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What is Lifespan Development?

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Chapter 1: What is Lifespan Development? TRUE/FALSE 1. In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, children often were valued for their contributions to the home. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Medium 2. Behaviorism is the discipline that studies the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of humans. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Easy 3. Negative reinforcers decrease the frequency of behaviors when they are removed. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Animation, Negative Reinforcers, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 4. In social cognitive theory, the people after whom we pattern our own behavior are termed models. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO4: Discuss the social cognitive perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 5. Social cognitive theorists focus on people’s mental processes. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Easy 6. The exosystem involves the interaction of children with beliefs, values, expectations, and lifestyles of their cultural settings. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 7. When learning with other people, children externalize the conversations and explanation that help them gain the necessary skills. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO7: Discuss Vygotsky's theory of sociocultural development MSC: TYPE: Medium 8. Researchers are continually trying to sort out the extent to which human behavior is the result of nature and of nurture. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO8: Discuss controversies in development MSC: TYPE: Medium 9. Correlational information can reveal relationships between variables, but it does not show cause and effect. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO11: Discuss the correlational method MSC: TYPE: Medium 10. Experiments are usually undertaken to test a hypothesis. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO13: Discuss the experimental method MSC: TYPE: Easy 11. The dependent variable is a variable whose presence is manipulated by the experimenters so that its effects can be determined. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO13: Discuss the experimental method MSC: TYPE: Easy 12. Participants should not be offered information about the results of the study. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO16: Discuss ethical issues in developmental research MSC: TYPE: Easy 13. The identities of the participants in a study are to remain confidential. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO16: Discuss ethical issues in developmental research MSC: TYPE: Easy 14. A Skinner box uses the reinforcement of water. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Video, The Skinner Box, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 15. The Skinner box teaches pigeons to learn and alter behavior. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Video, The Skinner Box, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. How long has scientific inquiry into human development existed? a. Since the Middle Ages c. In the last twenty years b. A little more than a century d. Since the 1600s ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Medium 2. In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, children were often viewed as innately evil and ____. a. family social functions excluded them b. school was mandatory c. discipline was harsh d. free time was often used as a punishment ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Easy 3. In the Middle Ages, children could be sent to the monastery against their will because they were ____. a. legally considered property c. not needed at home b. considered to be divine d. in need of discipline ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Medium 4. In the Middle Ages children who turned 7 years old were expected to work with the adults in the home and field because they ____. a. had reached legal age c. had reached an age of adulthood b. had reached puberty d. had reached an age of reason ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Medium 5. Eddie came into this world without either good or evil. Anything he became was a result of the experiences he had as a child. What is this an example of? a. the age of reason c. inherent traits b. tabula rasa d. environmental development ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Medium 6. Fred developed based on what he experienced in life and learned to behave based on whether his parents approved or disapproved of his actions. Which theorist would agree with this developmental proposal? a. Locke c. Hall b. Piaget d. Rousseau ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Medium 7. The twentieth century saw many changes in how children were viewed and treated. They were no longer property or sources of labor. What is one development that prompted a change in how children were viewed during this time? a. The Industrial Revolution b. The theories of Locke c. The founding of child development as an academic discipline d. The theories of Rousseau ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Medium 8. Children became more visible in the ____, fostering awareness of childhood as a special time of life. a. Industrial Revolution c. twentieth century b. Middle Ages d. age of reason ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO1: Relate the history of the study of human development MSC: TYPE: Easy 9. A child is exhibiting anxious behaviors and the therapist works to reconcile internal conflicts within the child based on early experiences with parents in order to develop more adaptive behaviors. What is the theory the therapist is working with? a. maturation c. psychosocial development b. psychosexual development d. behaviorism ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 10. A theory that sees children as developing through distinct periods of life is called ____. a. a cognitive theory c. a psychosexual theory b. a social theory d. a stage theory ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Easy 11. According to Freud, internal processes conflict with one another, causing problems with observable behaviors. Which of the following is one of the main issues that causes internal conflict? a. basic biological drives versus social expectations b. basic sexual drives versus parent relationships c. basic aggressive drives versus relationships with same-sex parents d. basic biological drives versus emotional development ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Application REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Medium 12. Hailey is a one-year-old baby who is hungry. She begins crying and does not stop until she is fed, regardless of what her parents do to soothe her. Which part of Freud’s theory is at work with Hailey? a. the id c. the superego b. the ego d. the conscious ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Application REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 13. Freud’s theory includes conflict between parts of the personality. Each part has a function and, according to Freud, there are times when the drive of one is in conflict with the drive of another. One of the functions acts to satisfy and mediate the others. Which one does this? a. ego c. unconscious b. superego d. id ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Medium 14. Adele allowed her baby to nurse until she was two years old. At five years old, Adele’s child refused to give up sucking his thumb. Adele’s mother read about Freudian psychology and learned that the thumb sucking was due to problems during which stage of development? a. genital c. latency b. phallic d. oral ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Application REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Medium 15. In which psychosexual stage is gratification obtained through control and elimination of waste products? a. phallic c. oral b. latency d. anal ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Easy 16. Ed is five years-old and has a crush on his mother. He is resentful of the time his father spends with her and competes for her attention. Which stage is Ed in? a. latency c. anal b. phallic d. genital ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Easy 17. Ned begins to experience drives for sexual gratification with someone of the opposite sex. What psychosexual stage is this? a. phallic c. genital b. oral d. latency ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Easy 18. Which of the following focuses on how a person’s cultural environment influences his or her development? a. maturation c. developmental psychology b. psychosexual development d. stage theory ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Medium 19. Which of the following would be an example of how Freud gathered information for his theories? a. He gathered information by observing children at different ages. b. He gathered information by interviewing children of different ages. c. He gathered information from parents about their children. d. He gathered information from adult clients about their childhood. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Medium 20. Which of the following theories would be more of a flexible approach to how early experiences influence development? a. psychosexual development c. behavioral development b. psychosocial development d. cognitive development ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Medium 21. Which of the following Erikson stages corresponds to Freud’s anal stage? a. trust vs. mistrust c. initiative vs. guilt b. autonomy vs. shame and doubt d. industry vs. inferiority ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 22. Which of the following psychosexual stages correspond to the identity vs. role diffusion stage of psychosocial development? a. anal stage c. latency stage b. phallic stage d. genital stage ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2: Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 23. Who argued that a scientific approach to development must focus only on observable behavior? a. Freud c. Watson b. Erikson d. Skinner ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 24. Kali automatically gets up and switches classes in school when she hears the second bell. Which theory describes this behavior? a. psychosexual development c. classical conditioning b. operant conditioning d. cognitive development ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Animation, Classical Conditioning, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 25. Which of the following would be a positive reinforcer? a. Removing the tone when you buckle your seatbelt b. Allowing you to get out of your room after you clean it c. Spanking you for not studying for your test d. Allowing an extra scoop of ice cream for passing the test ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Animation, Positive versus Negative Reinforcers, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 26. Which of the following is likely to occur when you remove the bell in school? a. extinction c. conditioned response b. reinforcement d. consequence ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 27. What typically happens when a negative reinforcer is removed? a. The frequency of behavior increases. b. The frequency of behavior decreases. c. The behavior ceases. d. The frequency of behavior does not change. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Animation, Positive versus Negative Reinforcers, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 28. What typically happens when a punishment is presented? a. The unwanted behavior increases. c. The desired behavior decreases. b. The unwanted behavior decreases. d. The desired behavior increases. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Animation, Positive versus Negative Reinforcers, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 29. Which of the following increases the frequency of a desired behavior? a. extinction c. negative reinforcer b. positive reinforcer d. conditioned stimulus ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Animation, Negative Reinforcers, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 30. Which of the following would increase the resumption of an undesired behavior? a. removal of the reinforcer c. increasing and decreasing the reinforcer b. increasing the reinforcer d. decreasing the reinforcer ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 31. Mary and Paul are playing house when Paul’s friends come over. Paul quickly stops playing house and gets out his trucks. Why is Paul reacting this way? a. socialization through classical conditioning b. socialization through operant conditioning c. socialization through cognitive learning d. socialization through adaptation ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Reading, Vocalizations in Infants, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 32. Which of the following theorists proposed that learning occurs through observing other people? a. Bandura c. Skinner b. Erikson d. Piaget ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO4: Discuss the social cognitive perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 33. Kali watches her mother vacuum and decides to do it herself. Her mother shows her how. What is her mother doing? a. adapting c. accommodating b. assimilating d. modeling ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO4: discuss the social cognitive perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 34. Which theories provides the basis for many educational TV shows? a. psychosexual c. learning b. psychosocial d. behaviorist ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO4: Discuss the social cognitive perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 35. Tara moved from the country to the city and is learning to adjust to the faster pace. She has started to learn how navigate the different streets. Which Piaget concept is Tara utilizing? a. assimilation c. accommodation b. adaptation d. equilibration ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO4: Discuss the social cognitive perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 36. David is a two year-old who is trying to get the cat to play with her like the dog does. She starts calling “doggie” and runs after the cat. Which of Piaget’s concepts is she using? a. accommodation c. assimilation b. equilibration d. adaptation ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Medium 37. Which theorist do teachers follow when they actively engage children in solving problems? a. Bandura c. Piaget b. Lorenz d. Skinner ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO4: Discuss the social cognitive perspective in development MSC: TYPE: Easy 38. Which of the following theories emphasizes learning by watching others? a. classical conditioning c. cognitive-developmental b. social cognitive d. biological ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO4: Discuss the social cognitive perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 39. Which of the following theorists would have been most interested in a child’s mental processes when answering a question? a. Bandura c. Lorenz b. Freud d. Piaget ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Medium 40. Which of the following would be a mental structure responsible for helping a child determine how to act in a restaurant? a. scheme c. heuristic b. adaptation d. pattern ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Medium 41. As infants begin to get teeth, they are introduced to chewable foods and they must add them to their food scheme. Which Piaget concept does this portray? a. adaptation c. accommodation b. assimilation d. equilibration ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Easy 42. When teachers use Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, which of the following do they practice? a. They provide instruction appropriate for the current development stage and encourage the child to move on to the next level. b. They provide instruction appropriate for the current development stage and encourage the child to remain at that level until they achieve complete mastery. c. They provide instruction appropriate for the next development stage to encourage the child to move on to the next level. d. They provide instruction appropriate for the next development stage and push them to try harder. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Medium 43. Which of the following is one criticism of Piaget? a. Many cognitive skills develop in distinct stages. b. Piaget may have overestimated the ages when children are capable of certain tasks. c. Piaget may have ignored proper ages for certain tasks. d. Many cognitive skills develop gradually. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Evaluate REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 44. Which of the following settings utilizes Piaget’s work to the highest degree? a. educational c. residential b. correctional d. clinical ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Medium 45. During which of the following stages would a child begin to adopt the viewpoint of others? a. sensorimotor c. concrete operational b. preoperational d. formal operational ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Medium 46. During which of the following stages would a child acquire the basics of language? a. sensorimotor c. concrete operational b. preoperational d. formal operational ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Medium 47. Which of the following areas would be concerned with how instinctive survival occurs? a. Ecology c. Physiology b. Ethology d. Biology ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 48. Which of the following would involve a child interacting with the zoo representative on a field trip? a. microsystem c. exosystem b. mesosystem d. macrosystem ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Reading, Perspectives on Development, Online OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 49. Which of the following systems would include programs to help mothers with infants? a. microsystem c. exosystem b. mesosystem d. macrosystem ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Reading, Perspectives on Development, Online OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 50. Which of the following systems would be in place as a child negotiates with her mother over her allowance? a. microsystem c. exosystem b. mesosystem d. macrosystem ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Reading, Perspectives on Development, Online OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 51. What are sudden changes in genetic material that provide differences from parents? a. reflexes c. fixed action patterns b. mutations d. instinctive patterns ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 52. Homing pigeons are said to be able to always find their way home based on their instincts. Which of the following concepts explains this? a. mutations c. ecology b. ethology d. fixed action patterns ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 53. Which of the following seems to be connected with feelings of self-confidence, high activity, levels and aggressiveness? a. mutations c. testosterone b. reflexes d. estrogen ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 54. Which of the following has been implicated in human behavior based on research into the biological perspective? a. specificity c. instincts b. rapid mutations d. androgyny ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 55. Which of the following theorists proposed the sociocultural theory? a. Piaget c. Bandura b. Vygotsky d. Bronfenbrenner ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO7: Discuss Vygotsky's theory of sociocultural development MSC: TYPE: Easy 56. Which of the following refers to a range of tasks that a child can carry out with the help of someone who is more skilled? a. scaffolding c. zone of proximal development b. ethology d. zone of natural development ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO7: Discuss Vygotsky's theory of sociocultural development MSC: TYPE: Medium 57. Which of the following would concern Vygotsky? a. Karen is conditioned to respond to the school bell. b. Karen can distinguish between cake and cupcakes. c. Karen learns by watching her mother. d. Karen learns from interacting with her parents and teachers. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO7: Discuss Vygotsky's theory of sociocultural development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 58. Which of the following would be Vygotsky’s focus? a. A child’s brain capacity c. A child’s genetic makeup b. A child’s biological age d. A child’s social interactions ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO7: Discuss Vygotsky's theory of sociocultural development MSC: TYPE: Medium 59. Which of the following is a temporary skeletal structure that enables workers to fabricate a building or other more permanent structure? a. zone of proximal development c. scaffolding b. maturation d. fixed action patterns ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO7: Discuss Vygotsky's theory of sociocultural development MSC: TYPE: Easy 60. Which of the following would be of most interest to a biological theorist? a. A child’s interaction with parents c. A child’s genetic makeup b. A child’s cultural background d. A child’s education ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Reading, The Macrosystem and Independence, Online OBJ: LO8: Discuss controversies in development MSC: TYPE: Medium 61. Which of the following would be of interest to biological theorists? a. language development c. personality development b. social development d. cultural development ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Reading, The Macrosystem and Independence, Online OBJ: LO8: Discuss controversies in development MSC: TYPE: Medium 62. Which of the following is defined as the processes within an organism that guide it to develop according to its genetic code? a. biology c. nurture b. nature d. instinct ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Reading, The Macrosystem and Independence, Online OBJ: LO8: Discuss controversies in development MSC: TYPE: Easy 63. Whose theory is the most discontinuous? a. Erikson c. Bronfenbrenner b. Vygotsky d. Piaget ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Reading, The Macrosystem and Independence, Online OBJ: LO8: Discuss controversies in development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 64. Which of the following would be an example of Locke’s theory? a. Children are born evil. b. Children are born good. c. Children are born with inherent knowledge. d. Children are born with nothing. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO8: Discuss controversies in development MSC: TYPE: Medium 65. Which of the following would be an example of the naturalistic-observation method? a. Watching children play c. Asking children what they like to play b. Creating a game for children to play d. Asking children about their play history ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO9: Describe the naturalistic-observation method MSC: TYPE: Medium 66. A scientist decides to see how many cars use the far parking lot in the early morning. He sits inside where he can see the parking lot and counts cars. Which type of research is he using? a. naturalistic-observation c. experiment b. case study d. survey ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO9: Describe the naturalistic-observation method MSC: TYPE: Medium 67. Which of the following is a carefully drawn biography of the life of an individual? a. naturalistic observation c. standardized test b. case study d. survey ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO10: Describe the case study MSC: TYPE: Easy 68. A researcher wants to look at a few children using a method where he can gather a lot of information on what has happened in their lives so far. Which method should he use? a. naturalistic-observation c. correlation b. case study d. standardized test ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO10: Describe the case study MSC: TYPE: Medium 69. Which of the following methods is often used in schools when children are all tested at the same time on the same subject? a. naturalistic observation c. standardized test b. case study d. questionnaire ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO10: Discuss the case study MSC: TYPE: Medium 70. Which of the following pertains to a number that varies between +1.00 and -1.00? a. standardized test c. positive correlation b. correlation coefficient d. dependent variable ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO11: Discuss the correlational method MSC: TYPE: Easy 71. Sam found that as the number of churches in town went up, the number of bars went down. Which of the following can be said about this information? a. There is a positive correlation c. There is a negative correlation b. There is no correlation d. There is a correlation coefficient ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook | Animation, The Experimental Method, Online OBJ: LO11: Discuss the correlational method MSC: TYPE: Easy 72. Mike has found that the more he studies, the higher his test scores are. Which type of correlation is this? a. correlation coefficient c. positive correlation b. zero correlation d. negative correlation ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook | Animation, The Experimental Method, Online OBJ: LO11: Discuss the correlational method MSC: TYPE: Easy 73. Which of the following is a proposition to be tested? a. correlation coefficient c. hypothesis b. experiment d. variable ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO12: Define hypothesis MSC: TYPE: Easy 74. Which of the following is the basis for what an experiment seeks to do? a. correlation coefficient c. variable b. hypothesis d. selection factor ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO12: Define hypothesis MSC: TYPE: Medium 75. A researcher proposes that student performance is affected by temperature. What is this called? a. An experiment c. A hypothesis b. A selection factor d. A dependent variable ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO12: Define hypothesis MSC: TYPE: Medium 76. Which of the following is the preferred method for investigating cause and effect? a. correlational study c. experiment b. case study d. naturalistic observation ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Remember REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO13: Discuss the experimental method MSC: TYPE: Medium 77. In a study to determine whether temperature affects test performance, what is the test performance? a. dependent variable c. correlation coefficient b. independent variable d. experimental group ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO13: Discuss the experimental method MSC: TYPE: Medium 78. Addie is assigned to a group that does not receive the treatment being studied. What is her part in this experiment? a. She is part of an experimental group. c. She is part of a control group. b. She is part of the dependent variable. d. She is part of the treatment group. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO13: Discuss the experimental method MSC: TYPE: Medium 79. Matt created a study that looked at how children adjusted to divorce at the ages of 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. Which type of research is this? a. correlational c. observational b. experimental d. longitudinal ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO14: Describe the use and benefits of longitudinal research MSC: TYPE: Medium 80. Steve decides to do a study on intelligence in math based on age. He takes three groups of children in three different ages and studies them at the same time. Which type of research is he conducting? a. experimental c. cross-sequential b. observational d. longitudinal ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO15: Describe the use and benefits of cross-sectional research MSC: TYPE: Medium 81. Which of the following is required from each participant in a research study? a. release of liability during the study c. obedience during the study b. consent to participate in the study d. commitment for the entire study ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO16: Discuss ethical issues in developmental research MSC: TYPE: Medium 82. The Skinner box trains a rat based on which of the following? a. classic conditioning c. social learning b. observational learning d. operant conditioning ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Video, Classical Conditioning, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 83. What did the Skinner box demonstrate? a. The rat’s ability to learn its way around a maze. b. The rat’s ability to get out of a box. c. The rat’s ability to find food. d. The rat’s ability to learn how to get its water. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Video, Classical Conditioning, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 84. What did Skinner’s Pigeon box show? a. Behavior could be learned and altered c. Behavior remains consistent b. Behavior could be learned d. Behavior could be altered ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Video, Classical Conditioning, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 85. What did Skinner determine based on the Skinner box? a. We are shaped by free will. b. We are shaped by our environment. c. We are shaped by actions and free will not consequences. d. We are shaped by actions and consequences not free will. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Video, Classical Conditioning, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 86. What alters the behavior of the pigeons in the Skinner box? a. reinforcements c. punishments b. stimuli d. consequences ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook | Video, Classical Conditioning, Online OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Easy 87. Which ethical guideline did Watson’s experiment with Little Albert violate? a. Participants may withdraw from the study at any time, for any reason. b. Participants must provide voluntary consent to participate in the study. c. Participants should be offered information about the results of the study. d. Researchers are not to use methods that may do physical or psychological harm. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook | Reading, Ethics and Conditioning Little Albert, Online | Video, Positive versus Negative Reinforcers, Online OBJ: LO16: Discuss ethical issues in developmental research MSC: TYPE: Medium 88. Why was Watson’s research with Albert controversial? a. The baby did not like bunnies. c. The baby was unsupervised. b. The baby was clearly in distress. d. The baby was bribed with candy. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook | Reading, Ethics and Conditioning Little Albert, Online | Video, Positive versus Negative Reinforcers, Online OBJ: LO16: Discuss ethical issues in developmental research MSC: TYPE: Medium 89. Which of the following would be the likely IRB determination of Watson’s experiment with Albert? a. The IRB would allow it as it was conducted. b. The IRB would allow it as long as the mother was present. c. The IRB would allow the rat but not the bunny. d. The IRB would not allow the experiment. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook | Reading, Ethics and Conditioning Little Albert, Online | Video, Positive versus Negative Reinforcers, Online OBJ: LO16: Discuss ethical issues in developmental research MSC: TYPE: Medium 90. Why are ethical guidelines valuable? a. They reduce experiment liability. b. They limit the amount of research. c. They obligate participants to complete the experiment. d. They protect the well-being of the participants involved. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Understand REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO16: Discuss ethical issues in developmental research MSC: TYPE: Medium SHORT ANSWER 1. How does Freud’s phallic stage compare with Erikson’s initiative vs. guilt stage? Describe one similarity and one difference. ANS: Both stages occur approximately around three to six years of age. Freud focused on negative development resulting from fixation while Erikson looked at how children can become proactive. PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Evaluate REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO2 Discuss Freud's theory of psychosexual development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 2. Explain the series of events that occurs when you use positive reinforcement in an effort to get your child to study more? ANS: When the parent sees the child studying, he praises the child and provides positive feedback. The child then studies more. PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Evaluate REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO3: Discuss the behaviorist perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Medium 3. List three of the characteristics of the concrete operational stage and give an example of each. ANS: The child develops conservation concepts: the child can distinguish between a cake and cupcakes and knows they both contain the same amount. The child can adopt the viewpoint of others: the child can see that others might favor vanilla over chocolate. The child shows comprehension basic to relational concepts: the child can see that one line on a board is longer than the other. PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Evaluate REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO5: Discuss Piaget's concepts and his stages of cognitive development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 4. List the systems of Bronfenbrenner ecological perspective and give an example of each. ANS: Microsystem - family Mesosystem - school Exosystem - health care Macrosystem - cultural beliefs Chronosystem - historical changes PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Apply REF: 1.1 Theories of Development, Textbook OBJ: LO6: Discuss Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective on development MSC: TYPE: Difficult 5. Explain the difference between a dependent variable and an independent variable. ANS: A dependent variable measures the effects of the independent variable. The independent variable is manipulated to determine the dependent variable. PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Evaluate REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO13: Discuss the experimental method MSC: TYPE: Medium 6. Define cross-sequential research and discuss its benefits. ANS: Cross-sequential research obtains two samples of children and studies them at two different intervals. The full span of the ideal longitudinal study is broken up into convenient segments that can be studied in a shorter period of time. PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Analyze REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO15: Describe the use and benefits of cross-sectional research MSC: TYPE: Difficult 7. What are ethical standards intended to accomplish? ANS: Promote the dignity of the individual, foster human welfare, and maintain scientific integrity. PTS: 1 DIF: Bloom's: Evaluate REF: 1.2 Research Methods in Life-Span Development, Textbook OBJ: LO16: Discuss ethical issues in developmental research MSC: TYPE: Difficult

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