Uploaded: 7 years ago
Category: Medicine
Type: Outline
, appropriate, thoroughly, hands
, turned, thoroughly, container, touching,
___ used, faucet,
7, scrubbing, hand
, opposite, rinsed
Filename: Berman_8e_Skill_01-02_Hand_Washing.doc
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Hand-washing checklist
Competency Performance Checklist
Skill 1-1: Performing Hand Washing
Student: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
Essential/ critical element? Element Competency Demonstrated?
Yes No
1. If appropriate, introduced self and verified client’s identity.
2. Explained procedure to client.
3. Turned on water and adjusted the flow so the water was warm.
4. Wet hands thoroughly by holding them under the running water and applied soap to hands.
a. Held the hands lower than the elbows.
5. Thoroughly washed and rinsed hands.
a. Used firm, rubbing, and circular movements to wash the palm, back, and wrist of each hand.
b. Rubbed the fingertips against the palm of the opposite hand.
c. Rinsed the hands.
6. Thoroughly patted dry the hands and arms.
a. Dried hands and arms thoroughly with a paper towel without scrubbing.
b. Discarded the paper towel in the appropriate container.
7. Turned off the water without touching the faucet.
___ Used effective body mechanics throughout procedure.
___ Communicated appropriately with the client.
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________
Overall Performance: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Evaluator: _______________________________
Berman & Snyder’s Skills in Clinical Nursing, 8e Copyright © 2016 by Education, Inc. All rights reserved.