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example of formal essay

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Parents’ Role in the Education of Their Child
Going to school can be the best experience of our lives; however, it can also be really hard. When we are engaging with all our classes and we are doing well, the school becomes easy. But for others the school becomes their nightmare, for the rest of the year. When they are doing the things not too well is when parents’ support become our light in all the darkness. Parents can intervene in our education and having their attention and help can make things easier. Parents’ support becomes necessary in the school like in the home. Parents' support is the key to better behavior and improvement for kids inside and outside of the school.
 First, regular communication between parents and teachers is the key to improving student achievement. The parents know their child very well, better than anyone else. They know their childs strengths and weaknesses. Parents should share their knowledge to help the teachers to build a good environment of interest and learning style that can help the child to feel good in the school. In the communication parents and teachers can share how the child is working at home and what he or she does in the classroom, because parents take control of children at home, but teachers take care of them in the classroom.
As I see my parents communicate with my teachers it makes me feel comfortable at home and in the classroom. As an example, when I was in high school my parents attended all the conferences with all my teachers in which they discussed all my behavior. My teachers and my parents were so close; my teachers communicated with my parents weekly to let them know how my progress was in the week and to know what my parents thought about it. All the time I felt comfortable, because it was a proof that my parents and teachers cared. I felt that my education and my future were important for them, and that that they wanted me to succeed.
Furthermore, if parents and teachers spend some time to discuss the progress of the child, it will be helpful for both parents and teachers. In the article “What the Best Education Systems are Doing Right” Amy Choi discusses that in Finland teachers teach 600 hours a year, and the rest of the time they spend their time in meeting with colleagues, students, families, because Finland has the best system of education in which spending time meeting parents and teachers make it a successful system. This is an example of how parents should be in every country, having communication constantly with teachers to discuss their child development.
In addition, parents should ask about the classes of their child, and they need to take the role as a teacher at home but for help, and not to do the work for them. When the kid is not engaged with class, he will feel unsuccessful and stay bored all the time in the classroom, so he will not participle in the class activities. Helping child can be an advantage for the kid and for the parents, because he or she will learn how to do well with any subject and the parents will learn how to be confident with their child.
For example, my experience in Middle School was good. When I was doing my homework for my math class, the sums and the multiplication table for the number 8 was hard, and my parents helped my all the time. When I had questions about my homework or even a personal question they were there and are for me all the time that I need.  When they don’t know how to answer me they figure it out, and always I grow up with the help and they feel more comfortable with me.
My experience with my parents is recommended by experts as well. Every child learns differently, and they can learn fast or slow. It doesn't mean that they are in the wrong way; they are going but without direction because they don’t understand where they are going. According to a PBS Parents article, “Many children use a combination of modalities to study and to learn.... by paying attention to how your children learns, you may be able to pique his interests and explain tough topics by drawing pictures together, creating charts, building models...” (“The Role of Parents”). Parents should check how they learn so when their kid needs help, they help him in the way that he or she understand. They learn using their own system and parents should follow that system to help them to grow up in class.
Making sure the kids are acting right in school is another way that parents need to be involved in order to help them to do the things in the right way. When the kid is in the school the parents don’t know what he or she is doing. Parents might think that their child is in the school learning, but maybe the kid is doing other things that are bad for his or her education. They can stay in class but maybe the child is using the phone and is not paying attention to the class. Another thing is the bullying; the kids think that the bullying is the way to have some fun, but they don’t see that it is bad for others. And if the parents don’t check this on time the kids will continue with the bullying.  
Currently the internet and the bullying are the main problems in schools, and teachers argue that without parents’ support they can't stop it. Parents should intervene with these things often, because when they want that the kids succeed in school, they can take control over these things. Internet is the biggest risk and bullying the most dangerous action.
For example, when I am doing my homework and I am using the internet, my parents are checking me all the time. When I use the computer, I try to don’t use the social media because this can be a distraction for me in my house and in class. All the time my parent check on me every 30 minutes what I have done, because they want to make sure that I am working. They establish limits on me and my sister at the time that we are doing our homework and we are using the internet. They explain to us that we can't use the internet in class and don’t use too much in the home. My parents think that we learn better from the books than the internet, because the internet is too dangerous.
Kids simply do not recognize bullying behavior as harmful and this is part of the problem, so parents have the duty to do their part to ensure that their kids do not bully others. According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, the parents should act immediately when the bullying is happening and explain. “They need to regularly remind their kids about the importance of treating others the way they would want to be treated.... they should talk about how some things they might do or say to someone that seems funny at the time are harmful.” (Patchin). Parents also have the homework to teach at their kids how to act with others and explain the importance of a friendship. Kids learn if parents do things with the intention to make a change on them.
Ultimately, there is a rainy night in which a kid is alone walking in the big street, and then few meters away the kid finds a tree with a light where he sits and sees the darkness around him. This is how the kids see their parents’ support, as the tree and the light; you can find them in the worst time. They are the answer to the problems that we have without solution. Maybe parents should think about what their kids need to walk with them together. Parents are the role models for the kids and as a role model they can teach them about many things that are dangerous and for them there seems to be no danger. Parents should contact school teachers to know how can both parents and teachers work together to make a better behavior and improve a better future for the kid. Currently some parents work thinking that they can offer a better life for their kids, but the reality is that kids need love and attention from the parents not money. The parents should support their children, because they don’t know what their child feel without their support and help.
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