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Brute Force Bayes Algorithm example.docx

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Brute Force Bayes Algorithm Here is a basic Bayes rule decision algorithm: Initialize H a set of hypothesis such that h0……hn H For each hi in H calculate the posterior probability p(hi|D) = p(D|hi) * p(hi) p(D) Output MAX(h0……hn) Naïve Bayes Classifier This classifier applies to tasks in which each example is described by a conjunction of attributes and the target value f(x) can take any value from the set of v. A set of training examples for f(x) is provided. In this example we want to use Bayes theorem to find out the likelihood of playing tennis for a given set weather attributes. f(x) v = (yes, no) i.e. v = (yes we will play tennis, no we will not play tennis) The attribute values are a0…a3 = (Outlook, Temperature, Humidity, and Wind). To determine our answer (if we are going to play tennis given a certain set of conditions) we make an expression that determines the probability based on our training examples from the table. Day Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play Tennis 1 Sunny Hot High Weak No 2 Sunny Hot High Strong No 3 Overcast Hot High Weak Yes 4 Rain Mild High Weak Yes 5 Rain Cool Normal Weak Yes 6 Rain Cool Normal Strong No 7 Overcast Cool Normal Strong Yes 8 Sunny Mild High Weak No 9 Sunny Cool Normal Weak Yes 10 Rain Mild Normal Weak Yes 11 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes 12 Overcast Mild High Strong Yes 13 Overcast Hot Normal Weak Yes 14 Rain Mild High Strong No Remembering Bayes Rule: p(h|D) = p(D|h) * p(h) p(D) We write our f(x) in that form: P(Play Tennis | Attributes) = P(Attributes | Play Tennis) * P(Play Tennis) P(Attributes) Or P(v|a) = P(a|v) * P(v) P(a) Lets look closely at P(a|v) P(a|v) = P(a0…a3 | v0,1) Or P(a|v) = P(Outlook, Temperature, Humidity, Wind | Play tennis, Don’t Play tennis) In order to get a table with reliable measurements every combination of each attribute a0…a3 for each hypotheses v0,1 our table would have be of size 3*3*2*2*2 = 72 and each combination would have to be observed multiple times to ensure its reliability. Why, because we are assuming an inter-dependence of the attributes (probably a good assumption). The Naïve Bayes classifier is based on simplifying this assumption. That is to say, cool temperature is completely independent of it being sunny and so on. So : P(a0…a3 | vj=0,1) P(a0|v0) * P(a1|v0) * P(an|v0) P(a0|v1) * P(a1|v1) * P(an|v1) or P(a0…an | vj) i P(ai | vj) A more concrete example: P(outlook = sunny, temperature = cool, humidity = normal, wind = strong | Play tennis) P(outlook = sunny | Play tennis) * P(temperature = cool | Play tennis) * P(humidity = normal | Play tennis) * P(wind = strong | Play tennis) The probability of observing P(a0…an | vj) is equal the product of probabilities of observing the individual attributes. Quite an assumption. Using the table of 14 examples we can calculate our overall probabilities and conditional probabilities. First we estimate the probability of playing tennis: P(Play Tennis = Yes) = 9/14 = .64 P(Play Tennis = No) = 5/14 = .36 Then we estimate the conditional probabilities of the individual attributes. Remember this is the step in which we are assuming that the attributes are independent of each other: Outlook: P(Outlook = Sunny | Play Tennis = Yes) = 2/9 = .22 P(Outlook = Sunny | Play Tennis = No) = 3/5 = .6 P(Outlook = Overcast | Play Tennis = Yes) = 4/9 = .44 P(Outlook = Overcast | Play Tennis = No) = 0/5 = 0 P(Outlook = Rain | Play Tennis = Yes) = 3/9 = .33 P(Outlook = Rain | Play Tennis = No) = 2/5 = .4 Temperature P(Temperature = Hot | Play Tennis = Yes) = 2/9 = .22 P(Temperature = Hot | Play Tennis = No) = 2/5 = .40 P(Temperature = Mild | Play Tennis = Yes) = 4/9 = .44 P(Temperature = Mild | Play Tennis = No) = 2/5 = .40 P(Temperature = Cool | Play Tennis = Yes) = 3/9 = .33 P(Temperature = Cool | Play Tennis = No) = 1/5 = .20 Humidity P(Humidity = Hi | Play Tennis = Yes) = 3/9 = .33 P(Humidity = Hi | Play Tennis = No) = 4/5 = .80 P(Humidity = Normal | Play Tennis = Yes) = 6/9 = .66 P(Humidity = Normal | Play Tennis = No) = 1/5 = .20 Wind P(Wind = Weak | Play Tennis = Yes) = 6/9 = .66 P(Wind = Weak | Play Tennis = No) = 2/5 = .40 P(Wind = Strong | Play Tennis = Yes) = 3/9 = .33 P(Wind = Strong | Play Tennis = No) = 3/5 = .60 Suppose the day is described by : a = (Outlook = sunny, Temperature = cool, Humidity = high, Wind = strong) What would our Naïve Bayes classifier predict in terms of playing tennis on a day like this? Which ever equation has the higher probability (greater numerical value) P(Playtennis = Yes | (Outlook = sunny, Temperature = cool, Humidity = high, Wind = strong)) Or P(Playtennis = No | (Outlook = sunny, Temperature = cool, Humidity = high, Wind = strong)) Is the prediction of the Naïve Bayes Classifier. (for brevity we have omitted the attribute names) Working through the first equation…. P(Yes|(sunny, cool, high, strong)) = P((sunny, cool, high, strong) | Yes) * P(Yes) P(sunny, cool, high, strong) Now we do the independent substitution for: P((sunny…..)|Yes) And noting that the denominator, P(sunny, cool, high, strong), includes both: P((sunny, cool, high, strong) | Yes) and P((sunny, cool, high, strong) | No) cases, our equation expands to: = P(sunny|Yes)*P(cool|Yes)*P(high|Yes)*P(strong|Yes) * P(yes) P((sunny, cool, high, strong) | Yes) + P((sunny, cool, high, strong) | No) Remember the quantities in the denominator are expanded using the independent assumption in a similar way that the first term in the numerator. = (.22 * .33 * .33 * .33) * .64 (.22 * .33 * .33 * .33)*64 + (.6 * .2 * .8 * .6)*.36 = .0051 .0051 + .0207 = .1977 Working through the second equation in a similar fashion…. P(No|(sunny, cool, high, strong)) = P((sunny, cool, high, strong) | No) * P(No) P(sunny, cool, high, strong) = .0207 .0051 + .0207 = .8023 As we can see, the Bayes Naïve classifier gives a value of just about 20% for playing tennis in the described conditions, and value of 80% for not playing tennis in these conditions, therefore the prediction is that no tennis will be played if the day is like these conditions.

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