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Ch01 Auditing-Theory-01.docx

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Chapter 1 Auditing Theory Multiple-Choice Questions 1. easy Recording, classifying, and summarizing economic events in a logical manner for the purpose of providing financial information for decision making is commonly called: c a. finance. b. auditing. c. accounting. d. economics. 2. easy In the audit of historical financial statements, which of the following accounting bases is the most common? c a. Regulatory accounting principles. b. Cash basis of accounting. c. Generally accepted accounting principles. d. Liquidation basis of accounting. 3. easy Any service that requires a CPA firm to issue a report about the reliability of an assertion that is made by another party is a(n): b a. accounting and bookkeeping service. b. attestation service. c. assurance service. d. tax service. 4. Three common types of attestation services are: easy a. audits, reviews, and “other” attestation services. a b. audits, verifications, and “other” attestation services. c. reviews, verifications, and “other” attestation services. d. audits, reviews, and verifications. 5. (SOX) easy The organization that is responsible for providing oversight for auditors of public companies is called the ________. d a. Auditing Standards Board. b. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. c. Public Oversight Board. d. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. 6. (SOX) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act applies to which of the following companies? easy a. All companies. c b. Privately held companies. c. Public companies. d. All public companies and privately held companies with assets greater than $500 million. 7. medium Providing quantitative information that management and others can use to make decisions is the function of: d a. management information systems. b. auditing. c. finance. d. accounting. 8. An audit of historical financial statements most commonly includes the: medium a. balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. d b. income statement, the statement of cash flows, and the statement of net working capital. c. statement of cash flows, the balance sheet, and the retained earnings statement. d. balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. 9. medium The ___________ rate may be defined as approximately the rate a bank could earn by investing in U.S. treasury notes for the same length as the length of a business loan. c a. nominal b. stated c. risk-free d. prevailing 10. The use of the Certified Public Accountant title is regulated by: medium a. the federal government. b b. state law through a licensing department or agency of each state. c. the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants through the licensing departments of the tax and auditing committees. d. the Securities and Exchange Commission. 11. An operational audit has as one of its objectives to: medium a. determine whether the financial statements fairly present the entity’s operations. c b. evaluate the feasibility of attaining the entity’s operational objectives. c. make recommendations for improving performance. d. report on the entity’s relative success in attaining profit maximization. 12. An audit of historical financial statements is most often performed to determine whether the: medium a. organization is operating efficiently and effectively. d b. entity is following specific procedures or rules set down by some higher authority. c. management team is fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders. d. none of these choices. 13. medium An examination of part of an organization’s procedures and methods for the purpose of evaluating efficiency and effectiveness is what type of audit? a a. Operational audit. b. Compliance audit. c. Financial statement audit. d. Production audit. 14. medium An audit to determine whether an entity is following specific procedures or rules set down by some higher authority is classified as a(n): b a. audit of financial statements. b. compliance audit. c. operational audit. d. production audit. 15. Which of the following is a type of audit evidence? medium a. Oral responses to the auditor from employees of the company under audit. d b. Written communications from company employees or outsiders. c. Observations made by an auditor. d. Evidence may take any of the above forms. 16. Which of the following services provides the lowest level of assurance on a financial statement? medium a. A review. a b. An audit. c. Neither service provides assurance on financial statements. d. Each service provides the same level of assurance on financial statements. 17. The three requirements for becoming a CPA include all but which of the following? medium a. Uniform CPA examination requirement. c b. Educational requirements. c. Character requirements. d. Experience requirement. 18. In “auditing” financial accounting data, the primary concern is with: medium a a. determining whether recorded information properly reflects the economic events that occurred during the accounting period. b. determining if fraud has occurred. c. determining if taxable income has been calculated correctly. d. analyzing the financial information to be sure that it complies with government requirements. 19. medium Financial statement users often receive unreliable financial information from companies. Which of the following is not a common reason for this? d a. Complex business transactions. b. Large amounts of data. c. Lack of firsthand knowledge about the business. d. Each of these choices is a common reason for unreliable financial information. 20. Which of the following is not a Trust Services principle as defined by the AICPA or CICA? challenging a. Online privacy. d b. Availability. c. Processing integrity. d. Operational integrity. 21. Which one of the following is more difficult to evaluate objectively? challenging c a. Presentation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. b. Compliance with government regulations. c. Efficiency and effectiveness of operations. d. All three of the above are equally difficult. 22. (SOX) challenging The Sarbanes-Oxley Act prohibits a CPA firm that audits a public company from providing which of the following types of services to that company? c a. Reviews of quarterly financial statements. b. Preparation of corporate tax returns. c. Most consulting services. d. Tax services. 23. Which of the following audits can be regarded as generally being a compliance audit? challenging a. IRS agents’ examinations of taxpayer returns. a b. GAO auditor’s evaluation of the computer operations of governmental units. c. An internal auditor’s review of a company’s payroll authorization procedures. d. A CPA firm’s audit of the local school district. 24. Which of the following can be significantly affected by an audit? challenging a. Business risk. b b. Information risk. c. The risk-free interest rate. d. Inherent risk. 25. The trait that distinguishes auditors from accountants is the: challenging a. auditor’s ability to interpret accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. d b. auditor’s education beyond the Bachelor’s degree. c. auditor’s ability to interpret FASB Statements. d. auditor’s accumulation and interpretation of evidence related to a company’s financial statements. 26. challenging Attestation services on information technology include WebTrust services and SysTrust services. Which of the following statements most accurately describes SysTrust services? b a. SysTrust services provide assurance on business processes, transaction integrity and information processes. b. SysTrust services provide assurance on system reliability in critical areas such as security and data integrity. c. ysTrust services provide assurance on internal control over financial reporting. d. SysTrust services provide assurance as to whether accounting personnel are following procedures prescribed by the company controller. Essay Questions 27. easy Discuss the three primary requirements for becoming a CPA. Answer: The three primary requirements for becoming a CPA are: Educational requirement. An undergraduate degree with a major in accounting is required. Most states now require 150 semester hours for licensure and some states require 150 semester hours before taking the CPA exam. Uniform CPA examination requirement. This is a four-part exam with components on auditing and attestation, financial accounting and reporting, regulation, and business environment and concepts. Experience requirement. The experience requirement varies from state to state with some states requiring no experience, while other states require up to two years of audit experience. 28. easy Two types of attestation services provided by CPA firms are audits and reviews. Discuss the similarities and differences between these two types of attestation services. Which type provides the least assurance? Answer: Two primary types of attestation services are: audits of historical financial statements and reviews of historical financial statements. While both services involve the accumulation and evaluation of evidence regarding assertions made by management in the company’s financial statements, a review involves a less extensive examination and provides a lower level of assurance about the client’s financial statements than an audit. 29. medium Discuss the differences and similarities between the roles of accountants and auditors. What additional expertise must an auditor possess beyond that of an accountant? Answer: The role of accountants is to record, classify, and summarize economic events in a logical manner for the purpose of providing financial information for decision making. To do this, accountants must have a sound understanding of the principles and rules that provide the basis for preparing the financial information. In addition, accountants are responsible for developing systems to ensure that the entity’s economic events are properly recorded on a timely basis and at a reasonable cost. The role of auditors is to determine whether the financial information prepared by accountants properly reflects the economic events that occurred. To do this, the auditor must not only understand the principles and rules that provide the basis for preparing financial information, but must also possess expertise in the accumulation and evaluation of audit evidence. It is this latter expertise that distinguishes auditors from accountants. 30. medium Discuss the similarities and differences between financial statement audits, operational audits, and compliance audits. Give an example of each type. Answer: Financial statement audits, operational audits, and compliance audits are similar in that each type of audit involves accumulating and evaluating evidence about information to ascertain and report on the degree of correspondence between the information and established criteria. The differences between each type of audit are the information being examined and the criteria used to evaluate the information. An example of a financial statement audit would be the annual audit of IBM Corporation, in which the external auditors examine IBM’s financial statements to determine the degree of correspondence between those financial statements and generally accepted accounting principles. An example of an operational audit would be an internal auditor’s evaluation of whether the company’s computerized payroll-processing system is operating efficiently and effectively. An example of a compliance audit would be an IRS auditor’s examination of an entity’s federal tax return to determine the degree of compliance with the Internal Revenue Code. 31. medium Discuss the similarities and differences between the roles of independent auditors, GAO auditors, internal revenue agents, and internal auditors. Answer: The roles of all four types of auditors are similar in that they involve the accumulation and evaluation of evidence about information to ascertain and report on the degree of correspondence between the information and established criteria. The differences in their roles center around the information audited and the criteria used to evaluate that information. Independent auditors primarily audit companies’ financial statements. GAO auditors’ primary responsibility is to perform the audit function for Congress. IRS auditors are responsible for the enforcement of federal tax laws. Internal auditors primarily perform operational and compliance audits for their employing company. 32. (SOX) medium What is an engagement to attest on internal control over financial reporting? Answer: Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires public companies to report management’s assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. The Act further requires auditors to attest to the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. This evaluation, which is integrated with the audit of financial statements, provides forward-looking information, because effective internal controls reduce the likelihood of future misstatements in the financial statements. 33. challenging To do an audit, it is necessary for information to be in a verifiable form and some criteria by which the auditor can evaluate the information. (A) What information and criteria would an independent CPA firm use when auditing a company’s historical financial statements? (B) What information and criteria would an Internal Revenue Service auditor use when auditing that same company’s tax return? (C) What information and criteria would an internal auditor use when performing an operational audit to evaluate whether the company’s computerized payroll processing system is operating efficiently and effectively? Answer: (A) The information used by a CPA firm in a financial statement audit is the financial information in the company’s financial statements. The most commonly used criteria are accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. (B) The information used by an IRS auditor is the financial information in the company’s federal tax return. The criteria are the internal revenue code and interpretations. (C) The information used by an internal auditor when performing an operational audit of the payroll system could include various items such as the number of errors made, costs incurred by the payroll department, and number of payroll records processed each month. The criteria would consist of company standards for departmental efficiency and effectiveness. 34. challenging Explain what is meant by information risk, and discuss the four causes of this risk. Answer: Information risk is the possibility that information upon which a business decision is made is inaccurate. Four causes of information risk are: remoteness of information, biases and motives of the provider, voluminous data, and complex exchange transactions. 35. Attestation services fall into five categories. What are these categories? challenging Answer: The five categories of attestation services include: audits of historical financial statements, attestation on internal control over financial reporting, reviews of historical financial statements, attestation services on information technology, and other attestation services that may be applied to a broad range of subject matter. 36. challenging Discuss four factors that are likely to significantly reduce information risk in the next five to ten years. Answer: Four factors that are likely to significantly reduce information risk in the next five to ten years are: technological advances, more companies will go on-line, reducing the risk of investors obtaining outdated information, new accounting and auditing standards, and auditors will find more efficient and effective audit techniques. Other Objective Answer Format Questions 37. easy a The criteria by which an auditor evaluates the information under audit may vary with the information being audited. a. True b. False 38. easy b The criteria used by an external auditor to evaluate published financial statements are known as generally accepted auditing standards. a. True b. False 39. (SOX) easy b The Sarbanes-Oxley Act establishes standards related to the audits of privately held companies. a. True b. False 40. (SOX) easy a The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is widely viewed as having ushered in sweeping changes to auditing and financial reporting. a. True b. False 41. easy b Only companies that file annual statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission are required to have an annual external audit. a. True b. False 42. easy b The financial statements most commonly audited by external auditors are the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of changes in retained earnings. a. True b. False 43. medium b The primary purpose of a compliance audit is to determine whether the financial statements are prepared in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. a. True b. False 44. medium a Results of compliance audits are typically reported to someone within the organizational unit being audited rather than to a broad spectrum of outside users. a. True b. False 45. medium b The primary role of the United States General Accounting Office is the enforcement of the federal tax laws as defined by Congress and interpreted by the courts. a. True b. False 46. medium b CPA firms are never allowed to provide bookkeeping services for audit clients. a. True b. False 47. (SOX) medium a Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires public companies to have an external auditor attest to their internal control over financial reporting. a. True b. False 48. (SOX) challenging b The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires a company’s chairman of the board of directors, CEO, and CFO to certify the company’s financial statements. a. True b. False 49. (SOX) challenging b The criterion that is most likely to be used as a framework in evaluating a company’s internal control over financial reporting under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is the Enterprise Risk Management framework. a. True b. False 50. challenging a Most public companies’ audited financial statements are available on the SEC’s EDGAR database. a. True b. False

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