of the following A) latent B) active C) ischemic D) eccentric 17. The primary purpose of multidirectional friction is which of the following A) to realign scar tissue B) to release trigger points C) to spread apart tight muscle bands in preparation for trigger point release D) to soften the collagen matrix to prepare for scar tissue realignment 18. Under which condition is multidirectional friction used as part of the twelve-step approach A) if trigger points are present B) if normal range of motion is present C) if no pain is present D) if pain is present 19. An injury to ligamentous tissues is known as which of the following A) strain B) fracture C) sprain D) trigger point 20. Which of the following forms scar tissue A) collagen B) fascia C) ligament D) bone marrow 21. When a muscletendon unit lengthens against mild resistance, it is known as which of the following A) isometric contraction B) concentric contraction C) eccentric contraction D) resisted range of motion 22. Which of the following is a stretching technique in which a muscle is actively stretched, then contracts isometrically against resistance, and then is actively stretched again to facilitate increased range of motion A) active assisted stretching B) resisted range of motion stretching C) passive range of motion stretching D) proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation 23. A condition in which tissue is anemic or lacking blood is which of the following A) sprain B) ischemia C) strain D) tendinosis 24. Actively contracting an antagonist to inhibit the nerve impulses in the agonist and allow a greater range of motion to occur without tension or possible injury is known as which of the following A) post isometric relaxation B) proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation C) eccentric contraction D) reciprocal inhibition 25. Which type of training has been proved to provide as much benefit in strengthening muscles as weight-training machines A) elastic resistance training B) aerobic training C) calisthenics D) cross training 26. Which of the following is the most effective way to treat tendinosis A) Release and stretch tight flexors to relax extensors. B) Perform 6 minutes of cross-fiber friction. C) Perform 10 to 12 seconds of trigger point pressure. D) Apply ice. 27. For how long each day should a client perform both stretching and strengthening exercises for any single clinical condition A) 1 to 2 minutes B) 5 to 10 minutes C) 15 to 20 minutes D) 25 to 30 minutes 28. The area where a tendon attaches to bone is known as which of the following A) muscletendon junction B) periosteal junction C) musclefascia junction D) trigger point 29. Inflammation of tendons or muscletendon attachments is known as which of the following A) tendinosis B) tenosynovitis C) tendinitis D) ischemia 30. The final step in the Twelve-Step Approach is which of the following A) assess resisted range of motion B) client history C) stretching (during therapy/client self-care) D) strengthening (client self-care) PAGE PAGE 1

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