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Uploaded: 7 years ago
Contributor: bio_man
Category: Marketing
Type: Solutions
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1-     A typical marketing plan covers a calendar year. Given the rapid pace of change in today’s environment, should companies switch to preparing marketing plans for shorter periods, such as three or six months? Yes, the companies should preparing marketing plan for shorter period such as three or six months because of the high developing in technologies. Also the short-term plan attempts to identify markets where the company can immediately generate revenue. These are existing markets. From the other hand the short-range plan remains in place unless actual results vary so significantly from plan that adjustments to strategies and expenditures are required. A company may find at mid-year that its advertising campaign is not working and change the message, the media used or the amount of funds being spent on the advertising campaign. The emphasis of the short-range plan is on achieving immediate results.  2-     How can a company hold marketing managers accountable for results when so many elements in the marketing situation are beyond their control? The company can holds marketing managers accountable for results when so many elements in the marketing situation are beyond their control By linking their practical experience successfully marketing your company. But it has to be stimulating marketing managers in order to develop strong and accurate plans according to the requirements of the market in order to ensure its success while this failed plan must be put marketing manager accountable for negligence. 3-     Why do marketers need to understand business relationships (as part of the internal environment) when planning to address opportunities and threats in the external environment? Because the opportunities and threats in the external environment will always be linked to the internal relations within the company can't be resolved in the case of knowledge and understanding of the internal relations. From the other hand the premise of successful business or marketing relationships is to understand how customers trade with the organization and what service ethic they expect. That is, relationship marketing refers to all marketing activities directed toward beginning, building, and maintaining successful relational exchanges. Also Companies that want to deliver the best experience to their stakeholders need to provide a complete picture of all parties in the relationship at the point of service. The ability to do this requires that organizations have a complete understanding of the complicated hierarchies and relationships that exist between them and their stakeholders. 4-     What clues to strengths and weaknesses might you find in a competitor’s annual report? Identify at least three specific types of information and explain how you would use such data in a competitive SWOT analysis The strengths and weakness will be founded in the SWOT analysis in the competitive annual report and the three types of information as the following: The first in a competitor analysis is to identify the current and potential competition. There are essentially two ways you can identify competitors. The first is to look at the market from the customer’s viewpoint and group all your competitors by the degree to which they contend for the buyer’s dollar. The second method is to group competitors according to their various competitive strategies so you understand what motivates them. Second, it is not possible to influence the evolving industry environment, if one does not start with a point of view about how the world can be, not how to improve what is available but how radically to alter it. Third resource for industry analysis would be the archives of business publications, industry journals and newspapers of a particular country. I will use such data in a competitive SWOT analysis as I will use the weakness of the competitive to be strengths for my company, and achieve all strengths of the competitive to be stronger than him. 5-     During the planning process, how can B2B marketers determine specific ways in which the principle of derived demand applies to their marketing situations? By being aware of changes in derived demand. b2b marketing can extend across the entire value chain and can be applied to transactions that occur in marketing basic raw materials, manufactured components. Also the B2B marketers do these ways to determine specific ways in which the principle of derived demand applies to their marketing situations: Fear of Making a Bad Decision Lack of Expertise Lack of Data Lack of Budget Lack of Time 6-     How might a company define the market for a pioneering, innovative product that is unlike anything previously available? By searching the market for competing products and see their own flaws and then put the new standards for the new product and then create the product and put it on the market without any prior problems or flaws. From the other hand the pioneer product is here defined as one which incorporates a major innovation. Its market is therefore, at the outset, ill-defined, since potential applications can't be foreseen with precision. 7-     During the planning process, how can B2B marketers determine specific ways in which the principle of derived demand applies to their marketing situations? is the same as question5   8-     What should marketers take into consideration when targeting a niche versus targeting a larger segment? Marketers should take into consideration the following when targeting a niche versus targeting a larger segment: Ethics – social responsibility unfair advantage of vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. Segment interrelationships. Segment by segment invasion plans. Inter segment co-operation. 9-     Are there any disadvantages to setting societal objectives when preparing a marketing plan? No there is no disadvantages , because the societal marketing objectives concept holds that the organization’s task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of a target market and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer’s and the society’s well-being. Also Social responsibility implies that a business decision maker... is obliged to take actions that also protect and enhance society's interests. 10- When a company decides to grow through diversification, what are the implications for the marketing planning process? Preparing for diversification is not dissimilar to starting a new business. It is necessary to adequately research the new market, its customers, competition and dynamics which is just what you do for a new business, as well as to develop your marketing plan. Diversification is a big responsibility and commitment and you have to be careful in studying the new business (industry) and planning the diversification process. This will be necessary to develop the correct strategy for project development, as well as your everyday operation.

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