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University of South Carolina - Lancaster : USCL
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Contributor: Montana
Category: Marketing
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   Measurement.docx (25.6 kB)
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Measurement in research
There are many concepts which are abstract in nature but they sometimes need to be defined numerically to make data usable in quantitative analysis. Measurement is a method through which concepts which cannot be observed are converted or linked to events which can be observed. One example of such concept is emotion, which cannot be seen or observed, is abstract and so is linked to questionnaire which helps quantify the subject. The three main steps of measurement process are as follows: Identification of and explaining the concept of interest: First, the concept i.e. the property of the person, good, etc. which is to be studied is identified and explained. The key steps here are identification of concept, development of conceptual definition and then development of operational definition. Specification of event which is observable: The key steps here are identification of correct measurement level, and selection of type of questions to be asked. Evaluation and revision of observable event: Here, the steps are that questions are written and their reliability and validity is accessed. Conceptual definition is expression of the main idea behind concept. This definition helps differentiate the study concept from other similar and confusing concepts. An example of concept definition is clear mentioning of the happiness the viewer feels whenever he watches certain advertisement. Operational definition is translation of the main concept of interest which is mostly unobservable into observable events by clearly explaining the important observable characteristic of the concept. The operational definition brings clarity in the translation part of converting from unobservable concept to observable event. The process of the conversion from concept of interest to operation definition is as follows: The concept of interest should be first clearly mentioned as it would help understand the origin of conversion process. All the different facets of the meaning of the concept should be explained. This would help cover all the aspects of concept of interest while conversion. Mention what could be observed in relation to concept. This is formalization of operational definition. Then analyze and select one or more of the points mention in the step just before. This helps in analysis of the above mentioned steps and revision if any detail is left. In nominal level of measurement, the measured or observed characteristics are just classified in different categories. The mathematical operation which could be formed from data obtained by nominal measurement is minimal i.e. like percentage. For e.g. when there is question about gender then researcher can measure it using classification, male as 1, and female as 2. There are four different levels of measurement. These levels are nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. Each level has different characteristics and different level of information is shown by displayed by data collected from different level of measurement. In nominal level of measurement, the measured or observed characteristics are just classified in different categories. The mathematical operation which could be formed from data obtained by nominal measurement is minimum. The characteristics of nominal measurement are that the categories of classification made should be mutually exclusive and should cover every different type of data present, each classification should be represented by numbers, and the item in one category are considered to be same. One example for nominal measurement could be Classify the public into two categories i.e. Attended college or never attended college. Assign 1 to first category and 2 to next. In ordinal level of measurement, the measured or observed characteristics are just classified in different categories along with their ranks. So, the category expresses the characteristics of study possessed by individual on a greater than or lesser than scale. The relative difference between the categories is not defined. One example for ordinal measurement could be classify the public into three categories i.e. Attended college, attended school or never attended college or school. Assign rank 1 to first category, 2nd to next and 3rd to last. In interval level of measurement, the measured or observed characteristics are just classified in different categories along with their ranks. So, the category expresses the characteristics of study possessed by individual on a scale where the magnitude of difference between the categories in scale could also be measured. One example for interval measurement could be measure the likeness of taste of the beverage under five categories i.e. very good, good, average, bad, very bad.

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