Basically while improving upon the definition of public relations the word mutual understanding between the organization and its publics was rethought and defined to be persuasion for better understanding and the philosophy pertaining to the persuasion and communication theories in the modern perspective.
Main Definitions Of Public Relations
•“It is a planned & sustained effort to establish & maintain
Mutual understanding between an organization & its publics.”
Quentin Bell
Quentin Bell
•“It is a phenomenon & necessity of our times.”
center1270•Word Persuasion would be better than mutual understanding.
Public Opinion is the collective opinion of groups of people.
2 things sure about public opinion:
•It will change •Those who hold an opinion were somehow persuaded to think as they do.
468227-3102 Theoretical Model of PR Practice Communication Model
Behavioral Model
Behavioral Model
Awareness Latent Triggering Behavior
readiness event
Persuasive Strategies Based On 3 Elements
Media Orientation
Whom to tell – How to tell
What Media to communicate
( Choice of medium is very critical. It must be believable e.g. Television Which is highly credible with mass penetration?
Message Orientation
Actually message must be evaluated.
To be effective persuasive appeals must combine the rational & the emotional.
To be persuasive, a message has to present something of value to the target public.
Must be compatible with that public’s motives.
•Source Orientation.
Source of information has big effect on persuasion.
People tend to believe sources that are like them, like they want to be , or like they perceive themselves to be.
Research has suggested that source credentials may not matter as much as a message’s plausibility & message quality.
Propaganda & Persuasion Appeals Some misleading propaganda devices.
Name Calling.
Positive or negative.
Glittering Generalities.
Throngs of greeters. Enthusiastic crowds
3. Transfer.
Famous person’s aura is transferred to less known persons.
Actual endorsement - not transfer.
Card stacking.
Telling one side of story.
Emotional stereotypes.
All kinds of images are so designed like “good Pakistani”, “housewife”, “foreigner” etc.
Illicit Silence.
Basically holding information that would correct a false impression.
Persuasion & Communication Theories
There are 5 important elements
--- Robert Cialdini.
Social validation
Based on the above 5 elements there are 4 principles of persuasion to be kept in mind--
Earl Newman
(Built on concept of personal identification with an idea or a problem).
Suggestion of action.
Familiarity & Trust.
In order to communicate more effectively and positively it is essential that the students should understand the communication concepts and theories guiding them. In this context consumer behavior is very critical and needs careful monitoring. In this lecture we will explain the principles and necessary actions to implement them and monitor them, .we will once again explain the importance of research in these theories and concepts.
8 Principles Apply To Consumer Behavior
Unpleasant appeals can be learned as readily as pleasant ones.
Appeals made over a period of time are more effective.
Unique messages are better remembered.
It is easier to recognize an appeal than to recall it.
Knowledge of results increases learning of a message
Repetition is more effective when related to satisfaction.
Messages are easier to learn when they do not interfere with earlier habits.
Learning a new pattern of behavior can interfere with remembering something else. Research and Persuasion
Research Critical —
It should be understood that research is always very critical in all areas of public relations.
Firstly —
How to collect data.. Whether yourself-In-house – OR – buy research services.
According to Earl Babbie —
FIVE practices which should be safeguarded in a research study.
•Ensuring voluntary participation of all subjects, including employees when the research is of internal publics.
•Preventing harm to the subjects, either psychologically or through analysis & reporting.
•Protecting participants through anonymity &/or confidentiality, the latter occurring when researcher identifies participant but does not reveal information.
•Avoiding deceiving participants something not always possible but highly desirable.
•Reporting & analyzing results fairly & accurately so others are not misled by the findings.
Research involves actual accumulation & storage of information.
As to how research information is used.
How Are PR Practitioners Hampered In Their Efforts To Influence Management?
•Lack of access to management.
•Restraints on information collection.
•Roadblocks to dissemination of timely accurate information.
•A narrow definition of the role of public relations.
Public Relations Responsibility
“Corruption Of Judgment” Dispute is not over facts.
•It is in the interpretation of facts.
•And it is over conflicting value systems.
In Fact The Best Course Is
Return to the following formula for socially responsible PR decision making
•Who are the Publics?
•What are the interests of each in the decision or situation?
•How will an institution’s policy or action affect each of these publics?
•What social values are involved?
•What values are in conflict?
•What will the effects be?
•Can the effects be defended?
SO consequently
If the PR person who loses public’s perspective in fact foregoes public responsibility & has become the “persuaded” rather than the “persuader”.
With the increased awareness of ones rights and the democratic principles and practices in place it is important to know the legal implications in the use of public relations plans and strategies. The students will also be acquainted with important methods to stay out of trouble. We will also explain various repercussions and implications of libel, slander and defamation. We will also discuss regarding public relations role in legal matters.
As Samuel Johnson opined
“The law is the last result of human wisdom acting upon human experience for the benefit of public.”
Francis Maitland Balfour said
“ Law: a mousetrap easy to enter, but not easy to get out of.”
Liabilities Of Practicing PR
Normal legal exposure, like encountered by any other person.
Work oriented legal exposure such as found in the course of normal PR or publicity activities.
Extraneous legal exposure including everything from testifying as an expert witness to getting sports event tickets for a client, to lobbying without registering as a lobbyist or reporting income and expenses from such activities.
Legal Problems: Civil & Criminal According to Morton Simons 5 situations where PR practitioner may be subjected to legal implications.
Participates in the illegal action.
Counsels, guides & directs the policy behind it.
Takes a large personal part in it.
Sets up a propaganda agency to fight enemies of it.
Cooperates to further it.
How To Stay Out Of Trouble
Best way to stay out of trouble is to maintain good relationship with the attorney of the organization…!
5 ways can be helpful
Recognize your individual responsibility for your action.
Know your business.
Ignore the vague lines between advertising & PR, because the law often does.
Decide how far you are willing to go to run a risk of jail ,fine, a cease or desist order or a corrective order.
“Know your enemy” specially which Government agency is likely to go after you.
5 Good Points For PR Persons
Be careful about headlines & pictures.
Carefully select every word, even the smallest one.
Use numbers where essential or important.
Be aware about the ingredients behind the product.
Only repeat a slogan where necessary.
Defamation: Libel & Slander
2 Kinds of Libel: Civil & Criminal
Libel: “written or otherwise published defamation” Slander: “spoken defamation”.
Civil Libel: this is non criminal – such as malicious publication tending to tarnish the reputation of a living person… Injuring his repute.
Criminal Libel: breach of peace or treason --- involves inciting to riot or some other form of violence against the government.
Defense Against Libel Basically Three (3)
Truth: substantial proof that is admissible in court.
Privilege: a fair and true report of a public, official or judicial proceeding.
Fair Comment: statements made in an honest belief that they are true.
Rights of Privacy
Rights of privacy apply only to people, and not to organizations..
4 types of violations
Intrusion into solitude.
Portraying someone in a false light.
Public disclosure of private information.
Appropriation. Using a person’s name or likeness for commercial purposes without person’s consent. In fact it is the privacy violation that causes most PR problems.
Contracts & Consents
Normally PR practitioner should not get involved in contracts etc. Should know about at least 5 such forms:
Model Release. When models are required for some campaign etc.
Employee Contract. Basically job related contracts.
Photo Agreement. Rights to release and use pictures for particular events.
Work For Hire. To hire personnel for some project etc.
Printing Contract. Contracts for getting some printing jobs to be carried out by printer etc.