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Twitch Contractions & Summation

Uploaded: A year ago
Contributor: Salas.06E
Category: Anatomy
Type: Report
Tags: Anatomy
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Filename:   Self authoring questions A&P 2nd exam reflection.docx (14.67 kB)
Page Count: 2
Credit Cost: 1
Views: 60
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Write an essay (at least 1 page - font 12, double space) addressing the following questions: 1. What do you think about this class now? 2. What were your expectations for the second exam and from yourself? 3. How did you study for the second lecture exam? Be as specific as possible. 4. Were you surprised by your grade? Why? 5. How are you planning to study for the third lecture exam? Be as specific as possible. 6. What grade are you aiming for on the third lecture exam? Why? 7. If you didn't do well on the second lecture test: do you plan sticking to your new strategy? What did you do to study for the second lecture exam?  8. If you didn't change the way you study, explain why you didn't. 9. Did you attend any tutoring sessions? Were they helpful? Explain why or why not. 10. What are your plans from this point forward? 11. Are you thinking/debating dropping the course? Explain why or why not. 12. Is there something that I can do different to help aid in your future success of this course? There were many expectations when coming into this class. At first, I believed this class would be very difficult to pass. I now believe it is not as difficult as I first thought if you do the work and study the notes. The first exam we took was a bit difficult for me, but it set the expectations of how each exam would be like. For the second exam, I was more relaxed and didn’t stress as much because I knew how to prepare for it more. I studied by going over the notes I made, adding thing to help me remember, and finally doing practice questions or using the kahoots provided. I was very surprised by the grade I got, I was confident I did well on it, but didn’t expect it to be so high. Now that I’ve go the hang of how the set up for exams are, I think the previous way I studied helped me remember the things we went over in class. I think I will continue to use this method and add more fun things to it like a brain dump, matching games, or more quizzes to help me enjoy the time I spend studying. Because of the previous grades I’ve gotten on exams, I hope for at least an 80 on this upcoming test. In this class, we have a group study session every Wednesday that the girls from our high school program go to. This helps me very much because it has me focus on the things, I need help with and, whenever I need help understanding something, the girls in the group help me by explaining it to me. Moving forward I plan to continue to take this class and maintain the grade I currently have by continuing the study method I have been using and adding things I believe will help me. I think the way I’ve been taught and helped in class is very helpful and hope it continues as it currently is.

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