259905528613100037420552861310003742055319151000Leadership Team Management
Which of the following is an accurat
e statement about transformational
A. They clarify task requirements.
B. They focus on tasks and pay little attention to followers.
C. They are poor motivators.
D. They exhibit more than just charisma.
2. A leader, such as Bill Gates of Microsoft, who can inspire followers above
their own self-interests and can have a profound effect on their performance,
are known as _____________.
A. Transactional leaders
B. Directive leaders
C. Informational leaders
D. Transformational leaders
3. Fiedler’s least-preferred coworker questionnaire seeks to measure what
leadership factor?
A. Subordinate needs
B. Leader’s style
C. Situation
D. Subordinate coworker influence
4. According to the Ohio State studies, which of the following dimensions of
leader behavior refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and
structure his or her role and the roles of group members in the search for
goal attainment?
A. Intelligence structure
B. Psychological structure
C. Initiating structure
D. Consideration structure
5. Research on managerial activities found that managers typically spend the
most time:
A. In their office
B. With subordinates
C. Reading and writing reports, memos, and correspondence
D. In informal meetings
6. What is the most common element in definitions of leadership?
A. leadership is an authority relationship
B. leadership is the ability to make good decisions
C. leadership is an attribution made by followers
D. leadership is an influence process
7. Participative leadership is best viewed as a combination of which two
approaches for studying leadership?
A. Trait and behavior
B. Power-influence and trait
C. Behavior and power-influence
D. Trait and situational
8. Recent leadership theories such as charismatic and transformational
A. Emphasize rational processes more than rational processes
B. Emphasize emotional processes more than rational processes
C. Describe emotional and rational processes as equally important
D. De-emphasized both rational and emotional processes
Most leadership theories emphasize:
A. Leader characteristics
B. Follower characteristics
C. Both leader and follower characteristics
D. Characteristics of the leadership situation
10. Research by Fiedler uncovered three contingency dimensions that define the
key __________.
A. Situational factors for determining leader effectiveness
B. Follower factors for determining leader effectiveness
C. Leader behavioral style factors for determining leader
D. Situational factors for determining follower effectiveness.
11. Which of the following statements regarding leadership is true?
A. All leaders are managers.
B. Formal rights enable managers to lead effectively.
C. All managers are leaders.
D. Non-sanctioned leadership is as important as or more important than
formal influence.
12. If trait theories of leadership are valid, then leaders are _____.
A. Trained
B. Born
C. Authoritarian
D. Educated
13. If behavioral leadership theories are correct, then _____.
A. leadership behaviors are consistent
B. leaders are born with leadership behaviors
C. leaders’ behavior should be altered
D. leadership skills can be trained
14. According to the Managerial Grid, managers perform best using which of
the following styles?
A. 9,9
B. consideration
C. contingency
D. development-oriented
15. Behavioral theories fail to consider which of the following elements
affecting leadership?
A. Traits
B. Situational factors
C. Employee satisfaction
D. Employee turnover
16. Which of the following proposed a contingency theory?
A. Fiedler
B. Surber
C. Grey
D. Deickman
17. According to Mintzberg, which type of role is likely to get the highest
A. Entrepreneur
B. Spokesperson
C. Disturbance handler
D. Negotiator
18. In a crisis situation, effective leaders are likely to:
A. Consult with subordinates
B. Reduce their exposure
C. Act more considerate
D. Act more decisive
19. What is the primary management function in the initial stage of the
organizational life cycle?
A. Coordinating work activities
B. Obtaining resources
C. Increasing member motivation
D. Improving efficiency
20. Which of the following is not an example of Initiating Structure as defined
in the Ohio State studies?
A. Letting subordinates know what is expected of them
B. Criticizing poor work
C. Consulting with subordinates before making changes
D. Coordinating the activities of subordinates