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Ch13 Team Development Team Training.docx

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Group Theory and Group Skills Exams Chapter 13: Team Development, Team Training 1. A team (as opposed to a working group) has a. High positive interdependence b. Individualized work on products c. Short meetings d. Indefinite life span 2. A working group (as opposed to a team) has a. A specific unique purpose b. Open-ended meetings c. A group developed product d. Low positive interdependence 3. A primary benefit of electronic communication in teams is a. Members are more constrained b. Members are more in touch with their audience c. Members are less affected by prestige and status d. Members are less likely to be rude 4. A primary problem with electronic communication in teams is a. It is harder to disagree with electronic requests b. It is easier to be out of touch with the audience c. Members are more affected by prestige and status d. Members are likely to be less honest 5. In research on team effectiveness, working in teams (as opposed to competitive or individual work) resulted in a. Higher individual productivity b. Lower individual productivity c. Higher team productivity d. Lower team productivity e. a and c f. b and d 6. The relations among divisions, departments, teams, and individuals in an organization are better if a. Interdependence is low b. Interdependence is high c. Job skills are high d. Management requires it 7. Which of the following contains the steps of action research? a. Diagnosis, feedback, planning, action, rediagnosis b. Diagnosis, analyzing, marketing, selling, evaluation c. Information gathering, organizational decision-making, evaluation d. Problem formation, brainstorming, decision-making, implementation 8. Analyzing work procedures and activities to improve team productivity is known as a. Organizational development b. Organizational effectiveness c. Team building d. Management oversight 9. Team members should be selected on the basis of their a. Expertise and skills b. Position in the organization c. High-power position d. Personality 10. The larger the team is a. The more the members contribute to its efforts b. The more anonymous members feel c. The easier it is to work through differences d. The easier it is to do real work 11. In establishing team positive interdependence, it is important that the team have a. General team goals b. Specific team goals c. General tasks to accomplish d. Specific delegation of tasks 12. Accountability is best put into place by a. Mandates from management b. Oversight committee responsible for evaluation c. The expectation that everyone knows their job and will do it d. Promise members make to themselves and teammates 13. Accountability should measure a. Team performance b. Individual contributions c. Management support d. a and b e. All of the above 14. In building team commitment, it is important for the team to a. Understand the goals of management b. Reframe the goals c. Decide on their own goals d. Reject any goals they do not agree with 15. With group skills, it is most important to a. Pick members who have all the skills needed b. Eliminate less skillful members c. Include on-going training in skills d. Manage with whatever skills members have 16. Group processing means that groups a. Divide up the work b. Reframe their goals c. Get training in teamwork skills d. Evaluate their group effectiveness 17. In initial meetings, groups should a. Establish clear rules of conduct b. Learn new facts and information c. Break into subgroups d. Get the support of management 18. To assess the quality of work, it is most necessary to decide a. Who the group will hire to do evaluation b. What to measure c. How to measure it d. a and b e. b and c f. All of the above 19. When a chart looks at how often an event happens, it is a a. Flowchart b. Cause and effect diagram c. Check sheet d. Pareto chart e. Run chart f. Scatter diagram 20. When a chart plots the steps in a sequence, it is a a. Flowchart b. Cause and effect diagram c. Check sheet d. Pareto chart e. Run chart f. Scatter diagram 21. When a chart displays the cause and effect relationship between two process variables, it is a a. Flowchart b. Cause and effect diagram c. Check sheet d. Pareto chart e. Run chart f. Scatter diagram 22. When a chart represents the relationships between some effect and possible causes, it is a a. Flowchart b. Cause and effect diagram c. Check sheet d. Pareto chart e. Run chart f. Scatter diagram 23. When a chart represents a line graph used to monitor the behavior of a selected characteristic over time, it is a a. Flowchart b. Cause and effect diagram c. Check sheet d. Pareto chart e. Run chart f. Scatter diagram 24. When a chart helps teams separate the few vital problems and causes from the many trivial ones, it is a a. Flowchart b. Cause and effect diagram c. Check sheet d. Pareto chart e. Run chart f. Scatter diagram 25. Which is NOT a reason teams are useful in training programs? a. Explaining to others results in greater conceptual understanding b. Team members can give appropriate feedback c. Team members can critique the training and the trainer d. Team members can encourage and motivate each other 26. Which is NOT an attribute of total quality management? a. A way to determine ineffective workers and fire them b. A way to identify processes and measure their effectiveness c. Formation, training, and development of effective teams d. focus on the customer 27. Which is NOT one of Deming’s fourteen principles? a. Remove barriers to pride of workmanship b. Remove barriers between staff areas c. Institute numerical quotas d. Drive out fear 28. Which of the following is a step in making total quality management work? a. Get instructions from management b. Select a process for improvement c. Assign everyone to jobs d. Give pay raises to those who work the hardest TRUE OR FALSE 29. In a team, leadership is shared among members. 30. In a working group, members develop products together. 31. In electronic communication, members are less likely to speak their minds. 32. Cooperation has been found to be a more powerful influence on team productivity than individual characteristics of members, such as the ability to do the task. 33. Most team building is based on an action research model. 34. When team members all have different expertise, it inhibits productivity. 35. Training is most effective if it is individual rather than team-based. 36. W. Edward Deming believed that most of the problems in an organization are caused by individual workers. 37. The first step in making total quality management work is to form a team. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 38. Explain what a team is and how it differs from a working group. 39. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of electronic communication in teams. 40. Explain what a mass-production organization is. 41. Explain what a team-based high performance organization is. 42. What are the steps of action research that are used in organizational development? 43. What issues should be considered when forming teams? 44. What is important in establishing positive interdependence in teams? 45. What is important in establishing individual accountability in teams? 46. Explain how to build team commitment. 47. What is important for a team to do in group processing? 48. What is important for a team to do in its initial meeting? 49. Pick one type of measurement tool described in this chapter. Explain what it is. 50. Explain how teams are useful in training programs. 51. Explain what total quality management is. 52. Explain what the 85/15 rule is. 53. Describe how total quality management regards the customer. 54. Explain the difference in who quality is determined in a mass-production organization and opposed to a team-based high performance organization. 55. What are the six steps in total quality management? Chapter 13: Team Development, Team Training A D C B E B A C A B B D D B C D A E C A F B E D C A C B TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE

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