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Cell Physiology.docx

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Cell Physiology MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which component is NOT always found in a typical human cell? a. cytosol b. DNA c. flagellum d. plasma membrane ANS: C 2. Which structure is NOT located in the cytosol of the cell? a. ER b. lysosome c. mitochondrion d. nucleolus ANS: D 3. Which organelle is NOT covered by a membrane? a. Golgi body b. lysosome c. mitochondrion d. ribosome ANS: D 4. Which statement concerning cells is NOT correct? a. Cells serve as the living building blocks of the body. b. The average human cell is about 100 times smaller than the smallest particle visible by the unaided eye. c. Inanimate chemical molecules are organized within each cell into a living entity. d. Cells are generally colourless and transparent so they must be stained for visualization under a microscope. ANS: B 5. Which statement regarding the plasma membrane is NOT correct? a. It serves as a mechanical barrier to hold in the contents of the cell. b. It selectively controls movement of molecules between the ECF and the ICF. c. It contains proteins that provide receptor sites for membrane functions. d. It has cholesterol to determine the fluidity of the membrane. ANS: A 6. Which statement is correct for the rough endoplasmic reticulum? a. It does not contain ribosomes. b. It synthesizes proteins for export from the cell or for use in construction of a new cellular membrane. c. It is abundant in cells that specialize in lipid metabolism. d. It is abundant in liver cells. ANS: B 7. The rough ER is a membranous system. With what is it associated? a. chromosomes b. lysosomes c. microfilaments d. ribosomes ANS: D 8. Of the organelles below, which occurs in the lowest numbers within a typical human cell? a. mitochondria b. vaults c. peroxisomes d. nuclei ANS: D 9. What can be found within the nucleus? a. deoxyribonucleic acid b. cytosol c. plasma membrane d. endoplasmic reticulum ANS: A 10. Which statement is NOT correct regarding ribosomes? a. They are composed of RNA. b. They assemble polypeptides. c. They may be bound to endoplasmic reticulum. d. They are covered by a membrane. ANS: D 11. Which statement is correct for smooth endoplasmic reticulum? a. It is most abundant in cells specialized for protein secretion. b. It gives rise to transport vesicles containing newly synthesized molecules wrapped in a layer of smooth ER membrane. c. It consists of stacks of relatively flattened sacs called cisternae. d. It has many ribosomes. ANS: B 12. Which structure is NOT associated with the secretion of proteins produced by ER? a. Golgi complex b. smooth ER c. transport vesicles d. lysosomal membrane ANS: D 13. Which statement is NOT correct regarding the Golgi complex? a. It sorts and directs products to their final destination. b. It modifies proteins chemically. c. It produces secretory vesicles. d. It is responsible for protein synthesis. ANS: D 14. Which of the following does NOT apply to lysosomes? a. They contain powerful hydrolytic enzymes. b. They generate hydrogen peroxide. c. They remove useless parts of the cell. d. They attack foreign materials engulfed by the cell by means of endocytosis. ANS: B 15. Which of the following refers to extrusion of materials to the exterior of the cell through the plasma membrane? a. endocytosis b. exocytosis c. phagocytosis d. pinocytosis ANS: B 16. Which of the following refers to the form of endocytosis in which whole cells such as bacteria are brought in? a. exocytosis b. pinocytosis c. receptor-mediated endocytosis d. phagocytosis ANS: D 17. What does the SNARE complex provide? a. recognition of foreign proteins in the cell b. binding of correct enzyme with correct substrate c. means to deliver vesicles to an appropriate site d. receptor-mediated endocytosis ANS: C 18. Which statement does NOT correctly characterize mitochondria? a. They have an inner fluid filled space called the cristae. b. They possess their own DNA. c. They are the site for cell respiration. d. Their inner membranes possess electron carriers. ANS: A 19. Where do the citric acid cycle reactions occur? a. cytoplasm b. cytosol c. inner-mitochondrial membrane d. mitochondrial matrix ANS: D 20. What accounts for the most ATP production? a. Kreb’s cycle b. citric acid cycle c. NADH d. electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation ANS: D 21. In aerobic respiration process of the cells, where is CO2 released? a. during glycolysis b. in the electron transport chain c. during Kreb’s cycle d. during fermentation ANS: C 22. What might happen if you did NOT get enough niacin in your diet? a. Glucose would not be able to be cleaved. b. Available FAD would decrease. c. When the 3-carbon chain is oxidized in glycolysis, electrons would not be able to be captured. d. Only fermentation would be possible. ANS: C 23. What is the carbon-based end product (chain) of glycolysis? a. NADH b. ATP c. pyruvic acid d. FADH2 ANS: C 24. Why does anaerobic respiration take place when O2 is unavailable? a. to continue releasing at least some energy from molecules and generate ATP b. to prevent cell death c. to make use of available glucose d. to prevent protein breakdown ANS: A 25. What does chemiosmosis do? a. releases CO2 b. extracts energy from an H+ concentration gradient c. reduces NAD d. ferments pyruvic acid to lactic acid ANS: B 26. Which statement is correct for the electron transport chains? a. They are “circuits” for small amounts of electricity to pass through. b. They are made of proteins. c. They deliver energy to cytochrome to pump H+ into the intermembrane space. d. They do not need oxygen to be available. ANS: C 27. Where are cristae found? a. lysosome b. mitochondrion c. nucleolus d. nucleus ANS: B 28. Which of the following is NOT a correct association? a. ATP/high-energy bonds b. electron transport chain/mitochondrion c. glycolysis/anaerobic d. pyruvic acid/five-carbon molecule ANS: D 29. Which statement is correct for an anaerobic condition? a. Oxygen is plenty. b. The degradation of glucose cannot proceed beyond glycolysis. c. Mitochondrial processing of nutrient molecules takes place. d. It produces a high yield of oxygen molecules. ANS: B 30. What is the universal energy currency in cells? a. ATP b. glucose c. glycogen d. insulin ANS: A 31. Which statement regarding the citric acid cycle is NOT correct? a. It occurs in the mitochondrial matrix. b. Carbon dioxide is released. c. Several ATP molecules are produced for each cycle. d. Acetyl CoA and oxaloacetic CoA acid initially react to form citric acid. ANS: C 32. Which molecule directly enters the citric acid cycle? a. acetyl CoA b. adenosine diphosphate c. citric acid d. oxaloacetic acid ANS: A 33. What is the function of ATP synthase? a. to act enzymatically b. to build membranes c. to carry hydrogen d. to synthesize ATP ANS: D 34. Which statement is correct for NADH? a. It is an energy carrier. b. It plays a role in cellular respiration. c. It is used in glycolysis. d. It is used in the citric acid cycle. ANS: A 35. What is the purpose of glycolysis? a. to produce citric acid b. to liberate energy from glucose c. to produce large numbers of ATP d. to trap energy in FADH2 ANS: B 36. What is the definition of aerobic? a. in the blood b. with carbon dioxide c. with oxygen d. without carbon dioxide ANS: C REF: 26 37. Which statement is NOT correct about vaults? a. They may play a role in drug resistance. b. Their shape resembles octagonal barrels. c. They are smaller than ribosomes. d. They are a type of organelle. ANS: C 38. Which element is NOT a part of the cytoskeleton? a. inclusions b. intermediate filaments c. microfilaments d. microtubular lattice ANS: A 39. Which statement is correct regarding the bending movements of cilia and flagella? a. They are accomplished by alternate solation and gelation of the cytosol. b. They involve the alternate assembly and disassembly of actin filaments. c. They are produced by the sliding of adjacent microtubule doublets past one another. d. They are important in providing motility for many organisms but are not of any use in humans. ANS: C 40. Which organelles contain oxidative enzymes? a. peroxisomes and lysosomes b. mitochondria and nucleus c. lysosomes and vaults d. ribosomes and microtublues ANS: A 41. Which statement is correct for glycolysis? a. It yields two molecules of ATP for each molecule of glucose processed. b. It always requires oxygen. c. It takes place in the mitochondrial matrix. d. It takes place in the mitochondrial inner membrane cristae. ANS: A 42. Which statement is correct for ATP synthase? a. It transports hydrogen ions from the matrix to the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion. b. It is activated by the flow of hydrogen ions from the intermembrane space to the matrix. c. It enzymatically converts ATP to ADP. d. It yields two molecules of ATP. ANS: B 43. Which statement is correct for Nicotimamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)? a. It converts ADP + Pi to ATP. b. It is found in the cytosol. c. It is a hydrogen carrier molecule. d. It is found in the cytosol and is a hydrogen carrier molecule. ANS: C 44. Which of the following is NOT an action of the cytosol? a. duplication of chromosomes b. enzymatic regulation of intermediary metabolism c. storage of fat and glycogen d. synthesis of proteins for use in the cytosol ANS: A 45. What is the function of the microtrabecular lattice? a. to maintain asymmetrical cell shapes b. to suspend and functionally link the largest cytoskeletal elements and organelles c. to provide cellular contractile systems d. to serve as mechanical stiffeners ANS: B 46. Which of the following is NOT true of the cytoskeleton? a. It supports the plasma membrane and is responsible for the particular shape, rigidity, and spatial geometry of each different cell type. b. It probably plays a role in regulating cell growth and division. c. Its elements are all rigid and permanent structures. d. It is responsible for cell contraction and cell movements. ANS: C 47. In which cells are actin and myosin filaments commonly found? a. epithelial cells b. muscle cells c. nerve cells d. red blood cells ANS: B 48. Which statement regarding microfilaments is NOT correct? a. They serve as mechanical stiffeners for microvilli. b. They are composed of actin subunits. c. They are the smallest elements of the cytoskeleton. d. They form mitotic spindles. ANS: D 49. Which of the following is correct about intermediate filaments? a. They comprise mitotic spindles. b. They are important in cell regions subject to mechanical stress. c. They comprise cilia. d. They comprise flagella. ANS: B 50. Which statement is FALSE? a. The number of mitochondria per cell varies depending on the energy needs of each particular cell type. b. DNA is enclosed within the cell nucleus and mitochondria. c. The mitochondria DNA in our cells are copies of our parent’s. d. Mitochondria DNA has a limited ability to repair. ANS: C 51. Which of the following organelles is NOT membrane-bound? a. lysosome b. ribosome c. mitochondrion d. perioxisomes ANS: B TRUE/FALSE 1. Electron microscopes are about 100 times more powerful than light microscopes. ANS: T 2. DNA’s genetic code is transcribed into messenger RNA. ANS: T 3. The cytosol is the gel-like mass of the cytoplasm. ANS: T 4. DNA in the nucleus has the genetic instructions to make enzymatic proteins. ANS: T 5. The nucleus indirectly governs most cellular activities by directing the kinds and amounts of various enzymes and other proteins that are produced by the cell. ANS: T 6. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is most abundant in cells specialized for protein secretion, whereas smooth endoplasmic reticulum is abundant in cells that specialize in lipid metabolism. ANS: T 7. Proteins synthesized by the endoplasmic reticulum become permanently separated from the cytosol as soon as they have been synthesized. ANS: T 8. RER is most abundant in cells specialized for steroid production. ANS: F 9. The Golgi complex is functionally connected to the ER. ANS: T 10. The endoplasmic reticulum is one continuous organelle consisting of many tubules and cisternae. ANS: T 11. The lysosomes are one site of protein synthesis. ANS: F 12. The smooth ER specializes in protein metabolism. ANS: F 13. Secretory vesicles are released to the exterior of the cell by means of the process of phagocytosis. ANS: F 14. Secretory vesicles are about 200 times larger than transport vesicles. ANS: T 15. Coated vesicles enclose a representative mixture of proteins present in the Golgi sac before budding off. ANS: F 16. All cell organelles are renewable. ANS: T 17. Mitochondria are presumably descendants of primitive bacterial cells. ANS: T 18. Endocytosis can be accomplished by phagocytosis and pinocytosis. ANS: T 19. Phagocytosis is a specialized form of endocytosis used for bringing in extracellular fluids. ANS: F 20. The peroxisomes mainly generate hydrogen peroxide. ANS: T 21. Glycolysis generates ATP from glucose with high efficiency. ANS: F 22. ATP synthase is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. ANS: T 23. Most intermediary metabolism is accomplished in the cytosol. ANS: T 24. Oxidative phosphorylation generates the most ATP per glucose molecule. ANS: T 25. Dynein is a mitochondrial enzyme. ANS: F 26. Cytokinesis is the division of the nucleus during mitosis. ANS: F 27. Amoeboid movement is accomplished by transitions of the cytosol between a gel and a solid state as a result of alternate assembly and disassembly respectively of actin filaments. ANS: T 28. The protective, waterproof outer layer of skin is formed by the tough skeleton of the micro trabecular lattice that persists after the surface skin cells die. ANS: F 29. Cilia in the respiratory tract beat in the same direction to sweep inspired particles up and out of the airways. ANS: T 30. Hockey is a winter sport that uses only aerobic energy supply. ANS: F 31. Lack of aerobic exercise can have negative health implications, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. ANS: T COMPLETION 1. The three major subdivisions of a cell are the ____________________, the ____________________, and the ____________________. ANS: plasma membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm nucleus, cytoplasm, plasma membrane cytoplasm, plasma membrane, nucleus 2. The fluid contained within all of the cells of the body is known collectively as ____________________, and the fluid outside the cells is referred to as ____________________. ANS: intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid 3. The two major parts of the cell’s interior are the ____________________ and the ____________________. ANS: nucleus, cytoplasm cytoplasm, nucleus 4. ____________________ RNA carries amino acids to the sites of protein synthesis in the cell. ANS: Messenger 5. The ____________________ ER is the central packaging and discharge site for molecules to be transported from the ER. ANS: smooth 6. The signal-recognition protein recognizes both the ____________________ on the ribosome and the ____________________ on the ER then delivers the proper ribosome to the proper site on the rough ER for binding. ANS: leader sequence, ribophorin 7. Insulin is a long ____________________ chain. ANS: polypeptide 8. The ribosomes of the rough ER synthesize ____________________, whereas its membranous walls contain enzymes essential for the synthesis of ____________________. ANS: proteins, lipids 9. The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores ____________________ions. ANS: calcium 10. Products destined for intracellular transport are packaged in ____________________, whereas products for export are packaged in ____________________. ANS: coated vesicles, secretory vesicles 11. ____________________ refers to the process of an intracellular vesicle fusing with the plasma membrane, then opening and emptying its contents to the exterior. ANS: exocytosis 12. ____________________ is a protein responsible for pinching off an endocytic vesicle. ANS: Dynamin 13. Foreign material to be attacked by lysosomal enzymes is brought into the cell by the process of ____________________. ANS: endocytosis 14. Lysosomes contain ____________________ enzymes that are capable of digesting and removing unwanted debris from the cell. ANS: hydrolytic 15. Lysosomes that have completed their digestive activities are known as ____________________. ANS: residual bodies 16. ____________________, an enzyme found in peroxisomes, decomposes potentially toxic hydrogen peroxide. ANS: Catalase 17. ADP and Pi are formed from the breakdown of the molecule ____________________. ANS: adenosine triphosphate ATP 18. ____________________ refers collectively to the large set of intracellular chemical reactions that involve the degradation, synthesis, and transformation of small organic molecules. ANS: Intermediary metabolism 19. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide produces ____________________ and ____________________ molecules. ANS: water, oxygen oxygen, water 20. ____________________ is a peroxisomal enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide. ANS: Catalase 21. One glucose molecule is converted into two molecules of ____________________ by the end of glycolysis. ANS: pyruvic acid 22. The metabolism of acetyl CoA into the citric acid cycle depends on the availability of ____________________ for the cell. ANS: oxygen 23. The chemiosmotic mechanism involves the transport of hydrogen across the membrane of the ____________________. ANS: mitochondrion 24. Adipose tissue stores ____________________. ANS: fat 25. ____________________ are the dominant structural and functional components of cilia and flagella. ANS: Microtubules 26. Microfilaments are composed of the protein ____________________. ANS: actin 27. One of the diseases caused by neurofilament abnormalities is ____________________. ANS: amyotropic lateral sclerosis 28. A cilium or flagellum originates from the ____________________, a structure in the cell. ANS: basal body MATCHING Indicate which of the characteristics applies to each item by using the answer code (options may be used more than once or not at all). a. glycolysis b. citric acid cycle c. oxidative phosphorylation 1. directly uses inspired oxygen 2. does not directly use inspired oxygen 3. takes place in the cytosol 4. takes place in the mitochondrial matrix 5. takes place on the inner mitochondrial membrane 6. low yield of ATP 7. high yield of ATP 1. ANS: C 2. ANS: A 3. ANS: A 4. ANS: B 5. ANS: C 6. ANS: A 7. ANS: C Complete the sentences by matching the appropriate vesicle(s) by using the answer code (options may be used more than once or not at all). a. transport vesicles b. coated vesicles c. secretory vesicles 8. originate from the Golgi complex 9. originate from the endoplasmic reticulum 10. contain newly synthesized molecules 11. contents emptied to the exterior by exocytosis 12. enclosed in a clathrin framework 13. fuse with and enter the Golgi complex 14. contents become concentrated over time 15. contents are unloaded at a specific intracellular compartment 8. ANS: B 9. ANS: A 10. ANS: A 11. ANS: C 12. ANS: B 13. ANS: A 14. ANS: C 15. ANS: B Match the term to its description by using the answer code (options may be used more than once or not at all). a. plasma membrane b. nucleus c. cytoplasm d. cytosol e. organelles f. cytoskeleton 16. houses the cell’s DNA 17. responsible for cell shape and movement 18. highly organized membrane-bound intracellular structures 19. selectively controls movement of molecules between the intracellular fluid and the extracellular fluid 20. consists of organelles and cytosol 21. site of intermediary metabolism 22. permit incompatible chemical reactions to occur simultaneously in the cell 23. separates contents of the cell from its surroundings 24. site of fat and glycogen storage 16. ANS: B 17. ANS: F 18. ANS: E 19. ANS: A 20. ANS: C 21. ANS: D 22. ANS: E 23. ANS: A 24. ANS: D Match the term to its description by using the answer code (options may be used more than once or not at all). a. ER b. Golgi complex c. lysosome d. peroxisome e. mitochondrion f. vault g. free ribosome h. microtubule i. microfilament 25. contains powerful oxidative enzymes important in detoxifying various wastes 26. an important component of cilia and flagella 27. one continuous extensive organelle consisting of a network of tubules and flattened filament 28. removes unwanted cellular debris and foreign material 29. the powerhouse of the cell 30. acts as a mechanical stiffener 31. synthesizes proteins for use in the cytosol 32. consists of stacks of flattened sacs 33. shaped like an octagonal barrel 25. ANS: D 26. ANS: H 27. ANS: A 28. ANS: C 29. ANS: E 30. ANS: I 31. ANS: G 32. ANS: B 33. ANS: F Match the term to its description by using the answer code (options may be used more than once or not at all). a. flagella b. cilia c. microvilli 34. hair-like motile protrusions 35. increase the surface area of the small intestine epithelium 36. sweep mucus and debris out of respiratory airways 37. increase the surface area of the kidney tubules 38. enable sperm to move 39. whip-like appendages 40. guide egg to oviduct 34. ANS: B 35. ANS: C 36. ANS: B 37. ANS: C 38. ANS: A 39. ANS: A 40. ANS: B Match the term to its description by using the answer code (options may be used more than once or not at all). a. microtubules b. microfilaments c. intermediate filaments d. microtrabecular lattice 41. the largest of the cytoskeletal elements 42. present in parts of the cell subject to mechanical stress 43. smallest element visible with a conventional electron microscope 44. consist of actin 45. organizes the glycolytic enzymes in a sequential alignment 46. form the mitotic spindle 47. essential for creating and maintaining an asymmetrical cell shape 48. composed of tubulin 49. provide a pathway for axonal transport 50. visible only with a high-voltage electron microscope 51. play(s) a key role in muscle contraction 52. slide past each other to cause ciliary bending 41. ANS: A 42. ANS: C 43. ANS: B 44. ANS: B 45. ANS: D 46. ANS: A 47. ANS: A 48. ANS: A 49. ANS: A 50. ANS: D 51. ANS: B 52. ANS: A Match the cellular protein with the correct characteristic by using the answer code. a. dynamin b. tubulin c. kinesin d. actin e. ribophorin 53. causes pinching off of endocytic vesicles 54. serve as binding sites for ribosomes 55. comprises intermediate filaments 56. comprises microtubules 57. provides for transport of vesicles 53. ANS: A 54. ANS: E 55. ANS: D 56. ANS: B 57. ANS: C ESSAY 1. Describe the pathway that newly synthesized polypeptides take en route for secretion. ANS: Student responses will vary. 2. Describe aerobic cellular respiration from a mechanistic point of view. ANS: Student responses will vary. 3. How is ATP synthesized via electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation? ANS: Student responses will vary. 4. Describe the major aspects of the cytoskeleton. ANS: Student responses will vary. 5. Describe the structure and function of cilia and flagella. ANS: Student responses will vary. PROBLEM 1. Michael is using the electron microscope at the hospital to review the structures of skeletal muscle cells. He notices that the skeletal muscle cells have many nuclei and are loaded with mitochondria. Why is this so? ANS: Student responses will vary. SHORT ANSWER 1. Describe the differences between rough ER and smooth ER. ANS: Student responses will vary.

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